Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation — EuropeAid
Sub-Saharan Africa and Horizontal ACP Matters
Regional Programmes Sub-Saharan Africa and ACP wide
Lot n°6: EnvironmentREQUEST N° 2013/331-284 Intra ACP GCCA
Lot n°6: Environment REQUEST N° 2013/ 331-334 Global GCCA
Table of contents
2.1 Origin and approach of GCCA Global and Intra ACP programme
2.2 Key implementation arrangements of the GCCA Global and Intra ACP
3.Evaluation Objective's
4.Issues to be studied
4.1 Assessment of the GCCA Global
4.2 Assessment Intra ACP GCCA
5.1 Management and steering of the Evaluation
5.2 The evaluation approach / process
6.Reporting Requirements
6.1 Inception report
6.2 Desk report
6.3 Missions Aide-Memoires.
6.4 Draft final report
6.5 Agreement at completion point.
6.6 Final report
7.The Evaluation Team
8.Work plan and timetable
8.1 Location
8.2 Timetable and inputs
9.Administrative information
Annex 1: Key documents for the evaluation
Annex II: Layout, structure of the Final Report
1.Executive Summary
3.Answered questions/ Findings
3.1 Problems and needs (Relevance)
3.2 Achievement of purpose (Effectiveness)
3.3 Sound management and value for money (Efficiency)
3.4 Achievement of wider effects (Impact)
3.5 Likely continuation of achieved results (Sustainability)
3.6 Mutual reinforcement (coherence)
3.7 European Commission value added
5.Overall assessment
6.Conclusions and Recommendations
7.Annexes o the report
Annex III - Methodological observations
Annex IV - Quality assessment grid
Annexe V - The Standard DAC Format for Evaluation Report Summaries
Region :Africa, Caribbean Pacificand Asia
Beneficiary Country : Africa, Caribe, Pacific and Asia countries
Sector (as defined in CSP/NIP):DAC Code 41010 11420
Decision number and title :
Global GCCA: DCI-ENV/2012/023-839 (Support measures for the Environment Thematic Programme (ENRTP) - 2012
Intra ACP GCCA: 2009 / 021-508 Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP financial framework
This Mid-term evaluation covers 2 Programmes implemented under the same initiative “Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA)” but implemented with 2 different modalities and financed by 2 specific sources of funding.
- Global GCCA (called after as “Global GCCA”)
- Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP financial framework (called after as “Intra ACP GCCA”)
In order to improve coordination and coherence among the GCCA Global and the Intra ACP GCCA, it has been decided to undertake the two evaluations with the same company. This will allow, among others, to identify and analyse synergies and potential overlapping among the GCCA Global and the Intra ACP GCCA.
Considering the diverse budget lines, scope and management agreements of the GCCA Global and the Intra ACP GCCA, the evaluation will be composed by 2 studies in 2 specific contracts.
Along the ToR both programme as well both source of funding are differentiated in order to guide the consultant company on the format the result of the mid-term review should be formulated as well as the incurred expenditure have to be invoiced.
2.1Origin and approach of GCCA Global and Intra ACP programme
The Global Climate Change Alliance was established in 2007 by the Communication from the European Commission to the Council and the European Parliament “Building a Global Climate Change Alliance between the European Union and poor developing countries most vulnerable to climate change”.
As indicated in the Communication, “the Alliance will provide for a platform for dialogue and exchange as well as practical cooperation to tackle the combined challenge of the fight against poverty and climate change, in support of the international negotiations on a post-2012 climate change agreement and the adoption of effective action at national level”.
The GCCA intervenes inthe following five priority areas:
- Mainstreaming climate change into poverty reduction and development efforts: The GCCA supports the systematic integration of climate change considerations into national development planning, from policymaking and budgeting to implementation and monitoring. This priority area, which focuses on institutional strengthening, is often combined with adaptation.
