High Spen Primary School English Medium Term Planning Class FWD - Year 4
Autumn 2
Wk / Grammar / Spelling / Phonics / Speaking and listening / Reading / Writing / Cross-curricular links inc SMSC1 / Revision of previously taught punctuation.
Follows punctuation rules for speech. / Group 1- Year 4 spellings with some repeats of year 3.
Group 2- Year 3 spellings
Group 3- Key word spellings to reinforce throughout the week. / Talk partners
Talk for writing
Performance. / 1:1 reading
Reading workshop / The Lost Happy Endings.
Focus on Similes. / TOPIC: The Lost Happy Endings
Art work based around the happy endings swirling in the sky.
2 / Revision of previously taught punctuation.
Follows punctuation rules for speech. / Talk partners
Talk for writing
Performance. / 1:1 reading
Reading workshop / The Lost Happy Endings.
Focus on Similes and metaphors. / TOPIC: The Lost Happy Endings
DT work based around the making of ‘Jub’s Home’
3 / Revision of previously taught punctuation.
Follows punctuation rules for speech. / Drama
Talk for writing
Performance. / Re-reading work
1:1 reading
Reading workshop
Finding information / The Lost Happy Endings.
Character descriptions-expanded noun phrases. / TOPIC: The Lost Happy Endings
SMSC: Enjoying and improving own writing
Art work based on drawing the characters from the story. Charcoal.
4 / Revision of previously taught punctuation.
Follows punctuation rules for speech. / Drama
Talk for writing / Re-reading work
1:1 reading
Reading workshop / The Lost Happy Endings.
Character descriptions-expanded noun phrases. / TOPIC: The Lost Happy Endings
SMSC: Enjoying and improving own writing
Art work based on painting the forest from the story.
5 / Revision of previously taught punctuation.
Follows punctuation rules for speech. / Drama
Talk for writing / Re-reading work
1:1 reading
Reading workshop / Character descriptions-story writing. / TOPIC: The Lost Happy Endings
SMSC: Enjoying and improving own writing
Art work based on painting the forest from the story.
6 / Revision of previously taught punctuation.
Follows punctuation rules for speech. / Drama
Talk for writing / Re-reading work
1:1 reading
Reading workshop / Character descriptions-story writing. / TOPIC: The Lost Happy Endings
SMSC: Enjoying and improving own writing
Performing to an audience-Y5