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LIST NO: 2009-10
This is a listing of various psychological tests and related items available with or through
Manasayan. This list is prepared to keep the size within manageable limits and to give
you an idea of the wide variety of inventory we possess or can order for you, and which
would offer you a wide choice of instruments for your needs. Almost all the tests here are
our proprietory items i.e. either published here or abroad, or distributed here by us for their
respective foreign publishers. All tests usually contain several components, and are available
in complete sets, or as loose supply of individual components. For many of the items,
specimen sets or starter sets are also available, these may not always contain all the
components but will be good enough for any preliminary evaluation. Some tests are also
available in different versions and forms. Wherever possible, we have included information
about related items or components, if these are in addition to one or more of the essential
ingredients of the tests such as Test Booklets, Manual. Answer sheets, Profile sheets and
Key. Such additional items may be ordered separately or as a part of the set as specified by
you. If you write us after you make a choice of tests which may interest you, we will send
you a fuller catalogue description and the current prices.
In your enquiry or order, you are requested to mention the Names of Test and the authors,
TheIdentification No. (ID#) and the page no. of the List and mention this source as
LIST - 2009.As usual, most of these items are restricted, available only to qualified users
and havedifferent qualification levels. As a general rule, the items are sold without
restriction to PG Departments of Psychology in Universities and affiliated colleges and
Government institutions; Students and individual and/or private organization can get these
only on bonafideauthentication and/or recommendation from supervisors and qualified
users respectively as necessary.
Tests must always be used by competent and qualified persons or under competent
professional supervision, with appropriate secrecy and ethical consideration. In any case,
they must not be used for coaching and/or for postal administration. Tests are sold on the
condition that they will never be copied or reproduced in any manner except under specific
written authority.
1.01 David’s Battery of Differential Abilities (DBDA) - (Indian adaptation) (English Version Only).
There are eight sub-tests in DBDA, each designed to measure a single primary ability factor.
Each factor contributes a measure of ability important in industrial settings, career &
vocational counseling. The tests in the battery may be used individually or in a combination.
The tests includes: Verbal ability, Numerical ability, Spatial ability, and Closure
(i.e. Perceptual completion ability), Mechanical ability, Psychomotor ability, Reasoning ability,
Clerical ability. This test is for 14 years and above, and takes about 60 minutes to complete.
A.Test BookletsVerbal AbilityPkt. of 25450.00
Numerical abilityPkt. of 25450.00
Spatial abilityPkt. of 25450.00
Closure abilityPkt. of 25450.00
Reasoning abilityPkt. of 25450.00
Clerical abilityPkt. of 25450.00
Mechanical ability Pkt. of 25550.00
Psychomotor ability Pkt. of 100450.00
B.Answer SheetPkt. of 100450.00
C.Ability graph sheets:Pkt. of 100450.00
D.Scoring keys:1 set250.00
E.Handbook1 copy300.00
COMPLETE SET:(25 Test Booklets each) 1 set Rs.5,000.00
1.02 DifferentialAptitude Test (DAT Form LH(Hindi))Manual (Only) by Dr. J.M. Ojha Rs. 200.00
