Tan-y-lan Terrace




Tel: 01792 772800

Fax: 01792 772800



Pennaeth/Headteacher: Ms Catrin Pugh Jones


Y Corff Llywodraethu, 2014-2015

Cadeirydd: Dr Charlotte Davies


of the Governing Body, 2014-2015

Chair: Dr Charlotte Davies

I am pleased to present Ysgol Gymraeg Tan-y-lan's Governors Report for the year 2014-2015.

The school is continuing to grow and making the best use of the facilities available on the school site. The pupils, as you can see from the report, receive a number of different experiences during the year which stimulate their imagination, their creativity and curiosity with regard to the world around them. I would especially like to thank the head teacher and staff for their hard work during the year motivating the pupils to achieve their potential.

I would like to thank the governors for their continued support and commitment to this school and I look forward to working with them in the forthcoming year. We would like to thank Mrs Linda Gruffudd who resigned this Spring for her leadership as Chair of the Governing body in the vital role in setting up the school.

Yours faithfully

Chair of Governors

Dr Charlotte Davies

Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Tan-y-lan

Headteachers Report


Nifer y plant ar y gofrestr – 130 (Gorffennaf 2015)

Number of children on roll – 130 (July 2015)

Amserau’r Ysgol / School Hours – 2014/2015

Bore / Morning 8.50 – 11.50am

Prynhawn / Afternoon12.50 – 3.20pm

Meithrin Bore / Morning Nursery 8.50 – 11.20am

Meithrin Prynhawn / Afternoon Nursery12.50 – 3.20pm

SCHOOL STAFF 2014-2015

Pennaeth / Headteacher: Ms Catrin Pugh Jones

Deputy Headteacher : Mrs Rachel Collins
Athrawes – Teacher: Mrs Alanna Jeffreys
Athrawes- Teacher: Mrs Leanne Brinn Phillips

Athrawes- Teacher: Miss Nerys Drewson

Athrawes- Teacher: Miss Helen Cousins

Staff Atodol / Support Staff

Classroom Assistant - Mrs Yvonne Davies

Classroom Assistant - Miss Elin Harries

Classroom Assistant - Miss Stacey Pickett
Classroom Assistant - Miss Bethan Williams
Classroom Assistant -Mrs Joanne Buckmaster
Classroom Assistant - Miss Sara Hutin
Classroom Assistant -Mrs Myfanwy Wolsey

School Clerk - Miss Kayleigh Maxwell Caretaker and Cleaner - Miss Dawn Watts

Cook - Mrs Allison Morgan

Caretaker from January - Miss Francesca Wisby

Pupil Numbers

(July 2015)

Year 3 - 11

Year 2 - 14

Years 1 - 24
Derbyn/ Reception- 33
Meithrin Bore/ Morning Nursery - 30
Meithrin Prynhawn/ Afternoon Nursery -22

Constitution of the Governing Body September 2014 - 2015

Chairperson Mrs Linda GruffuddA.Ll / LA(tan/until 31.12.2015)

resigned March 2015

Dr Charlotte Davies A.Ll / LA (tan/until 31.12.2015)

From March 2015

Ysgol GymraegTan-y-lan

Tan-y-lan Terrace




Ms Catrin Pugh JonesPennaeth / Headteacher

Dr Charlotte DaviesA.A.Ll / LA (tan/until 31.12.15)

Mr Robert JonesGymunedol/ Community (tan/until 18.03.16)

Mr Adrian LewisRhiant/Parent (tan/until 18.03.16)

Mrs Ceri DickersonRhiant/Parent (tan/until 18.03.16)

Mrs Rachel CollinsAthrawes/Teacher (tan/until 08.01.16)

Mrs Yvonne DaviesStaff Atodol/Support Staff (tan/until 08.01.16)
Mr Gareth HuxtableRhiant/Parent (tan/until 26.06.18)
Mrs Lowri FulfordGymunedol /Community (tan/until 26.06.18)

Gareth Rees A.Ll/LA ( tan/until 09.06.19)

Started June 2015 following the resignation of Mrs Linda Gruffudd

Miss Kayleigh Maxwell

Clerc Llywodraethwyr / Clerk to the Governors

Ysgol Gymraeg Tan-y-lan
Tan-y-lan Terrace



Governing Body Functions
Regular meetings were held with the full Governing Body and the sub-committees. In every full meeting, the governors received a written report from the Head teacher about the school and its work. The minutes of all of these meetings are available in the school to anyone who wishes to read them.
The governors have been present in a number of activities at the school and have assisted and supported the school as necessary.