- Adaptation: The GCCA aims to help improve knowledge about the effects of climate change and the design and implementation of appropriate adaptation actions, in particular in the water and agriculture sectors, which reduce the vulnerability of the population to the impacts of climate change. The GCCA builds on National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) and other national plans.
- Disaster risk reduction (DRR): The GCCA seeks to help developing countries to prepare for climate-related natural disasters, reduce their risks and limit their impacts.
- Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD): In LDCs 60 per cent of emissions originate from land use change, primarily deforestation. The GCCA supports solutions to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from deforestation and create incentives for forest protection, while preserving livelihoods and ecosystems depending on forests.
- Enhancing participation in the global carbon market: The GCCA aims to promote a more equitable geographic distribution of financing opportunities linked to the carbon market by building the capacities of partner countries to access this source of funding, particularly in the field of energy.
With a global envelope of €285 million, the GCCA comprises 45 programmes in more than 35 countries and 8 regions in Africa, Caribbean and Asia.In particular, the GCCA supports Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) that will be hit earliest and hardest by climate change and have the fewest resources to prepare for these alterations.
Within the GCCA, a specific programme addresses the needs of African Caribbean and Pacific countries.A Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the ACP Group of States (as represented by the ACP Secretariat) was signed on 13/01/2010for the Support to the Global Climate Change Alliance under the 10th EDF Intra-ACP financial framework. TheProgram is funded by the 10th EDF (€37,5 M) and the ACP Secretariat, in its role as Authorising Officer for the Intra-ACP envelope, ensures the follow- up, coordination and coherence of the Program as a whole. The end of the operational period of implementation of the Financing Agreement is fixed at 13/02/2015. The end period of execution is set at13/07/2017.The purpose of the GCCA Intra ACP programme is to help the ACP Group of States to better tackle climate change as a challenge to their development, in particular to improve the understanding of the effects of climate change and to contribute to appropriate adaptation and mitigation responses.
Under the new thematic programme on Global Public Goods and Challenges 2014 - 2020, the European Commission is proposing to have a flagship initiative called GCCA +. Responding to the needs of developing countries, the GCCA+ will build on the work and approach of the first phase (2008-2013) and strengthen its impact by feeding back lessons learned, better targeting its work, and maximising its geographical and sectoral scope in line with countries’ needs.
Therefore, there is a need to inform the Commission on the degree to which the GCCA is meeting its objectives and – based on this analysis - how the GCCA + should be best structured as an EU flagship programme.
The decision for the extension of the Intra ACP GCCA component with 11th EDF resources is still be decided and subsequent design would need to be established consistent with the European Commission new flagship initiative called GCCA +. The assessment of the Intra ACP Programme will be then focused on the progress made so far as indicated in the following paragraphs.
The assessments should be done in coordination with the:
- The mid-term and final evaluation planned for each of GCCA programme at national and regional level. These evaluations will focus on the implementation of the programme at local level.
- Result-Oriented Monitoring that has being undertaken for selected GCCA and Intra ACP programmes.
2.2 Key implementation arrangements of the GCCA Global and Intra ACP
According to its budget commitments, the GCCA is structured as following:
2.2.1 GCCA Global
- National programmes and three regional programmes
- Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Pacific
- Budget allocated from the Thematic Programme for the environment and sustainable management of natural resources, including energy (ENRTP) of the Development Cooperation Instrument (€213 M) and European Member States (€37 M) including Fast Track Funding.
- Unit C2 of DEVCO for overall coordination of the programme.
- Implementation supported by the Global Support Facility (GSF). The GSF is and has been providing assistance on the identification and formulation of GCCA-funded interventions through the provision of short-term expertise to EU Delegations and government counterparts, and has been helping to organise policy dialogue events, regional mainstreaming workshops, global events, as well as knowledge management and communication activities. The Contract with the GSF is managed by the unit C2 in DEVCO.
- Implementation status available on
2.2.2 Intra ACP GCCA
- Regional Programmes
- ACP countries
- Funded by the 10th European Development Fund (€ 37.5 M) included in the € 285 million global ACP allocation.