1.03 Indian Norms: Raven’s Progressive Matrices Standard Rs. 300.00
TEST (CAT)Uma Choudhury: Set of Cards with Manual Rs.1500.00
Short Forms for TAT & CAT Blanks by Bellack pkg. of 25 Rs. 350.00
The Children’s Apperception Tesst(Original)
b C.A.T.A Set of Cards with Manual Rs.3,500.00
c. C.A.T.S set of Cards with Manual Rs.3,500.00
d. C.A.T.H Set of cards with Manual Rs.3,500.00
Haworth Schedule of Adaptive Mechanisms in C.A.T. Responses –
Mary Haworth (Pack of 30 Forms) Rs. 1,250.00
e. Handbook of Intensive Brief and Emergency Psychothery 2nd
& Revised Edition Rs. 2,800.00
f.Manual for Intensive Brief and Emergency Paychotherapy Rs. 1,100.00
g. B.E.P. Recording Blank (Pack of 10) Rs. 975.00
Set of Cards with Manual Rs.1,500.00
Short Form TAT & CAT Blanks by Bellack pkg of 25 Rs. 350.00
b. TAT (Original) Set of cards with Manual by Murray Rs. 3,800.00
Set of Cards with Manual Rs. 1,300.00
b. Senior Apperception Test (S.A.T.) (Original) Set of Cards Rs. 3,300.00
Udai Pareek Set A: Contg. 25 Examination Blanks
(in Hindi) 25 Record Blanks & a Manual Rs. 900.00
Udai Pareek Set A: Contg. 20 Examination Blanks
(English) 20 A/sheets a Manual Rs. 2,200.00
Set contg. 25 Booklets, Manual & KeyRs. 500.00
(KNPI) Set contg. 25 Booklets, 100 A/Sheets, Manual(with Key) Rs. 600.00
Set contg. 25 Booklets, 100 A/Sheets, Manual (with Key)Rs. 600.00
Set contg. 50 Booklets, Manual & KeyRs. 800.00
1.9Personal Adjustment Inventory Complete SetRs. 600.00
1.10Marriage Adjustment Inventory Complete SetRs. 800.00
1.11Conflictive Thoughts Analysis Inventory Complete KitRs. 1,000.00
Prayag Mehta Set contg. A Technical Manual for the Indian set of
Pictures,A Manual of the Achievement Values & Anxiety Inventory
(AVAI) & 50 Booklets (Specify) Hindi or English) of the AVAI &
a Set of Pictures Rs. 700.00
b) Social Achievement Motivation: Needs Values & Work Organizations
by Mehta:Rs. 600.00
Set contg. 50 Information Blanks each of Form A and B & 1 Manual,
50 Scale Cards Rs. 400.00
Set contg.50 Scale Forms and a Manual, Rs 300.00
Contg.25 Booklets part-1,25 Booklets part-2,Manual and scoring key Rs 2,000.00
1.14Stewart Maturity Scale (SMS)(Indian Adaptation): T.V. Rao
Trainer’s Kit contg. 10 Manuals(booklet),25 Instruction for
Administrations and a pack of 25 Scoring Sheets Rs.1300.00
(CNPR) S. Chatterji Set contg.. 25 Booklets, 100 A/Sheets,
100 Profile Charts, Manual & a set of Stencils Rs 2,000.00
Set contg. 25 Booklets, 100 A/Sheets, Manual & Key Rs. 700.00
Set contg. 25 Booklets, 100 A/Sheets Manual and Scoring Stencil Rs.1,500.00
1.21LEAD SCALES AND SOVA SCALES : by Prayag Mehta. Test for
Leadership and Social Attitudes. Set Contg. 2 Manuals, 20 Copies each
of 7 Lead Scales and Sova Scales in English Rs.2,000.00
1.22 SEGUINE FORM BOARD (SFB) with Handbook Rs. 900.00
OF INTELLIGENCE - Complete Set (Original) Rs.4,500.00
1.24 Binet - Kamat Test of Intelligence (BKT) Complete kit
(Cards are in Marathi & Kannada) Rs.1,800.00
1.25Malin’s Intelligence Scale for Indian Children (MISIC)
Complete kit with case (6 to 16 years) Rs. 5,000.00
1.26 Indian Adaptation of Binet Simon Scale(1960)by Kulshrestha
Complete kit with Manual in Hindi Rs. 4,000.00
1.27Singh Child Battery of Performance Test of IntelligenceRs. 2,200.00
1.28 Indian Child Intelligence Test (ICIT)-Usha KhireAdaptation of Revised
Amsterdam’s Kinder Intelligence Test (RAKIT)with norms
for ages 4 to 12 years. Rs. 15,000.00
129 . Developmental Assessment Scales for Indian Infants:DASII developed by M.S.University, Baroda,
and New adapted version is based on Baroda Norms. Developed after 7 years of research. AgeRange:
From Birth to 2 years. Testing Time: 40 Minutes. Uses completely indigenous material.