1. Events and Successes


We celebrated thanksgiving this year with the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2/3 classes preparing their own class assembly for the parents. We raised money for UNICEF who support families in Africa who are suffering from the EBOLA virus.

Pori Drwy Stori

The teaching and learning activities created by Mrs Collins for the Pori Drwy Stori project in the reception class were chosen as examples of good practice and were filmed by the Book Trust.

Christmas Concerts

All the pupils performed brilliantly in their Christmas shows. The Year 1, 2 and 3 show was the highlight performing Santa on Strike in the Salvation Army Hall.

Educational visits

Different visits were arranged throughout the year to extend and add to the children’s experiences. They included trips to San Fagan, Swansea bay beach, Singleton Gardens, Wiggleys Farm, Llys Nini RSPCA Cente and the Garden Centre at Pontarddulais.

Artists in Residence

During the summer term we had visits from two artists Mary Hayman in the Reception class and Catrin Williams in the year 2 + 3 class. The pupils received wonderful experiences with both artists and their work can be seen in the school.

Urdd Gobaith Cymru

For the first time Tan-y-lan pupils took part in the Urdd Eisteddfod. They recited and sang solo competitions in the under 8 and year 3/ 4 categories. All the pupils performed confidently and brought praise for themselves and for the school. A pupil also completed in the Disco dancing competition and they all took part in the art and craft section.


Educational visits to the school during the year included the Police Education Officer PC Bowen, Fire officer Gareth Davies and the school nurse Sue Pugh

2. Curriculum

At Ysgol Gymraeg Tan-y-lan, we aim to develop confident and independent learners. The Welsh language is the main teaching and learning medium. We also give due regard to the Welsh dimension in the life and activities of the school.

The Foundation Phase - the curriculum for 4 – 7 year olds

For children in the Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, the work is based on the Foundation Phase Framework:

Language Development and Literacy, Mathematical Development, Knowledge and Understanding of the World, Creative Development, Physical Development and Personal and Social Development. Through these areas of learning we develop literacy and numeracy skills.

During this stage, the key foundational learning experiences are established. These years are important because the children will learn how to observe, listen, respond and develop not only as individuals but also as caring members of our community. The emphasis is on developing the essential skills namely communication, literacy, numeracy and personal and social development. We believe that staff at this stage should deliver learning as an enjoyable experience, nurture a natural curiosity and enable every child to fulfil his/her potential. In addition, we deliver learning indoors and outdoors, that is, it is just as important for children to use the outdoors as an extension to the classroom.

Key Stage 2 - The Curriculum for 7 – 11 year olds

Essential skills such as Communication, Literacy, Numeracy, Information and Communication Technology and Personal and Social Development continue as central elements in the curriculum. The National Curriculum Key Stage 2 core subjects are Welsh, English, Mathematics and Science, along with History, Geography, Religious Education, Music, Art, Design Technology, Information and Communication Technology, Physical Education and PSE. All subjects, apart from English, are taught through the medium of Welsh. Our aim is to enable every pupil to be fluent in both languages.

There is a greater emphasis on developing the skills that will enable pupils to develop as life-long learners.Children are encouraged to develop self-confidence, independence in learning and higher skills in a range of situations.

3. Targets 2014 – 2015

During the year 2014 – 2015 our priorities have been on the following :-

1. Developing Pie Corbett strategies to raise standards in the pupils writing skills

2. Developing numeracy reasoning skills by implementing the ideas and strategies of Carol Ayres the numeracy specialist

3. Adopt the Read Write Inc programme to introduce English phonics to year 3

4. Standardise and moderate examples of work for the areas of learning pupils portfolios

4. Targets 2015 – 2015

  • Raise standards in reading by developing guided reading strategies.
  • Raise standards in mental mathematics.
  • Raise standards in investigating science
  • Working towards a Rights Respecting School

5. Special Needs Policy

The school has anAdditional Learning Needs policy which is available from the school office and the school website. Mrs Rachel Collins is the Additional Learning Needs co-ordinator. The county's Code of Practice for Additional Learning Needs is implemented. The educational psychologist and members of the county's Additional Learning Needs support team visit the school regularly. The school works closely with the Speech and Language Unit based at Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawe. TheAdditional Learning Needs survey is undertaken each October to identify pupils who need extra support with their progress.

