Done by the national facilitator
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Name of the country: The Gambia / Month: September 2013 / Name of the national facilitator: Kanimang CamaraHighlights of the month
Below insert not more than 5 bullets as a summary of the most significant achievements. This might be included in the FFF newsletter
- Bio-physical Assessment in 59 Community Forest Areas under the Designation process as described in schedule 5, 6, 7 & 8 of the Gazette in Central River Region (CRR) North and South.
- Facilitation of one day meeting with Sustainable Land Management Project (SLMP) and Innovative Platform of National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI) alongside Action Aid The Gambia initiatives to link the existing ANR Platform to projects to avoid duplication of implementation structures and efforts.
- Repeatfree air time Radio Live Discussion and phone-in programme on the Results of 2010 National Forest Inventory/ Assessment Results in 3 local languages (Mandinka, Wollof and Jola)
- Planning series of awareness raising workshops on the ANR Policy at Regional and District levels with the Agriculture Communication Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture slated to kick start from 21st October for 7 days
Outcome 1: Local communities, sub-national and national authorities practice more effective and sustainable forest and farm management.
(If there is more than one activity, please copy and paste the yellow box below for inserting additional activity)
Activity: Bio-physical Assessment of Community Forests in CRR North and South and assessing Community Forest Committee performance
Purpose: To assess whether original Forests Boundaries have changed or encroached and that the management committees are functioning prior totransferring legal ownership of forest to Forest User Groups.
Results:Assessment conducted in all the Fifty Nine Community Forests in CRR. Results indicated that about 10 of the 59 CFs assessed encountered encroachmentand 2 under conflict (customary ownership and illegal forest product harvesting)
Recommendations/Next steps:
- Re-survey of affected Community Forests
- Strengthening of CF Committees
- Support Forest User Groups with Forest Management Plan development
- Department of Forestry to initiate with lined Departments the Designation processes of the Community Forest Reserves through Forest Notice and Forest Order.
- Awarding of final Community Forestry Management Agreement (CFMA) to qualified villages
Summary of progresses on Outcome 1:
Bio-physical status and CF Committee functionality Assessed in 59 CFs in CRR. Forest User Groups contacted appreciated the intervention. They claimed that since 2006, Department of Forestry failed in their mandate of supporting interested communities to embark on Participatory Forest Management as a result legal ownership transfers were not ensured.
Outcome 2: Cross sectoral coordination, interministerialmultistakeholdersplatforms for sustainable forest and farm management operating at national and sub-national levels.
(If there is more than one activity, please copy and paste the yellow box below for inserting additional activity)
Activity 1: Repeat Radio Live Discussion and phone-in programme on the Results of 2010 National Forest Inventory/ Assessment Results in 3 local languages (Mandinka, Wollof and Jola)
Purpose: To popularize National Forest Inventory/ Assessment Results 2010 for wider stakeholder audience highlighting the downward trend of the loss of forest cover.
Results: Key findings and results of the inventory disseminated in 3 local languages and listeners to the programme made valuable contributions on identifying key drivers and possible strategies to address forest and land degradation (conversion of forests to other land uses as well as communal efforts on combating field and forest fires)
Recommendations/Next steps:
- Facilitate radio programme on Biodiversity and Wildlife Policy alongside Wildlife Conflict with Farmers
Summary of progresses on Outcome 2:
Radio phone-in programme conducted with active participation of the population. Key concerns of farmers raised especially wildlife damage to crops, field and forest Fire Management and conservation livelihoods.
Activity 2: One day meeting of Sustainable Land Management Project (SLMP), Innovative Platform of Ministry of Agriculture and Action Aid The Gambia
Purpose:To link the existing ANR Platform to projects and programmes to avoid duplication of implementation structures and efforts.
Results:ANR Working Group and Platform members agreed that the existing ANR Platform could perform the function of an SLM Platform. The modalities to be worked out by the Head of SLM Project, Innovative Platform Coordinator and Coordinator on Partnership at Action Aid with support of the national FFF Facilitator. The team is expected to report to ANR Working Group and Platform during their next meeting.
