Monday 1/30 and Tuesday 1/31

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / -Demonstrate reading comprehension by taking TGG Quiz Ch.1-2
- Discuss the idea of the American dream- is it a dream or reality?
-Engage in close reading in which we analyze Nick, Jay, Tom, Daisy and Jordan / Analyze Fitzgerald’s language in Ch.1-2 by responding to one of the two prompts given (1-2 double-spaced typed pages).
-You will be evaluated on how well you effectively analyze selected rhetorical techniques to achieve Fitzgerald’s purpose.
-Please incorporate at least 2-3 examples from the text following the “quote sandwich” model (lead-in, quote, analysis). Do not forget to use in-text citations.
-Read Ch.3 for Friday
DEBATE I / -Practice integrating sound effects into script
-Critique structural elements of script with peer
-Define characters (posture, voice, gestures)
-Prepare to deliver speech / -Edit your script based on peer feedback
-Practice performance. Each of your characters should be distinct from one another.

Thursday 1/26 and Friday 1/27

-Introduce SAT Vocabulary Thursdays. See words/schedule online.
-Discuss TGG Pre-Reading
-Lost Generation
-Class Issues
-“Affluent America”/materialism
-Read epithet at beginning
-Review Semester One Midterm / Read Ch.1-2 of TGG. There will be a reading quiz at the beginning of class next period.
Pay attention to any “lavish, descriptive passages”. We will analyze Fitzgerald’s style in addition to content.
DEBATE I / -Analyze character in DI/HI/DUO text
-Determine background information and then become character in “Emotional Party”
-Identify the structural elements of text, and prepare to “cut” script
-Show model of “cut” script
-Review Midterm / -Type 2-3, double-spaced, cut script of DI/HI/DUO. Your script should have a clear beginning, middle and end. See Alice Sebold example on web. Bring script to class next time we meet.

Tuesday 1/24 and Wednesday 1/25

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Welcome Back! Assign second semester seats.
-Review Graduation Project Peer Edit
- Assign groups of six. Follow peer edit guide and check peer’s introduction, body of essay, student-generated visual, synthesis, Works Cited, and publication issues.
-In addition to using checklist, write constructive feedback on peers’ paper
-Conference with peers and reflect on comments / 1. Make necessary changes to Graduation Project Paper and print clean draft. Please make sure you put your name on this draft. When stapling your paper, please put all documents in the following order:
TOP: Teacher Rubric (different than the one you used today)
Third: Peer Edit Sheet. I do not need previous draft.
Bottom: Teacher Rubric from First Three Pages. I do not need rough draft.
2. Complete TGG pre-reading homework. Bring TGG.
DEBATE I / Welcome Back! Assign second semester seats.
-Identify the components of Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation and DUO Interpretation
-Analyze and observe previous National Forensic League champions
-Practice reading sample monologues
-Review exam / Find a dramatic or humorous event you would like to perform. You might want to bring in a few texts. Bring the actual book(s).
You can find a text in the following places:
1)Your own bookshelf. What do you like to read? Choose literature you love.
2)The library. Tell the librarian what types of stories you want to tell and what kind of characters you’d like to play.
3) (this costs money)

Thursday 1/12, Friday 1/13, Tuesday 1/17 and Wednesday 1/18

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Demonstrate knowledge of critical reading and thinking by taking the AP Language and Composition Midterm / 1. Print “Graduation Project Peer Edit” prior to coming to class 1/24 and 1/25
2.Integrate a self-generated diagram, chart, graph, table, map and/or sketch. See “Graduation Project Handbook” underneath “Graduation Project” on website (p.21-23) for details.
3. Reference the self-generated graph/chart/table in paper.
4. Read and print out “Conclusion Writing” from my website and write an effective conclusion.
5. Your paper needs to be 6-8 pages. Works Cited your reflect Works Cited (8-10 sources)
DEBATE I / Demonstrate understanding of public speaking and Debate by taking the Debate I midterm. / STUDY!

Tuesday 1/10 and Wednesday 1/11

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Assignment Tracker: MC Questions. Turn in assignment tracker when finished. You can add “+2” if you brought in cans.
Turn in paper if applicable.
1) Review correct answers for MC passages
2) Test peer with self-generated answer choices
3) Participate in AP Language and Composition Jeopardy / 1. Prepare for Midterm (see website for study guide)
2. Sign up for the AP exam. Please pay online no later than Friday 2/17.