6. Safeguarding

The Head teacher is the Child Safeguarding Officer, along with Mrs Linda Gruffudd and then Dr Charlotte Davies (Chair of Governors).

The care and welfare of the pupils is a priority for the school and governing body. In any situation where the welfare of the pupils is a cause for concern then the school will contact the appropriate agency depending on the circumstances which include the Education Welfare Officer, Social Services or the Police

All school doors have keypads which give access to the school via a special code. The doors therefore are locked at all times.

Informing the school about absence or lateness

The importance of informing the school about a child's absence on the first day is emphasised to parents, and also telling the school if the child is going to be late. A child's safety in the school is of paramount importance and we need to know where the child is at all times. Our priority is that every child is in the school every day.

The school works with the Welfare Officer to monitor any situation where a child misses school regularly or is late without an explanation.


Children need to arrive promptly at school. Being late regularly disrupts the child's education and also disrupts the class routine for the teacher and other pupils.


The school sets targets for children's attendance for the year. Attendance is monitored regularly along with the Welfare Officer and the parents of any child whose attendance is a cause for concern receives information and an invite to discuss improvements.

This year, any absence due to holidays was recorded as an unauthorised absence. We work with parents and children to increase awareness of the importance of full attendance. Children who have 100% attendance at the end of each term receive a certificate and 100% attendance at the end o school year a book prize

Attendance for 2014 – 2015 – 93%

Unauthorised absence – 2.1%

Our target for the year 2015 – 2016 is 93.4%.

7. Results of End of Foundation Phase Tests Outcomes

Results of End of Foundation Phase Tests Outcomes 2014-2015

The table shows the percentage of pupils achieving each outcome

N / D / W / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / A
Personal and social development, well-being and cultural diversity / School / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 64.3 / 35.7 / 0.0
Wales / - / 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.2 / 0.3 / 0.9 / 3.8 / 42.7 / 51.2 / 0.2
Language, literacy and communication skills (in Welsh) / School / 0.0 / 7.1 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 7.1 / 42.9 / 42.9 / 0.0
Wales / 0.0 / 0.1 / - / 0.1 / 0.1 / 1.1 / 8.7 / 57.3 / 32.4 / 0.1
Language, literacy and communication skills (in English) / School / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
Wales / 0.1 / 0.4 / 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.4 / 1.7 / 10.3 / 54.5 / 31.8 / 0.3
Mathematical development / School / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 14.3 / 64.3 / 21.4 / 0.0
Wales / - / 0.3 / 0.2 / 0.2 / 0.3 / 1.2 / 9.0 / 58.4 / 30.0 / 0.3

There were 14 pupils in the cohort

Foundation Phase Indicator / School / 78.6
National / 85.2

D represents those pupils who have been disapplied under Sections 113-116 of the 2002 Education Act or those pupils teachers were unable to assess.

N represents those pupils who haven't been awarded a level for reasons other than disapplication.

W represents those pupils who are working towards Outcome 1 but who haven't yet reached the standard required for achieving Level 1.

It is expected that the majority of 7 year old pupils will achieve Outcome 5.

The Foundation Phase Indicator represents the percentage of pupils who have achieved Outcome 5 or above in Personal and Social Development, Well-being and Cultural Diversity, Welsh Language Literacy and Communication Skills and Mathematical Development together.

8. Finance Review

Governors Travel and Subsistence Costs

Governors did not claim any travel or subsistence costs during the year.

