1970 Broadstone Parkway

Folsom, CA 95630

(916)294-2410 X 410110 Fax (916) 294-2411

Guest pass for “Welcome to the New Age” Saturday, February 28th, 2015 from 7-10pm

Completed applications are accepted until Friday 2/20/15

Incomplete or late forms will not be considered

Tickets sales: 2/17-2/27 $13 w/ASB & $16. w/out

$1.00 of every ticket goes to the Make A Wish Foundation

No Refunds on Ticket Sales

Vista del Lago High School student and guest regulations:

·  No guest over 20 or student below the ninth (9th) grade will be admitted.

·  A valid CA drivers license or ID card from current/previous school is required.

·  High School Guests must show a student photo I.D. card from their home school at the dance entrance.

·  Students must enter and leave with their guests.

·  Vista del Lago High School students are responsible for the behavior of their guest.

·  Vista del Lago High School students are responsible for informing guest of all Vista del Lago High School expected dance behavior and dress code rules. Signing below indicates you understand/accept the behavior policies of Vista del Lago. Failure to comply with school rules will result in dance removal or denial of admittance.

·  Each Guest Pass is verified for accuracy. Any forged signatures result in forfeit of dance/event attendance by Vista del Lago High School student and their guest. The Vista del Lago High School student may receive a suspension.

·  All students and guests may be subject to random “breathalyzer/breath alcohol testing” which will be administered by police and/or administration or staff upon entry.

·  Guest bid tickets ARE NOT SOLD AT THE DOOR. Last day to buy guest tickets is 2/27/15.

DRESS CODE-Casual (White/Neon)

All Vista school dress codes are in effect. Students in violation of the dress code will not be allowed to enter. Students found to be in violation after entering the dance will be removed from the dance.

a.  Spaghetti straps are allowed, however strapless, and halters are not allowed.

b.  NO undergarments showing (No bra straps or briefs).

c.  NO low back dresses or tops.

d.  NO plunging necklines or “revealing” see-through garments will be allowed.

e.  NO midriff showing.

f.  Hemlines or slits must reach mid-thigh or to the tip of your

out-stretched fingers



Students are given a wristband upon entry to the dance. Students (and /or their guests) in violation of the Vista del Lago High School Dance Code will be given one warning (the wristband is removed). If there is a second violation, he/she will be immediately removed from the dance, he/she may receive a suspension, parents may be called, and ID cards must be rendered.

Guidelines for Appropriate Dancing:

In an effort to maintain an appropriate and positive “school” atmosphere at our school dances, freaking (dance movements that simulate sexual behavior) will not be permitted.

Please read the following restrictions carefully.

a.  Partners MUST face each other and maintain a 4–6 inch space between you.

b.  No leg-wrapping.

c.  No body parts on the floor except your feet.

d.  Do not engage in dance behavior where your body touches a person’s private area.

e.  No lifting dance partner off the floor.

f.  Partners may “slow dance” provided it does not extend beyond hugging.

h. No grinding or sexually explicit dancing.


Clearly Print Name: ______Grade: ______

Vista Student Signature ______Home phone #: ______


“I understand that my student will be taking a non-VISTA HS student to this event, and that a guest’s poor behavior can result in consequences for my student.”

Vista Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Home #: ______Cell #: ______


Print Name: ______Age: ______Home phone #: ______

Currently attends: (name of school) ______School phone #: ______

Parent signature is required if guest is under 18 yrs. of age: ______

Students 18 or older or those attending college must put CA Drivers License # here and attach a photocopy of their driver’s license to this form: ______

“I understand and will abide by all the Vista High School rules, policies, and regulations.”

Guest Signature: ______Date: ______

“I acknowledge that the above named student guest has an acceptable CARD HERE

behavior record and is eligible to attend dances at my school and

is recommended to attend the Vista del Lago High School dance.”

Administrator’s Signature: ______

Date: ______