3. Please purchase a physical copy of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We will read the novel following exams.
DEBATE I / 1) Finish storytelling speeches.
2) Identify logical fallacies and label which fallacy matches the correct description.
3) Play Debate I Jeopardy
4) Submit script: (STAPLED)
Top: Revised Draft
Middle: Peer Edit
Bottom: Rough Draft / Prepare for Midterm. See study guide checklist on website.

Friday 1/6 and Monday 1/9

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Assignment Tracker: Revised paragraph with annotations
Warm-Up: Turn to your “America Needs Its Nerds” in class response. Please annotate for the following:
  • Put a squiggly line under thesis and number strategies (1,2,3) listed.
  • Circle/label each strategy (based on numbers from above) discussed in body paragraph
  • Put a star next to each direct quote you used
  • Underline your analysis in which you state WHY the author made the choice to utilize the strategy you named
- Write thesis statements and revise on Promethean
-Discuss strategies Fridman used to develop his argument
-Refresh “rhetorical menu” notes with additional argumentative strategies
-Review Scoring Rubric
-Look at sample papers
- Evaluate papers
-Review Midterm Study Guide
-Individual conferences on Grad Paper (if time) / 1. Complete the sample multiple choice questions from the 2008 AP test (two passages- see website). Answer questions 1-10 for the first passage and write possible answer choices for the second passage. In other words, you will have four question stems, write the answer choices. One answer must reflect the correct answer, the other two must be wrong.
2. Prepare for Midterm based on study guide (see website)
3. Sign up for the AP exam. Please pay online no later than Friday 2/17.

4. Please purchase a physical copy of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We will read the novel following exams.
DEBATE I / 1) Review Storytelling Rubric and Audience Participation Guide
2) Put your name on storytelling rubric and hand-in. This will determine the order in which speeches will occur.
3) Demonstrate understanding of storytelling, but presenting speech to class
4) Submit script: (STAPLED)
Top: Revised Draft
Middle: Peer Edit
Bottom: Rough Draft / Prepare for Midterm. See study guide checklist on website.
I can:
___ define ethos, pathos, and logos
___ recognize when a speaker is appealing to ethos, pathos, and/or logos
___ identify logical fallacies (red herring, tu quoque, post hoc ergo propter hoc, non sequitur, etc.)
___ determine which logical fallacy is apparent when given an example
___ identify the norms/protocols for a Public Forum Debate (see handout explaining PFD)
___ identify the characteristics of voice (volume, pitch, inflections, rates, pause, enunciation and vocal variety)
___ recognize appropriate behavior, gestures, facial expressions during Declamation and PFD
___ read a speech and complete a SOAPSTone (Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, and Tone)
___ read about an issue, articulate a resolution and identify pros and cons

Monday 1/2/12 and Tuesday 1/3/12

Warm-Up: Differentiate between active and passive voice.
1. Review comma rules. Identify the appropriate place to insert a comma.
2. Plagiarism Mini Workshop
3. Review multiple choice passages from before break. Clarify areas of confusion. / Print and read “America Needs Its Nerds” (see website). Annotate and write thesis according to handout.
Blue: Identify the mode (narrative, expository, persuasive or satire)
Yellow: Identify ethos, pathos, and logos (and label accordingly)
Red: Mark the tone shift or contrast (At what point does the author shift his point of view?)
Green: Identify rhetorical question, repetition, juxtaposition, evidence, analogy, metaphor (if present)
Please purchase a physical copy of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We will read the novel following exams.
DEBATE I / Warm-Up: Share stories from winter break utilizing story telling techniques from storytelling unit.
1. Introduce “What things do you carry?”
2. Write story for 25-30 minutes
3. Share stories
4. Formalize and type for next class / Type stories for next class