9. School Policies

A number of policies have been drawn up and accepted by the Governing Body during the year, including:

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Child Protection
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Additional Learning Needs

10. In-service Training

23.09.2014 - Self Evaluation –CPJ

26.09.2014 – Numeracy Reasoning – ND, RC

29.09.2014 – Talk for writing Pie Corbett-, ND, LBP, HC, AJ, RC, CPJ

30.09.2014 – Numeracy and Literacy enriched Tasks – HC

15.10.2014 – Talk for Writing – ND,HC

11.11.2014 – Numeracy and Literacy Coordinators – RC , LBP

13.11.2014 – SENCO training– RC

20.11.2014 – DCD – MW

01.12.2014 – Child Protection – Whole staff

02.12.2014 – Enriched tasks – HC

12.01.2015 – Enriched tasks - ND

23.01.2015 – Tric a Chlic – ND, EH, HC
30.01.2015 – Emergency First Aid – SP, EH
02.02.2015 – Literacy and Numeracy Framework – Whole staff
12.02.2015 – IT - RC, AJ
13.02.2015 – IT – ND, LBP
26+ 27.02.2015 – SCERTS conference
27.02.2015 – Numeracy with Carol Ayers – HC, AJ

27.02.2015 – Manual Handling – KM
06.03.2015 – Self Evaluation – CPJ
11.03.2015 – DCD – YD
13.03.2015 – Standardisation and moderation – ND
24.04.2015 –- Standardisation and moderation RC

21.05.2015 – Writing and the Literacy framework – LBP

11. Disabled pupils

The school is being adapted regularly for people with a physical disability. Some ramps are in place to give access to outside classrooms and a toilet has been adapted in the wooden demountable classroom which is now part of the Flying Start provision. We are committed to the principle of ensuring that resources are available for disabled pupils to enable them to participate fully and fulfil their full potential within the school community. We may face external financial constraints in future, but the Governors are committed to finding money to ensure that this principle is realised.

12. Links with parents

  • Parents evening were held in the autumn and spring term.
  • Comprehensive reports on each pupil were sent home in the summer term.
  • Information evenings on The Incredible Years strategies and on Internet safety were held for parents.
  • An evening was held for parents of morning nursery pupils in the summer term to prepare them for starting full time in September 2015.
  • Family Fun sessions were held in the school for reception parents and pupils.
  • An online questionnaire was sent out at the end of the summer term 2015 the information has been analysed with feedback to be sent out in November2015.
  • The Parents Teachers Association has organised events during the year including the Christmas Fair and the Summer Fair.

13. Links with the Community

-The pupils visited the local shop to see the goods and had an opportunity to spend money and receive change to improve numeracy skills when dealing with money.

-The pupils also visited the local supermarket to see the different fruits being sold and where they came from. They also observed how bread was made.

-Pupils from Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawe came to the school for work experience.

-We took part in the Morriston Cluster Carol service.

-A community policeman visits the school from time to time and is available to support us when the need arises.

-The Police Education Officer also visits the school every term to discuss different subjects and to give presentations to the pupils on for example on‘Good Behaviour and Bad Behaviour’.

The school has supported charities during the year and has raised money for Children in Need, UNICEF and Save the Children.

14. Sport

Pupils are encouraged to improve skills in all aspects of sport relevant to their age. Full time pupils receive 2 physical education sessions a week. During the year they had an opportunity to do gymnastics, dance, sports and athletics. Nursery pupils have a specific session of physical education every week.

The physical education sessions are either held in the school hall, out on the yard or on the school field.

The school's sports day was held on the school field.

A sports taster session was also held by the URDD.

An after school Fun Club was held for Year 1, 2 and 3 pupils and there were additional opportunities in the club to do more sporting activities.

15. School prospectus

The school's new prospectus has been revised this year and includes organisational changes and the names of current member of staff. Copies are available from the office to those who wish to receive it or it can be viewed on the school website.

16. School Toilets

Toilets are available in the Nursery demountable and in the main building. All toilets have been renovated during the short period of time that Ysgol Tan-y-lan has been open. They are cleaned every day and are monitored during the day.

17. Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawe

We are one of Ysgol Gyfun Bryn Tawe's feeder schools.

18.Healthy Schools

The school follows the Healthy schools programme and promotes the health and well-being of all the pupils. The pupils are encouraged to bring in a piece of fruit for their morning snack and to drink water regularly. We promote healthy teeth with the Design to Smile programme with the pupils brushing their teeth each day. There are also lessons prepared each year promoting healthy activities within the classroom. During lunch times pupils are encouraged to eat fruit and vegetables and lunch boxes are monitored to ensure that they also promote a health option.

19. School Site

  • The fire alarm system was renewed and updated to include additional emergency lighting, break point and smoke alarms.

20. PTA

The PTA raised £1002.00 during the school year for the school by organising a Christmas and Summer fair