Recommendations/Next steps:
- Conduct District and Regional awareness raising workshops on approved ANR policy and Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible governance of tenure(Forest, Fish, Water and Land),identify gaps between policies, practices and identify possible ways forward
- Facilitate regular ANR platform meetings with agendas in which forest and farmer issues (such as tenure) can be discussed at policy level and NFPG ensures outcomes disseminated to apex bodies
- Meeting with Head of SLM Project, Innovative Platform Coordinator and Coordinator on Partnership at Action Aid on creating synergy and complementarities
Summary of progresses on Outcome 2:
Awareness created on Results and outcomes of National Forest Assessment through series of radio programmes.
Coordination and collaboration amongst stakeholders initiated and further follow-up work recommended.
Outcome 3: Local communities and farm organizations have the capacity to invest in sustainable forest and farm management and integrate into the market.
(If there is more than one activity, please copy and paste the yellow box below for inserting additional activity)
Recommendations/Next steps: Conduction of 2 days Market Awareness meeting with Cashew Farmers Association and other actors along Cashew value chain slated for the 19th and 20th October 2013 in Jenoi, Lower River Region
Summary of progresses on Outcome 3:
Outcome 4: National and global agendas and initiatives (such as those on food security, poverty reduction, forest management, illegal logging, trade, biodiversity and climate change) are informed about the knowledge and priorities of smallholders, women, communities and Indigenous Peoples.
(If there is more than one activity, please copy and paste the yellow box below for inserting additional activity)
Recommendations/Next steps:
Summary of progresses on Outcome 4:
(Please mention the progresses on LoAs being drafted, or implemented and monitored this month)
(Publications, newsletters, radio spots, press releases, articles and website posts) / Repeat Radio Live Discussion and phone-in programme on the Results of 2010 National Forest Inventory/ Assessment Results in 3 local languages (Mandinka, Wollof and Jola)
Annexe 1: Reflection on the FFF implementation process and activities
Below you can add some reflections/lessons on the implementation of the activities and operational aspects which could be useful for the FFF Management Team in view of improving FFF modus operandi. Please share constructive suggestions.
Strengthening of cross-sectoral coordination on Natural resource management and organization of Farmer Groups for markets and policy dialogue calls for key attributes and skills that Facilitator of the process needs to acquire such as:
- Ability to steer the discussions, articulate issues and concerns clearly
- Remember how important it is in communication to listen carefully
- Remember that good communication and facilitation skills are among the most important assets of a facilitator
- Be able to triangulate using multiple methods and tools to collect information for reliability
- Be flexible
- Maintain “eye contact” during facilitation
- Be able to probe into issues
- Guide decision making processes and not to influence outcomes
- Facilitators’ shuttle consultation among stakeholders facilitates consensus on issues of relevance
- Rotating the venue of coordination meetings among partner institutions cultivates sense of responsibilities, equality and togetherness.
Annexe 2: Activity details
If you want to provide us with a detailed presentation of the activities, please insert below some narrative explanations, or any relative documentation (such as list of participants, details of the discussions, programme of work, time framework ,....) you would like to share with us, or to be uploaded on the website.
Report of the Bio-physical Assessment of Community Forests in Central River Region (CRR) North and South to facilitate Forest Tenure transfers to Local Communities
With the support from Forest and Farm Facility, the survey and designation team left for CRR on the 17th of September 2013 to facilitate the bio-physical assessment of fifty nine (59) CFs in CRR north and south. As proposed the Regional staffs of CRR north and south were summoned to their respective head quarters (Jangjangbureh and Jarumeh Koto respectively), they were briefed on the activity and orientation done for the involved field staff on mode of data collection and observations.
Activity plan for collecting the required information developed with field staff. Below table are results of the 10 days field exercises.