Thursday12/15 and Friday 12/16

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Turn in first three pages of Graduation Project (STAPLED)
Warm-Up: Name that fallacy. What is wrong with the paragraph?
2. Reviewmultiple choice passages from Five Steps to a Five. Identify which part of the text corresponds with each question.
3. Complete last MC passage in Diagnostic test (p.27-29)
4. Complete the course survey / Enjoy your vacation 
DEBATE I / 1. Present story to a select group of peers
2. Evaluate peers based on introduction, projection, vocal variety, delivery and overall effect
3. Conduct a “Story Smack Down”, vote on favorite story and perform in front of entire class
4. Discuss what makes stories/performances effective
5. Complete a class survey / Enjoy your vacation 

Friday 12/9 and Monday 12/12

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Assignment Tracker: Gary Soto Paragraph
1. Demonstrate understanding of logical fallacies by taking the logical fallacy quiz. Grade in class.
2.Review common errors on first three pages of Grad Project paper
3. Show samples of exemplary students
4. Review Peer Edit (available online) / 1. Type first three pages of Graduation Project (double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font). Do not forget to bold your thesis. Please paginate in the upper right-hand corner. Instead of last name use ID number.
2. PRINTout the “Peer Review first three pages” from my website (underneath “Graduation Project”) and bring to class next class.
DEBATE I / - Demonstrate knowledge of Public Forum Debate by participating in formal debate
- Assess peers utilizing the audience participation form
- PFD reflection
*Turn in presentation outline and Works Cited after performing. Make sure your name is on everything you turn in. / Bring in a favorite children’s book or story.

Wednesday12/7 and Thursday 12/8

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / 1. Identify components of an effective introduction and begin writing
2. Review how to integrate a quote into the body paragraphs
3. Review in- text citations
4. Review Gary Soto annotations
5. Write thesis following thesis formula
6. Write a sample body paragraph analyzing the way in which Soto “recreates the experience of his guilty six-year-old self” /
  1. Study for Logical Fallacy Quiz
  1. Finish Gary Soto analysis paragraph
  1. First three pages of Graduation Project paper due 12/13 (A) and 12/14 (B).

DEBATE I / -Review PFD procedures
- Demonstrate knowledge of Public Forum Debate by participating in formal debate
- Assess peers utilizing the audience participation form
*Turn in presentation outline and Works Cited after performing. Make sure your name is on everything you turn in. / PRACTICE PFDS!!!
Do not forget to dress professionally on your performance date.

Thursday 12/1 and Frida

Monday 12/5 and Tuesday 12/6

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Hand in Formal Outline and Works Cited (STAPLED)
1. Share logical fallacy projects
2. Identify author’s strategies in each mode of writing (narrative, expository, persuasive, and satire). Learn how to recognize and analyze strategies in an AP passage
3. Examine common archetypes in literature and film / Homework: Read the sample AP passage from Gary Soto. Please annotate based on the guide provided on the archetype worksheet.
Yellow: Identify the mode (narrative, expository, persuasive or satire)
Blue: Mark relevant transitional words/punctuation (Which words indicate the author is shifting tones?)
Red: Mark the tone shift (At what point does the author shift his point of view?)
Green: Identify archetypes (Are symbols or familiar prototypes present?)
Orange: Rhetorical devices or tropes that contribute to the overall meaning
Coming up:
  1. Logical Fallacy Quiz- Friday 12/9 (A) and Monday 12/12 (B)
  2. First three pages of Graduation Project paper due 12/13 (A) and 12/14 (B)

DEBATE I / -Review PFD procedures
- Demonstrate knowledge of Public Forum Debate by participating in formal debate
- Assess peers utilizing the audience participation form
*Turn in presentation outline and Works Cited after performing. Make sure your name is on everything you turn in. / PRACTICE PFDS!!!
Do not forget to dress professionally on your performance date.

Thursday 12/1 and Friday 12/2

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Warm-Up: Peer Review outline/ Works Cited
1. Identify transitions/ punctuation marks that steer author’s POV
2. Detect when and how authors shift their POV
3. Practice “dissecting” a sample AP passage /
  1. Complete logical fallacy project. Follow directions!!
  1. Revise outline and Works Cited based on peer feedback
Please staple in order (prior to class):
  1. Formal Outline (final)
  2. Works Cited (final)
  3. Peer Review Sheet
  4. Initial Formal Outline
  5. Initial Works Cited

DEBATE I / Warm-Up: Identify common errors in contentions and evidence
  1. Peer edit contentions, evidence, questions and Works Cited
2. Practice performing pro/con speeches in two minutes / 1. Revise PFD outline/ Works Cited
  1. PRACTICE!!! Groups 1-3 be prepared 
  1. Dress professionally on the day of your performance

Knight Time:

Tell me about your Best/Worst day. In your response include a synecdoche, metonymy, Periphrasis, Anthimeria and Anadiplosis. Label each in parentheses.