Norms developed in Baroda. Performance profiles in Pune. Integrated development of
Mental and Motor factors is scored separately.Abilities Evaluated: Body Control,
Locomotion, Manipulation, Cognition, Memory, Social interaction, language Development
& Manual Dexterity, Application: Assessment of Mental & Motor Development. Diagnosis
& location of Delayed Development ,Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Intervention programme.Rs.15,000 .00
129bConcept Achievement (Formation Test (CAT)M.Rajamanickam.
The model of this test to some extent was based upon Heibreder's concept attainment test.
The 48 pictures of the test are brought under six sets and in each set there are eight pictures,
which belong to eight different categories at the bottom of each picture a four-letter non-sense
syllable in given as response word. The eight category of pictures are (i) human face,
(ii) animal, (iii) bird, (iv) jug, (v) number three, (vi) number six, (vii) square pattern,
and (viii) circle pattern. These eight pictures are found in all six sets but with different forms
in each set. This is called response set. The other set which is not having any response word at
the bottom of the picture is called stimulus set. Thus, these two, the response set and the stimulus set
constitute the complete test of the concept Achievement Test. Test is satisfactorily reliable and valid
and is meant for adult population. Rs. 1,700.00
129c P.G.I.Battery For Assessment of Mental Efficiency in the Elderly (PGI-AMEE)
Adarsh Kohli, S.K.Verma and D.Pershad. Combined Hindi & English.
This Battery consists of four sub tests – The set test, the standard test, Nahar & Benson test
and Geriatric depression scale and the areas covered are mental efficiency, motivation and
alertness, general orientation to time and place, memory, concentration, depth perception,
muscular cordination and depressive symptomatology and mood associated with old age.
It is for age group of above 55 years of age. Rs. 900.00
1.30Intrest Record- by R.P.Singh Set Contg. 25 Booklets, 100 A/sheets
& Manual(English and Hindi Please specify) Rs. 1,500.00
1.31Non- Verbal Test of Intelligence (NVTI) by Atmaram Sharma
Set Contg. 25 Booklets, 100 A/sheets, Manual & Key Rs. 2,200.00
1.32Mechanical Aptitude Test Battery (MATB) by Dr. Atmaram Sharma
Set Contg. 25X5 Booklets(Combined), 100X5 A/sheets, 1 Manual & Key
(Specify Hindi or English)Rs. 4,200.00
1.33 DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING TEST (DST) - J. BharathrajRs. 500.00
Set contg. 100 Test Forms,1 ManualRs. 600.00
1.36 SOCIAL MATURITY SCALE (Indian Adaptation)
(VSMS) Complete Set Rs. 700.00
1.37 Reading and Spelling Enhancement a kit of 15 such educational games
which is meant for children (even those without learning disabilities)
aged between six and ten yearsRs. 2,500.00
1.38Draw-A-Man Test for Indian Children - Dr. P. PhatakRs. 700.00
1.38a Draw A Person :Practice Manual Normative and Clinical Data
Recording sheets and Response SheetsRs. 1,350.00
1.39Behavioural Checklist for Screening the Learning Disabled
(BCSLD)by Smriti Swarup and Mehta
set contg. Pack of consumable Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 1,500.00
1.40a. Stop Watch - MechanicalRs. 1,500.00
b. Stop Watch - ElectronicRs. 750.00
1.41 Stop clock Rs. 500.00
1.42 Metronome - ElectronicRs. 3,500.00
1.42a Metronome (Original) German Made Rs . 7,800.00
1.43 Koh’s Block Design Test (Complete set with Manual) Rs. 950.00
1.44 Alexander Passalong Test ( complete set with Manual) Rs. 950.00
1.44 b)Knox Cube Test - Manual and Cubes Rs. 550.00
1.45EDLOF : A Test of Emotion Discrimination and Labelling ofFaces
by Dr. Anuradha Sovani for use (Clinical and social setting) Rs. 1,300.00
1.46 AIIMS Comprehensive Neuropsychological BatteryIn Hindi (Adult Form) Rs. 30,000.00
1.47AIIMS Comprehensive Neuropsychological Battery In Hindi (Children Form) Rs. 30,000.00
1.48 AIIMS Comprehensive Dementia Assessment Scale in Hindi Complete set Rs. 22,000.00
1.49a 16 PF Questionnaire 5th Edition(Original)
Includes: 16PF Fifth Edition Adminstrator's Manual, 16PF Interpretive Report Manual;
16PF questionnaires (pkg/10), 16PF Answer Sheets (pkg/25), plus one 16PF Interpretive
Report via Net Assess. Rs. 30.000.00
16PF Fifth Edition Scoring Keys & Norm Table Rs. 6,500.00
1.49b16 PF Questionnaire (English Version) by Cattel & IPAT Staff
Indian Adaptation (Hindi Version) by Kapoor, S.D.