- Unit E3 of DEVCO for the management of the Financing Agreement with the ACP Secretariat
- ACP Secretariat ACP Secretariat is in charge of the overall coordination of the GCCA’s Intra-ACP Programme, and also offers climate change-related technical support to all members of the ACP Group of States.
- The Climate Support Facility (CSF) was set up to provide short-term customised technical assistance and training to ACP Member States.
- Implementation status available on
2.2.3 Key implementation arrangements
- Implementation modalities for the Global GCCA
- General Budget support
- Sectoral budget support
- Project approach
- Sector Programme
There are various management modalities, including: joint-management with International Organisations and other donors (UN, Danida etc.) and multi-donors funds (Trust fund, basket funds etc.).
Detailed information is available on the website:
- Implementation modalities of the Intra ACP GCCA
Programme Component / Implementation modality / Institution In Charge / Commission Service In Charge / Budget
Intra-ACP Climate Support Facility / Service Contract / Consortium led by SAFEGE SA / DEVCO/E3 / EUR 3,500,000
Institutional Support to the ACP Secretariat / Service Contract / LTS International Limited / DEVCO/E3 / EUR
ClimDev Africa / FAFA Contribution Agreement / UNECA / EU Delegation to the African Union – Addis Ababa / EUR 8,000,000
COMESA Component / Contribution Agreement / COMESA Secretariat / EU Delegation in Zambia / EUR 4,000,000
ECOWAS Component / Grant Agreement / CILSS / EU Delegation in Burkina Faso / EUR 4,000,000
Caribbean Component / Grant Agreement / CCCCC / EU Delegation in Jamaica / EUR 7,986,775
Pacific Component / Contribution Agreement / University of the South Pacific / EU Delegation in Fiji / EUR 8,000,000
TOTAL / EUR 36,197,675.
Table 1 Implementation modalities of the Intra ACP GCCA
First component – Technical Support:The 2 service contracts are fully operational since 2012 and are supposed to be executed by beginning of 2015.
Second component: Support to the implementation of the EU-ACP joint declarations on climate:The 5 Regional components of the Program started along 2011 and 2012and are supposed to be executed by beginning of 2015.
From the initial Commission decision, € 1.0 M still to be allocated in addition of the above component.
- Steering Committee(s)
The GCCA Global is coordinated by DEVCO C2 in consultation with relevant stakeholders.
The Intra ACP GCCA is coordinated as following:
√A Steering Committeehas been created to supervise the implementation of the programme. It meets once a year to allow for exchange of information on the various components of the programme, to provide guidance and orientation on the overall priorities and management. It is composed by the ACP Secretariat (Chair) and the European Commission (DG DEVCO). The respective regional institutions (the AUC, COMESA, ECOWAS, CARICOM Secretariat/CARIFORUM, the Pacific Island Forum), and the company contracted for managing the facility, are represented to this Committee in order to report on the implementation of the parts of the programme under their responsibility and to be consulted on the orientations and guidance for the future.
√Regional sub-committeeshave been established with participation of the regional institutions responsible for the implementation of the specific components, the European Commission regional Delegation in charge and, as consultative bodies, representatives of countries, regional institutions and stakeholders involved in the programme, at technical level. Those sub-committees are meeting once a year in the region. They are reviewing the implementation of the previous period and agree on activities for the following year.
√A Brussels-based sub-committeecomposed of the ACP Secretariat and the European Commission Services (DEVCO and ENV) is meeting quarterly or more if deemed necessary, to approve, after consultation of the ACP regions involved, the requests to be financed through the CSF.
3.Evaluation Objective's
√The report on the GCCA Globalwill provide the relevant co-operation services of the European Commission with sufficient information to:
- make an overall independent assessment about the past performance of the programme;
- identify GCCA added value, key lessons and to propose practical recommendations for follow-up actions;
- provide information useful for the formulation of the GCCA+;
- recommend how the GCCA+ could be an effective EU flagship programme;
- assess the added value of establishing a trust fund for the GCCA+.
