Day 1: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 34 “The Twelve Spies”

1.As the story of the twelve spies and their report to Israel unfolds, what did you find that was new, or particularly interesting?

2.As the reaction of the Israelites is presented, again, was there something that was new or especially interesting?

3.We also see the attempts of Caleb and Joshua to “quiet the tumult” and “stand in defense of the word of God” here. What was most impressive in this?

4.There is quite a bit written in this chapter on Israel’s response to God’s judgement of their rebellion and the consequences of that rebellion. What lesson(s) can you find in Israel’s attitude toward this?

Day 2: Numbers 15

5.For those of us who are parents, doesn’t it seem that one of the best opportunities that we have to reach deep into the hearts of our children is immediately after they have suffered consequences or punishment for their wrong choices or rebellion? For Israel, the reality of what they have done and what it is going to cost them is sinking in and God chooses this opportunity to combine a repeat of His worship requirements with a promise for the future.

a) 15:1-21. What are the reminders, the promises and/or anything new that He chooses to emphasize?

b) 15:22-31. What else does God include and notice what He emphasizes here.

6.15:32-36. What can this incident tell us about Israel and their attitude toward God and His requirements?

7.15:37-41. What else does God ask of Israel and why?

Days 3 & 4: Numbers 16 – 17

8.16:1-14. Who are these men and what do they say and do?

b) What is Moses’ response?

9.16:15-35. How is this resolved and what lesson(s) for Israel is (are) there?

b) Can you find any lesson(s) for us in this experience?

10.16:36-40. What perpetual reminder does the Lord give to Israel?

11.16:41-50. You would think that having the earth open up and swallow whole families and fire coming out from the presence of the Lord to consume 250 people wouldn’t leave much room for misinterpretation of the lesson for the day! But somehow Israel still doesn’t get it. What do they do next and how does God respond this time?

b) What lesson or warning can you find in this?

c) What example do you find in Moses and Aaron’s actions?

12.17:1-13. This is such an interesting approach to the Israelites to address the root of this rebellion. God has used many experiences and visual lessons to get His points across. What happens this time, what is the lesson intended and what effect does it have upon Israel?

Day 5: Numbers 18

13.In a similar way to what we saw in Chapter 15, where God uses a time immediately after a severe punishment to speak to Israel about worship and about remembering their consecration to Him, Chapter 18 is a message to Aaron and his sons. They have just been through an intense crisis and God has given a miraculous sign to all of Israel of His choice of Aaron as the high priest. Many Levites were involved in this challenge to Aaron’s position. What does God say to Aaron and, in light of what has just happened, how would this encourage him:

a) In 18:1-7

b) In 18:8-20

c) In 18:21-24

14.18:25-32. Through Moses, God now speaks to the Levites. What message is given, and how do you see it restoring both their position and their relationship to Aaron?

Day 6: Numbers 20:1-13

15.20:1. This is actually the end of the 40-year wandering in the desert, although most Biblical historians feel that up to this chapter only 37-38 years have passed. There will be another 2 years approaching Canaan, which will take up the rest of Numbers. Very little is said about the years between the events of Numbers 14-17 and Numbers 20. We get our only glimpse of this time in Deuteronomy 2:1-3, 7 & 8:2-5. Summarize what you find about those years.

16.Although not much is said about Miriam here, except to say that she died, take a little time to think about her and any lessons or encouragement that you found in her life through our study this year.

17.20:2-11. 40 years later, Israel seems to be back to (or stuck in) their earliest attitudes (see Exodus 15:22-24). How do God and Moses each respond to this?

18.20:12. How does God view what Moses did, and what does He do about it?

19.20:13. Remember that Moses wrote the book of Numbers. How does he summarize this experience?

20.This was another sad lesson to study. Was there anything that you learned the week about God that was especially meaningful to you for your life right now? If so, would you be willing to share?

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