Complete Set Form A and B (Hindi or English Specify) Rs. 3,000.00
Complete Set Form C and D(Hindi or English)“ Rs. 3,000.00
Complete Set Form E(Hindi or English)“ Rs. 2,500.00
Clinical Use of the 16 PF by Samuel Karson Rs. 1,000.00
1.50 High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) (English Version)
by Cattel and Cattell, India Version of HSPQ (Hindi Version) by Kapoor
and Srivastava.Complete Set Form A and B(Specify Hindi or English)Rs. 3,000.00
1.51 Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (Revised) (E.P.Q.R) (English Version
COMPLETE SET Rs. 1,200.00
1.52 Eysenck’s Maudsley Personality Inventory (MPI) English Version
By H.J. Eysenck: complete set Rs. 900.00
1.53 Multi-dimensional Assessment of Personality Scale (MAP Series)
a. MAP Series - Form A (Adult)- - COMPLETE SET Rs. 2,000.00
b. MAP Series - Form T (Teenage)- COMPLETE SET Rs. 2,000.00
c. MAP Series - Form C (Children)- COMPLETE SET Rs. 2,000.00
d. MAP Series - Form P (Primary) - COMPLETE SET Rs. 2,000.00
1.54Children’s Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) (English Version)
by Porter & Cattell, India Adaptation of CPQ (Hindi Version) by Kapoor
and Rao Complete Set Form A and B (Please specify Hindi or English)Rs.3,000.00
1.55Early School Personality Questionnaire (ESPQ) (English Version)
by Cattell & Coan Complete Set Rs.3,000.00
1.56 Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ) (English Version) by Cattell,
Krug and IPAT Staff, India Adaptation (Hindi Version) by Kapoor & Singh
Complete Set(Please specify Hindi or English) Rs.3,000.00
1.57IPAT Depression Scale (or Personal Assessment Inventory)
(English Version) by Krug & Laughlin Complete Set Rs. 1,100.00
1.58 IPAT Anxiety Scale (or Self Analysis Forms) English version by Cattell Rs. 1,100.00
1.59 Neurotiscism Scale Questionnaire (NSQ) (English Version) by Cattle
& Scheir Indian Adaptation (Hindi Version) by Kapoor, K
Complete Set (Please specify Hindi or English) Rs.1,300.00
1.60 Emotional Stability Questionnaire(ESQ)- by Sanjay Vohra (English)
1.61 Psycho-PhysiologicalState Inventory (PPSI) - by Sanjay Vohra (English Version
COMPLETE SET: Rs. 950.00
1.62 Duncan’s Sales Aptitude Test - (Indian adaptation)(English Version Only Rs. 1,100.00
1.63Motivation Analysis Test (MAT) (English Version) by Sweney, Cattell,
Horn, & IPAT Staff., Indian Adaptation (Hindi Version) by Kapoor &
Bhargava Complete Set (Hindi or English) Rs. 2,250.00
1.64Multi-Factor Interest Questionnaire (MFIQ) by Kapoor & Singh
(Hindi or English Version) Complete Set Rs. 1000.00
1.65Culture Fair (or Free) (for Intelligence) by Cattell & Cattell. (English version)
