Year 2Digital Technologies: Term 2 2017
Core Content and Assessment Overview
Unit Overview / Robotics. How to code a MiP.
Duration / 8 weeks - 6 lessons + 2 after assessment
Summative/Formative Assessment / Week 6
Content Descriptors / Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills
Follow and describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithm’s) needed to solve simple problems.
Week 1: 3 days
Topic–Introduction to Coding Concepts / Differentiation / Resources
Example Learning Sequence
Lesson 1:
Introduce the assessment task and explain the unit
Read If I Were a Wizard and introduce the concept of coding and associated vocabulary. Glossary and explanation in back of text.
Introduce girls to MiP and explore how it works – Bluetooth waves sent from iPad to each device. Make connections to other devices they know that utilise Bluetooth.
Activity idea:
Students create their own superpower based on one of the following concepts
  • Repeats and Loops (P11 10 waves)
  • Sequences and Order (P12 retraces steps)
  • Algorithm (P13 Step-by-step instructions)
  • Variables (P14 labels)
  • Conditionals (P15 When raining you need an umbrella)
  • Functions (P16-17 Making spaghetti and teaching dog actions)
  • Debugging (P18 Dad’s car doesn’t work)
  • Patterns(P19 What we have in common)
Create a poster with blurb explanation about your coding superpower using MiP as your character. / Support: Teacher to scribe superpower explanation
Week 2: 4 days, Anzac Day, Hinze Dam.
Topic –Getting to know MiP / Differentiation / Resources
Example Learning Sequence
Lesson 2:
Re-introduce MiP and demonstrate how he functions
Explore the vocabulary (left, right, backwards, forwards) in relation to MiP.
Explore and play with MiP to familiarise with capabilities.
Discussion about capabilities
Activity idea:
MiP Challenge
  • Walk student groups through a selection of movements holding MiP to familiarise with correct direction and vocabulary.
  • Set a variety of challenges for girls in pairs or small groups to play.
  • Challenges are for girls to complete with minimal teacher support to further own knowledge.
/ Support: Teacher to work with supported group initially to demonstrate process.
Extension: / Dan’s Code Poster. Emailed.
Week 3: 4 days, Mothers Day Market (Wednesday), AC Cross Country (Thursday P6)
Topic –Debugging / Differentiation / Resources
Example Learning Sequence
Lesson 3:
Recap MiP and how he functions.
What is an algorithm – boss a student around “stand up, walk to door, open door, shut door, turn around, come and sit back on floor, cross your legs. etc Write steps on board
Modify where a program will fail - Change order of step for opening door.
Predict where a program will fail
Identify an alogorithm that is unsuccessful when the steps are out of order.
Reflect on the bebugging process in an age-appropraite way.
Activity ideas:
Teacher sets up simple path for students to follow. As class (ipad connected to smartboard) put in an incorrect code on MiP app. Demonstrate. Students to investigate what the correct code would be. Repeat challenge with other paths.
Use Code Studio Bee Debugging challgeges (computer connected to smartboard) as a class. Demonstrate first two debugging problems. Girls work in pairs on iPads to solve remaining 8 problems.
Vocab: Directional vocabulary, algorithm, code, debug, program, programming, sequence, / Support: Teacher guides group initalliy and facilitiates discussion. Could use the Code Studio challenges instead of MiP
Extension: Have students create bugged code challenges for fellow students to break. / Code Studio Bee Debudding:

Interactive website with 10 code debugging problems progressing in difficulty.
Week 4:
Topic –Debugging and Creating Code / Differentiation / Resources
Example Learning Sequence
Lesson 4:
Recap on vocabulary – what is an algorithm? Which way is forward (not up) etc?
Student demonstrates how to code MiP
Create an algorithm to transport MiP. Ask extending student to go into break out space
Change algorithm to be incorrect – extending student to return and bebug code.
Activity idea:
Coding Challenge!
Set a challenge for students to solve.
Write algorithm to solve the challenge.
Together students will review their success and try and fix any problems with their code.
Create incorrect code for their challenge, student groups rotate and debug another groups code.
Teacher to make notes on student capabilities to inform groups for next lesson.
Helpful teacher notes here - / Support: Not to create incorrect code. Just solve debugging.
Extension: Perhaps grouped together and Extension groups challenge extension groups.
Week 5:
Topic –Coding capabilites / Differentiation / Resources
Example Learning Sequence
Lesson 5:
Students split into three groups – extending, at standard and support using previous lesson notes
All Year 2 Technology classes to take place when Dan is timetabled for Technology. A teacher per group.
Recap coding knowledge and vocabulary.
Students participate in teacher guided activities aimed at capability level.
Activity idea:
Extending Group – Dan
At Standard – Claire or Dale
Support – Claire or Dale / Support: dedicated group with teacher
Extension: dedicated group with teacher.
Week 6:Wolston House (Thursday)
Topic - Assessment / Differentiation / Resources
Example Learning Sequence
Lesson 6: Assessment Task
Activity idea: / Support: teacher / support to read questions.
Weeks 7 & 8: Week 8 House Athletics (Friday)
Topic –Create a MiP story (could do this in an alternate area) / Differentiation / Resources
Example Learning Sequence
Lesson 7 & 8:
Students demonstrate their knowledge of coding by creating a short story where MiP is the main character.
Story to include the following elements
  • Alogrithm – path MiP takes in groups story.
  • Debugging – MiP goesthe wrong way.
  • Sequencing and order – MiP following instructions.
Activity idea:
Students grouped to create their short story.
Story filmed by teacher/presented to class in Lesson 8.
Can use MiP app as well as coding app. / Support: students placed in groups with a variety of capabilities. Guided with coding by extension student/s.
Extension: placed in a group with varing capabilities. Not to take over but to act as a leader on coding aspect. / Craft supplies and/or classroom items for story sets.