√The report on the Intra ACP GCCA will target all GCCA Actions and Programmes which have been funded under Intra ACP assistance. It will provide the ACP Secretariat and the relevant co-operation services of the European Commission with sufficient information to:
- make an overall independent assessment about the past performance of the Intra ACP GCCA Programme;
- identify Intra ACP GCCA Programme added value, key lessons and to propose practical recommendations for follow-up actions as feasible during the remaining life of the various programme components;
- Identify priorities and provide recommendation for allocation of the remaining € 1.0 M pertaining to the Intra ACP GCCA envelop.
- provide recommendation for the design of a potential second phase Intra ACP GCCA to be funded under resources from 11th EDF consistent with the European Commission new flagship initiative called GCCA +.
4.Issues to be studied
The evaluation study responds to the requirements of the last phase of the project cycle.
The consultants shall verify, analyse and assess in detail the issues outlined in Annexe II"Layout, structure of the Final Report". The list of issues is not intended to be exhaustive. The questions refer to the five evaluation criteria endorsed by the OECD-DAC (relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact), and to the European Commission-specific evaluation criteria (European Commission added value and coherence).
In addition to theOECD-DAC evaluation criteria mentioned above, the studies should be respond in priority to:
4.1 Assessment of the GCCA Global
(i) Selection process of beneficiary countries
(ii) Dialogue and exchange of experience
- If and to what extent the GCCA experiences has informed the negotiations of UNFCCC; why (not) and recommendations
- If and to what extent the GCCA has promoted an effective platform for dialogue and exchange among the EU and developing countries; why (not) and recommendations
- If and to what extent trainings and workshops have developed/upgraded partner capacities and to what extent this capacity is used in the country; why (not) and recommendations
(iii) Aid effectiveness and operations
- If and to what extent the GCCA implements the 5 aid effectiveness principles; why (not) and recommendations
- If and to what extent the GCCA has built synergies or/and has worked in complementarity with other EU programmes or not EU programmes; why not and recommendations
- For each aid modality, if and to what extent it is effective and use resources efficiently. The study should indicate if the GCCA support triggered additional efforts of the country or supported existing programmes. Among other aid modalities, the analysis should give particular attention to assess the use of budget support and related technical assistance and the support to regional or national (trust) funds - focus the climate change related criteria for budget support used (for disbursement, performance monitoring, etc.); why (not) and recommendations
- If and to what extent the GCCA experiences has influenced national development processes – for example in mainstreaming climate change in policies, strategies, programmes, budgetary and monitoring processes; why (not) and recommendations
- If and to what extent calls for proposals launched at national level are effective reaching the most vulnerable and creating a lasting impact; why (not) and recommendations
- If and to what extent activities led by regions and national countries are sustainable(financially and technically)
- If and to what extent stakeholder engagement has been promoted in the GCCA; why (not) and recommendations. Analysis could look, amongst others, at the involvement of local communities, local administration and private sector.
- If and to what extent gender considerations have been taken into account in the GCCA; why (not) and recommendations
- If and to what extent the GCCA has built a network between headquarters and EU Delegations; why (not) and recommendations
- If and to what extent the GCCA has raised awareness in headquarters and EU Delegations on climate change issues – including mainstreaming.
(iv) Knowledge management and communication (KMC)
- If and to what extent lessons learnt from one country has served to trigger efforts in other countries. The analysis should provide specific examples of countries that benefitted from the experience of other GCCA national programmes.; why (not) and recommendations
- The analysis should study the coordination and quality of KMC
- Among HQ and national programmes
- Among HQ and regional programmes
- Among HQ and Delegations
- Among national programmes
- Among regional programmes
- Between national and regional programmes
- Between Delegations and national/regional programmes
- In addition the study should assess the visibility and reputation of the programme at national, regional and international level