Indian Adaptation (Hindi Version) by Kapoor Rao & Singh(Specify Hindi/English)
Scale -1 (Age 4-8 years) complete set Rs. 3,000.00
Scale-2(age 8-14 Years) “ “ Rs. 2,200.00
Scale -3 (age 14 years & above) “ Rs. 2,200.00
1.66Group Test of General Mental Ability (GTMA) (Hindi)
by S. Jalota Complete Set contg. 25Booklets,100A/s,Manual and Key Rs. 800.00
167 A Group Test of Intelligence by S. Jalota (English)
Set contg. 25Booklets,100 A/s,1Manual and key Rs. 800.00
1.69 Word Association Test –by Jung/Kent-Rosanoff(English) Complete set Rs. 700.00
1.70 Global Adjustment Scale(GAS) Form S(Student) (English)
Set contg. 25 Booklets,100 A/s,100 Profile,Keys and Manual Rs. 1100.00
1.71 Global Adjustment Scale(GAS) Form A(Adult) (English)
Set contg. 25 Booklets,100 A/s,100 Profile,Keys and Manual Rs. 1100.00
1.72 Style of Learning and Thinking(SOLAT) by Venkataraman(English)
Set contg. 100 Booklets and Manual Rs. 1,500.00
1.73 Comprehensive Interest Schedule(CIS) By Sanjay Vohra
(English Version) Complete set Rs.1,500.00
174 Levenson’s Scale for Locus of Control Indian Adaptation(English)
by Vohra Set contg. 100 Booklets Manual and Key Rs. 900.00
1.75 Rottor’s Locus of Control Scale(LCS) Hindi by Hasnain and Joshi
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 600.00
1.76Passi Test of Creativity (PTC) English by B.K. Passi
Set Contg, 25 Booklets, one Manual, one Scoring key, 100 A/sheetsRs. 2,300.00
1.77Verbal Test of Creative Thinking (TCW) by Baqer Mehdi Set Cont.
100 Combined Booklets & one Manual Rs. 1000.00
1.78Non Verbal Test of Creative Thinking (TCF) by Baqer Mehdi Set Cont.
100 Combined Booklets & one Manual Rs. 1000.00
1.79Scientific Aptitude Test Battery (SATB) English by K.K. Agarwal
Set Contg 25 Booklets, one Manual, 100 A/sheets Rs. 900.00
1.80Educational Interest Record (EIR) English by S.P. Kulshrestha Set Contg.
Combined Booklets 100, one Manual,Rs. 750.00
1.81Vocational Interest Record (VIR) English by S.P. Kulshrestha Set Contg.
Combined Booklets 100, one Manual,Rs. 750.00
1.82Sodhi’s Attitude Scale (SAS) Revised English by T.S. Sodhi Set Contg.
25 Booklets, one Manual, 100 A/sheets,Rs. 750.00
1.83Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) English by A.K. P. Sinha
and R.P.Singh Set Contg. 100 Combined Booklets, one ManualRs. 700.00
1.84Adjustment Inventory for College Students English/Hindi specify -
by A.K. P. Sinha and R.P.Singh Set Contg. 25 Booklets, one Manual,
one Scoring Key, 100 A/sheets Rs. 900.00
1.85P.G.I. Battery of Brain Dysfunction (PGI-BBD) English by D. Pershad
and S.K. Verma Complete Set Rs.5,500.00
1.86P.G.I Memory Scale (PGIMS) English by D. Pershad and N.N. Wig.
