Dodge ball Study Guide


King Pin, Team Continuous, Spider Ball, Regular Team Dodge ball, Medic Ball, Gladiator

Basic Dodge ballRules:

If hit by a ball your out until the player that hit you is out.

The ball your holding gets hit and misses you, you’re still in.

The ball you’re holding gets hit and you drop your out.

You’re allowed to hold the ball no longer than 5 seconds.


Stay spread out. Follow the rules. Be aware of your surroundings.


Be aware of how close you are and how hard you throw the ball. Avoid throws at the head or face.

Jewelry, glasses, contacts are worn at your own risk.


Dodge ball can be both an anaerobic and aerobic workout. It can increase speed, agility, and quickness. This is a great fitness activity for those that enjoy playing it.

“Team Dodge ball”


Team A will try to get all of team opponents out, by sending them to the sideline. The team with the most players on the court at the end of the time limit wins, or the team that has all players in versus all the players out of the game. You can play as many rounds per hour as time permits. Once a player is hit they go to their teams sideline until the player that hit them gets out. Once that player is hit and in their sideline you are back in the game.


If the opponent catches your throw, or you get hit your out. Your out until the player that hit you gets out. If not sure who got you out your out until 2 opposing players get out.

Step over the throwing line and your out until two opponents get out.

You’re not permitted to hold the ball longer than 5 seconds.

You must stay in the designated boundary area.

Caught not following the rules, 5 minute penalty first offense, 2nd offense you’re out of game.


  • Glasses optional, Pay attention, Jewelry your choice, not advised

Strategy is to hit the player on the opponent’s team that has knocked out most of your teammates.

Continuous Team Dodge ball


The game is played with two teams going against each other to get their opponents out. The game starts with the dodge balls divided evenly among the teams. On the whistle you throw the dodge balls at your opponent trying to hit them out. Once you get hit, you sit out until the person that got you out is knocked out. If for some odd reason you don’t know who got you out and neither does your opponents you may enter back in the game once 5 opponents have been knocked out of the game.


If your hit with the ball your out. You are out until that knocked you out gets out.

If you cross the throwing line your out until 5 opponents are knocked out.

Game is over when no players remain on one end of the court or time limit.


No glasses, jewelry, Aim throws away from the head, Pay attention during the game, Watch how hard you throw the ball at short distances


Cardiovascular if you stay active through-out the game, Agility and speed


6 Dodge balls, smaller numbers depending on class size, Cones for boundaries and throwing lines

“Spider Ball”


Dodge ball game in which everyone is against everyone. The last player standing is the winner. If you get hit you sit down right where you got hit and will still be a stationary active player. The stationary players can get other players out but must remain sitting where they got out. They can’t move to get a ball or stand to throw a ball. They are spiders that can roll the ball to other spiders to assist in getting standing players out. If a spider throws a ball in the air and gets out they are then non-active players that must sit on the sideline until we have a winner.


  • You must sit down right where you got hit.
  • No running with the ball. You can only hold the ball for 5 seconds.
  • Spiders can’t move, they can only throw balls to get active players out.
  • Spiders that get out are on the moved to the sideline and inactive.
  • Failure to follow rules results in sitting out one game, 2nd time out for hour.
  • Anyone trying to get out to sit by friends will lose points for the day.
  • Spiders can’t sit on the balls and hide them, 5 seconds only or out of game.


  • Avoid the middle, Avoid crowded areas, Know where all the balls are located on the court


  • Be aware of how hard you throw, especially at close distances.
  • Glasses and jewelry are at your own risk.
  • Don’t aim throws at the face or head
  • Pay attention

"Medic ball"


A continuous team dodge ball game. It's continuous in that you can be saved by the team medic. If your medic gets hit and is out of the game the continuous part of the game is over and it becomes regular out dodge ball until a winning team.


  • When you get hit you must sit down right where hit.
  • The medic can only rescue one player at a time.
  • Players being rescued on scooters can't use there hands to protect the medic. They are out until they are pulled across the back line, so if they are hit it doesn't mean anything.
  • Once the medics are out its not continuous. Medics can still play as regular players.
  • You are out if the opponent catches the ball u throw, if you get hit with the ball, or if you pass the throwing line.
  • If out and waiting to be rescued you can't get anyone out.
  • If you go over the throwing line you must sit down at the line and wait to be rescued.
  • Anyone caught cheating will sit out or be referred.


  • Don’t run hands, fingers, toes over with scooter
  • Don’t pull student being rescued out of control
  • Throw balls low and with the intent not to injure


  • Cardiovascular endurance
  • Agility
  • Catching and throwing skills (Eye hand coordination)
  • Options:
  • 1girl and 1 boy medics. Play with 1 or 2 medics per team.
  • When your team is down to 1 player they can go anywhere.
  • Set time limit on game and determine which team has more players left.
  • End game when medics are gone from your team.

Equipment2-4 scooters, 2-4 jerseys, Cones for boundaries

“American Gladiator”

Dodge ball type game involving agility movements and throwing skills.

Students will be assigned in the middle as throwers or outside as the players.


  • Students must all run in the same direction.
  • You can hide behind the mats for no longer than 5 seconds per mat.
  • Game continues until down to one player or time limit (3-5 minutes)
  • No "peace packs" you must try to get everyone out. New throwers every game.
  • Players that throw must be on the designated mats when throwing to get runners out.
  • Players in the middle throwing can go get the balls after thrown, but must go back in the middle before trying to get anyone out. Throwers can lob the ball over the mats.

Benefits Endurance greatly enhanced , Anaerobic conditioning, Agility , Eye hand coordination

Safety Make sure all students are running in the same direction.


  • Switch directions after a few games.
  • Make class into teams and time witch team stays in the middle the longest.
  • Once hit become a thrower and the thrower become a player.
  • Go back in the middle before trying to get anyone out.
  • Throwers can lob the ball over the mat