Synecdoche= Clap

Metonymy= Snap

Periphrasis: hands in the air

Anthimeria: Sherlock holmes chin Scratch

Anadiplosis: Stand up

Tuesday 11/29 and Wednesday 11/30

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / 1. Review multiple choice questions from 5 Steps to a 5 Diagnostic Exam
2. Brainstorm multiple choice strategies and read p.42-47
3. Apply multiple choice strategies to an additional passage. Work with partner to figure out best choice.
4. Introduce the formal outline due next class
5. Introduce the “Logical Fallacy Project” / 1. Update Works Cited and include four additional sources (15 total). Remove all thesis statements from Works Cited. Bold primary source.
2. Print formal outline and peer edit checklist from the website. Type formal outline following guidelines for next class. (See “Graduation Project”)
3. Print “Logical Fallacy Project” (See Argumentation). Due 12/5 (A) and 12/6 (B)
4. Bring 5 Steps to a 5 to class
DEBATE I / Meet in C-209 today.
-Complete necessary research for PFD
- Find PFD outline on website and type formal outline
- Create a Works Cited page following format
- Determine which student is presenting first and second / Prepare PFD:
  1. Complete outline
  2. Print Works Cited page

Tuesday 11/22 and Monday 11/28

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / Warm-Up: Read “The Devil and Joe Paterno” by Ross Douthat. Identify the central claim, find a quote that supports this position, and articulate a counterclaim.
-Review what makes strong evidence in an argument
-Evaluate student examples of strong/weak evidence
-Participate in a peer edit and provide feedback on a peer’s argument
-Review Max Shulman’s “Love is a Fallacy” /
  1. Complete p.19-20 in Five Steps to a Five (Read the passage and answer multiple choice questions. Bring this book to class next time we meet.)
  1. Find four more sources for your Graduation Project. Next source check in 12/1 (A) and 12/2 (B)

DEBATE I / 1. Read New York Times Op-Ed article “How About Better Parents?”
2. Identify central claim, evidence and counterclaim
  1. Identify claims evidence and counterclaims in selected articles
  1. Practice communicating ideas in 1 min.
/ Enjoy your Thanksgiving 

Friday 11/18 and Monday 11/21

AP LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION / 1. Demonstrate understanding of logical fallacies by finding your match.
2. Identify logical fallacies in context
3. Dissect comics and identify logical flaw(s)
4. Hand back schemes/tropes quiz /
  1. Read “Love is a Fallacy” by Max Shulman

  1. Complete Argument #2

DEBATE I / 1. Review groups, resolutions and expectations for PFD
2. Identify common flaws in logic
3. Test understanding of logical fallacies by looking at specific examples / Find two credible sources (one pro and one con) that support/negate your resolution. Print out articles and highlight/annotate for useful evidence.

Wednesday11/16 and Thursday11/17

1. Demonstrate understanding of schemes and tropes by taking quiz. Spelling matters.
2. Discuss Harper’s Index
3. Review JFK responses. Analyze strong/weak thesis statements and strong/weak scheme and trope analysis. / Please read p.541-543 in Patterns for College Writing and take three-column notes on each logical fallacy. Please record both the English and Latin names if applicable. Your examples should NOT be from the textbook.
Logical Fallacy / Definition / Non-textbook example
Begging the Question
Argument from Analogy
Ad Hominem
1-4 (Group 1)
5-8 (Group 2)
9-12 (Group 3)
13-16 (Group 4)
17-20 (Group 5)
21-24 (Group 6)
25-28 (Group 7)
29-31 (Group 8) / - Pick numbers from a hat and form groups
- Review updated PFD guidelines and schedules
-Within group share articles and resolutions. Identify top three choices and articulate at least one pro and one con for each issue. (submit to Mrs. Stern)
- Analyze charts/data and recognize bias
- Hand back PFDs / No homework 

Monday 11/14 and Tuesday11/15