Set Contg. 100 Booklets & one Manual Rs. 800.00
a.P.G.I. Health Questionnaire(PGIHQ-1) Hindi/English(Verma & Pershad
Contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 400.00
b. P. G. I. General Well-being MeasurePGIGWBM–VV) Hindi/ English
S. K. Verma and Anita Verma. Rs. 500.00
. 1.87 Pandey’s Cognitive Development Test for Pre-Schoolers(PCDTP)
(Performance Type) complete set Rs.5,500.00
1.88a Study Habit Inventory—B.V. Patel(Hindi/English-Please specify)
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 600.00
1.88bStudy Habit Inventory (SHI) M. Mukhopadyaya & D.N. Sansanwal
(Hindi/ English) Set Contg. 100 Booklets, one Manual Rs. 800.00
1.89 Rapid Automatic Naming (RAN) –Raj. K.Gupta (English)
Set Contg. 100 Booklets, & one Manual Rs. 600.00
1.90 Diagnostic Spelling Test (DST) –Raj.K.Gupta (English)
Set Contg. 25 Booklets, one Manual, 100 A/sheets Rs. 600.00
1.92 Assertiveness Scale-Tasneem Naqvi(English) Rs. 550.00
1.92 Youth Problem Inventory(YPI) Hindi/English- by M. Verma
Set contg. 100 booklets,1 Manual, Rs. 900.00
1.93 Sentence Completion Test(SCT):Hindi/English by Dubey
Set contg. 100 Booklets, 1 Manual Rs 600.00
1.93B Sacks' Sentence Completion Test Contg. Manual and booklets Rs. 800.00
1.94 Sinha’s Comprehensive Anxiety Test (SCAT) – Sinha
Set Contg. 100 Booklets & one Manual Rs 900.00
1.95Teaching Aptitude Test Battery (TATB)-EnglishBy R,P.Singh and
S.N. Sharma Set contg. 25 Booklets,1 Manual and 100 A/sheets Rs. 900.00
1.96 Teacher Attitude Scale (TAS)-English By J.C.Goyal
Set contg. 100 Booklets & 1 Manual Rs. 600.00
1.97 Case Study Blanks(English) complete set Rs. 700.00
1.98 Dimensional Personality Inventory(English) by Mahesh Bhargava
Complete set Rs. 800.00
1.99 Parent Child Relationship Scale(PCRS)- NaliniRao(English)
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1Manual Rs.800.00
1.100 Moral Judgement Test(MJT):English
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 900.00
1.101 Value Test(Study of Values) by R.K. Ojha (English)
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 900.00
1.102 Occupational Aspiration Scale(OAS) Hindi/English –Specify
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 600.00
1.103 Level of Aspiration Measure(Performance Type)-M. Bhargava & Shah
(Hindi/English specify) Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 950.00
1.104 Level of Educational Aspiration Test(LEAT)-English by Yashmin
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 600.00
1.105 Defense Mechanism Inventory(DMI)- Hindi
Male Set contg. 25Booklets,100 A/s,Manual and Key Rs. 950.00
Female set contg.25 Booklets,100 A/s,1Manual and key Rs. 950.00
1.106 Self Concept Questionnaire(SCQ): Hindi/English specify by Saraswat
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 800.00
1.107 Job Satisfaction Scale(JSS)-English by Dixit
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual Rs. 600.00
1.108 Home Environment Inventory(HEI) )Hindi/English.K. S. Mishra Set contg.100B,1 Manual Rs. 650.00
Introversion Extroversion Inventory(IEI)-Hindi
by Dr. Aziz and Dr. Gupta Complete set with Manual Rs. 700.00
Verbal Test of Intelligence(VTI)-Hindi by Dr. Asthana and Verma
Set contg. Booklets, Answer sheets, Manual and key Rs. 750.00
Mohsin-Shamshad Hindi Adaptation of Bell Adjustment Inventory
(Hindi) Booklets and Manual Rs. 800.00
1.109. Comprehensive Value Scale (CVS) K.G.Agarwal.Hindi/English
It is based on popular semantic differential technique and measures factor values
refinement, power, conscience, stability, masculinty-feminity and ideology. Rs. 800.00