August 25th, 2017
Conference Call Meeting Minutes
(A conference call was conducted (1-866-685-1580; conference code 0009990270#) due to the time sensitive nature of transfer letters which required a meeting to occur in a time period that the board could not meet face to face with a quorum.)
Board Members present: Linda Colby, Steve Duffy, Marty McIntyre replacement for Jerome Rewerts,Pam Danielson. Absent: Kim Chapman, Kim Schomaker& Darin Thompson. DCAT Coordinator: Jenny Felt.
Open Forum: None.
- Roll call: Listed above
- Call to Order:Pam D.called the meeting to order at 1:02PM. Linda C. motioned to approve the meeting agenda, 2nd by Steve D. Motion carried.
- Approval of Minutes: Steve D. motioned to approve the June 23, 2017 minutes, 2nd by Linda C. Motion carried.
- FY17 Year End Progress Reports/Service Progress Reports: The DCAT Board reviewed the Year End Progress Reports and Service Progress Reports. Pam D. communicated if there was something that looked wrong, she would hope the coordinator would point it out. It’s difficult to review when they don’t know the ins and outs of the contracts.
- FY18 Contract Budget Review:Coordinator Felt showed the FY17 financial spreadsheet through June 30, 2017. Nothing was reverted back after FY17. We did swap DHS funds for JCS founds or they would have been reverted. We expanded all carryover available funds giving $25,000 more to utilize. We also spent 82% of our YTD Funds which is very good. FY18 was built and handed out as well. The Board felt we should continue with monthly CBCAP reports from contractors although PCA Iowa will need on a quarterly basis going forward.
- Use of Potential Funds Available: Use of potential funds available will be revisited at the September meeting after Felt gets CPPC ideas from Boones Cluster CPPC Shared Decision Making Team. We have $91,500 to be spent on the 4 strategies/child welfare projects (as indicated in a transfer letter). We have $73,000 to be spent on anything. It was suggested to utilize approximately $85,000 for FY18. Emergency Funds may be a suggested avenue. Felt will get funding ideas from the Boone Cluster CPPC Shared Decision Making Team. The Board will then hear these thoughts and perhaps an RFP will be initiated.
- CPPC Year End Report: The Boone Cluster CPPC reviewed and approved the Year End Report. Linda C. motioned to approve the year-end report, 2nd by Marti M. Motion carried.
- Adjourn: Steve D.moved to adjourn meeting at 1:21 PM. 2nd by Marti M. Motion carried.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 22at1:00 PM at Dallas CountyHuman Service Building north of Adel.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Jenny Felt, DCAT & CPPC Coordinator