Village Name / CF Name / District / Area in Hectares / CF Biophysical Status and functionality of CF committee membership / Next stepMbayenBurama / Kolonjulu / Nianija / 12.1 / CF is not encroached but there is a need for committee strengthening due to weakness of CF committee / Committee strengthening
Sanguleh / Nianimarro / Niani / 29.7 / The CF is encroached on the south but not so significant. There is a need for committee strengthening as it is so dormant. / More sensitization needed and CF committee to take leading role in CF management
Tabanani / Ali jama / Sami / 33.3 / The CF is not encroached but there is a need for committee strengthening as it is so dormant / DoF to provide fuel to the staff to be regularly visiting the village
Buduk / kuruwellegi / Nianija / 19.5 / No encroachment of CF but CF committee is so dormant / Committee strengthening needed
Nyangabantang / Douguma / Niani / 41.3 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Jingory Mustapha / Laddehmustapha / Niani / 8.1 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Mbaienwollof / Gelajondow / Niani / 45.0 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Sinchutamsir / Kawraljokerehendam / Nianija / 12.6 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Kujew / Maridala / Sami / 50.9 / No encroachment and a significant increment in vegetation cover due to proper protection / Roles of CF committees should be well defined
Timpa / Dinkara / Sami / 57.9 / The CF is not encroached but there is a need for committee strengthening as it is so dormant / Committee strengthening needed
Kerr Mot Ali / Ndigal / Upper saloum / 21.8 / The entire village migrated to Senegal and new settlers need to develop CF management techniques as the CF is encroached significantly for farming / Re-survey needed,
general sensitization of new settlers and forming new CF committee to continue on CF management
Marsaye, mbayenmanjakhar / Lagal / Lower saloum / 34.8 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Yundum (DaruMbaien) / Hamdalahi / Upper saloum / 26.7 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Lebamalickmbaye / Ndogolorr / Upper saloum / 14.7 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Fassserm / Deg modal / Upper saloum / 24.6 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Kayai / Yang / Nianija / 16.8 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Kerr maila, kerrsambasiranema / Ladehpoloyee / Lower saloum / 29.9 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Yona / Kabonbong / Sami / 20.0 / CF is increased in size by 90% with a weak committee / Re-survey needed and committee strengthening
Konkoduma / Denkula / Sami / 14.0 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Changaiwollof / Sunuhallal / Sami / 253.9 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Fituwollof / Dembambenga / Sami / 43.3 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Jalokoto / Kabba / Sami / 90.4 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Kayai / Kirangto / Niani / 51.5 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Changaifula / Niubung / Sami / 111.6 / Encroachment of over 10% of CF by turning it into a farm land by new settlers. A weak CF committee is found / Re-survey needed to know the current size of the CF and committee strengthening required
Sinchudemba / Kuntembeh / Nianija / 18.3 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Ndakaruanglehdarusalam / Banja / Upper saloum / 52.5 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Ngeden / Ferlo / Nianija / 35.3 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Nyagabantangnyaga bakery / Locloc / Niani / 12.4 / Encroachment of over 10% of CF is evident with a weak CF committee / Re-survey needed and committee
Jamwelly / Perrtayejimiss / Lower saloum / 14.8 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Njalal samba / Laddehnjadawoodeh / Niani / 12.8 / There is an ownership conflict with the neighboring villages / Conflict resolution needed
Battiyungo / Bubawol / Upper saloum / 4.5 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Battikhai / Chewen / Upper saloum / 26.9 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Guijahanka / Pulaye / Upper saloum / 75.4 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Genjiwollof / Ndagen / Lower saloum / 112.5 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Jimbalaguijahankakerrkara / Bokaholl / Lower saloum / 41.5 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed and developing of management plan
Madinadutawally / Kobaja / Fulladu west / 28.0 / The CF is inaccessible due to heavy rains and thus putting the CF into an island / Train committee members on their roles and responsibilities. developing of management plan needed
