HPS Academy Support Team Agenda
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
4:15 p.m.
Jefferson High School, Library
1. Articulation between the College and Career Readiness Council and the Academy Support Team
2. Awareness of events and initiatives and opportunities for participation/involvement, including teacher/staff reports and requests
3. Review AST Involvement forms (product: completed forms)
4. Review Freshman Seminar HPS project (Product: Project plan)
5. Assessment of Student Enrichment Time ITP for possible involvement (product: completed TPs)
I. Welcome and Call to Order – 4:17pm
II. Welcome to new members and/or guests (no new members/guests)
III. Update from CCRC
a. Teacher Boot Camp summer 2014
i. Last week of July and first week of August
ii. Site visits will be included as part of teacher boot camp
iii. Goal is to help teachers with project suggestions and course/career relations
b. Youth Court
i. This week Youth Court was approved by Rockford City Council, Winnebago County Board and RPS School Board
ii. Youth Services Network is providing a staff person (Jesse) to manage the program
iii. Teachers currently recruiting students from JHS law classes – have identified 20 good candidates. Jesse will recruit more on 3/10 during JHS lunch periods.
iv. Training for students will start March 17
1. Off-campus training
2. Parent meeting
3. Mock trials
v. Ready to hear real cases at the end of April
vi. Moving forward to rest of RPS high schools
1. Guilford program will start in Fall 2014
2. All other high schools will start Spring 2015
IV. Update from Jefferson
a. Academy changes for sophomores
i. To change academies, student must:
1. Write an essay
2. Get permission from parent/guardian
3. Talk to their couselor, academy principal, and school principal
ii. Only 4 applications for academy changes, all for solid reasons
b. Registration for crime scene investigation class through UW-Platteville: 87 students registered
V. Teacher/Staff reports/requests
a. Sociology panel
i. Students ask adult panel what skills they need, what skills are missing from current applicants
ii. Students identify skills/knowledge gaps
iii. Students develop a plan for bridging the sills/talent gap
b. Need locations for site visits
i. Sophomores
ii. 18-25 students per group
VI. Student Enrichment Time
a. Think of ideas of what you can bring/present on
b. 50 minutes in length
VII. Adjournment – 5:19pm
a. Next meeting: Tuesday, April 1, 4:15pm
“…the idea is simple but powerful: Young people are going to do better when they’re excited about learning, and they’re going to be more excited if they see a connection between wheat they’re doing in the classroom and how it is applied. If they see a connection between – all right, the math that I’m doing here, this connects to the business that’s going on out there. The graphic design I’m doing here, I am learning now what this means in terms of marketing or working for a company that actually gets paid to do this, which means I might get paid to do it. And I’m seeing people who may open up for me entire new career options that I didn’t even realize.”
President Barak Obama at McGavock High School, Nashville, TN