Boraba / Kanchellebesh / Fulladu west / 47.3 / The CF is not encroached but significantly increased in order to manage the remaining forest resources / Re-survey necessary as over 20% of the size is increased and committee strengthening is also required
Korop / Wulasanto / Fulladu west / 49.3 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Madinaceesaykunda / Tuboo / Fulladu west / 33.0 / No encroachment but instead increase CF size and a weak CF committee / Re-survey needed,
Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Wuringkunda / Wulaba / Fulladu west / 59.8 / No encroachment but instead increased CF size and a weak CF committee / Re-survey needed,
The committee to be strengthened and the 5yr management plan to be developed
Sotokoi / Kongk-koto / Niamina East / 249.9 / Conflict zone and no assessment was conducted there / Conflict resolution needed
Tubanding / Waato / Fulladu west / 40.0 / No encroachment but instead a significant increase of the CF in size. / Re-survey needed
Sareyewtu / Jandam / Fulladu west / 6.2 / Encroachment of CF is evident with a weak CF committee. Almost 40% of the CF is cut down for farming / Re-survey needed and committee strengthening required
Bambakolong / Bambakolong / Niamina east / 13.8 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Jahally / Wayibiru / Lower fulladu west / 219.3 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Saremalang / Tamantumalang / Lower fulladu west / 44.0 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Karantaba / Karantaba / Niamina east / 37.0 / More than 15% of the CF is encroached and very weak committee / Re-survey needed and committee strengthening
Sankulaykunda / Sellabato / Lower fulladu west / 397.0 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Ndakarukebasusosinchusaralellel / Kaheru / Upper fulladu west / 233.01 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Buruko / Sibikrawto / Upper fulladu west / 26.3 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Saremansong / Fankanta / Upper fulladu west / 7.9 / More than 8% of the CF is encroached and very weak committee / committee strengthening is required
Sarengai / Niokolokoba / Lower fulladu west / 92.8 / Its encroached but insignificant, the committee is weak. / committee strengthening required
Boweh-fulbeh / Bowal / Lower fulladu west / 24.5 / The entire CF is cut down for farming due to conflict over ownership within the village. But promise to plant trees and start CF activities / Re-survey needed and committee strengthening
Konkofulla / Sankulejang / Lower fulladu west / 32.6 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Committee strengthening needed
Santantobubu / Fankanta / Upper fulladu west / 30.5 / Signs of illegal activities are evident and a very weak CF committee / Stop illegal activities and strengthen the committee
Keserehkunda / Netokoto / Upper fulladu west / 44.7 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Toubadembasama / Farakoto-buloto / Niamina east / 102.0 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
Janjanbureh / Kumbanyeri / Janjanbureh / 15.3 / No encroachment but weak CF committee / Develop management plan and strengthen CF committee
After the completion of the exercise, the following actions were agreed upon with DoF Directorate:
- DoF to re-survey of Community Forest Areas affected by encroachment or changes in land use
- Strengthening of CF Committees as most of the members are new in their positions without any prior orientation on CF concept. This action needs contributions from other actors/ institutionswith “People’s skills”
- Support Forest User Groups with Forest Management Plan development because it is a requirement for managing committee to access market for Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products. Gratis forest product utilization permits and licenses are issued to Forest User Groups upon approval of CF Management Plan.
- Department of Forestry to initiate with lined Departments the Designation processes of the Community Forest Reserves without encroachment or major changes in physical boundaries through Forest Notice and Forest Order to be published in the Gazette.
- Awarding of final Community Forestry Management Agreement (CFMA) to qualified villages after following the due process.
Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) Working Group Coordination Meeting
Date:Tuesday 17th September 2013
Venue: National Environment Agency (NEA) Head Office,Kanifing
Purpose:Coordination of stakeholder efforts to avoid duplication in supporting Sustainable Land Management (SLM) and assessment of activities carried-out so-far with support from FFF Initiatives
Participants: See attached list