"Science investigates; religion interprets. Science gives man knowledge which is power; religion gives man wisdom which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals. They are complementary.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
Welcome to 6th grade!
Here are a few things to help you be successful in 6th grade and beyond. 99% of being successful in school is being organized! Find a system that works for you and stick to it! We will offer suggestions, but it is up to you to decide what will work best for you. Find a time and a location in your home to complete homework complete it at the same time everyday! Keep each subject in its own section or folder and write down all your assignments in your log book every day! Consistency is KEY!
In both my science and religion classes, missing work slips will be assigned for any missing work. That means, not completing homework, doing the wrong homework, leaving homework in locker, not being prepared in any way. Missing work slips are REMINDERS, to help guide you to remember to be consistent and organized in your work. During the first quarter, after 3 missing work slips a conduct will be given. During second quarter, after 2 missing work slips a conduct will be given. During third quarter a conduct will be given after one missing work slip and no missing work slips will be given during 4th quarter, conducts only.
Conducts will be given for behavior when a student does not self correct from a verbal warning from me. They will also be given for any breaking of the classroom/school rules. If 5 conduct points are accumulated during a quarter (both academic and behavior) a student will receive and after school detention and will not be eligible for out of uniform days the next quarter. If you are given a conduct point for behavior, you will also need to fill out a WWJD form which is a reflection of the behavior, a plan for changing the behavior and looking up and reflecting on a bible verse that coincides with the behavior that needs corrected. I suggest showing your best behavior everyday to avoid this!
- This year we will be diving into the Old Testament. We will learn what colorful, sinful, fascinating characters formed our faith as we know it today. Get ready to be sharing great stories, putting on mini performances, and singing fantastic songs!
- I am encouraging all families to attend mass on the weekend. What we teach at St. Paul School needs to be reinforced and lived through the family’s dedication and participation of the mass. You, as students are now of an age to speak up and tell your parents you want to do go mass, and ask they take you. If you have been inconsistent, this is a perfect opportunity to recommit yourself to attending mass. Every Monday we will be reading and summarizing and reflecting on the Gospel of the Week (GOTW). This will be directly from the previous weekend’s gospel. Students will be asked to share the priest’s homily from the weekend and how they connected to gospel to the homily. Those students who do not attend mass will be at a distinct disadvantage. Let’s fulfill our covenant with Jesus and commit to saying YES to his invitation to join Him at His table each week!
- Every Thursday will be discipleship day. I have a jar in the classroom where students can write requests for special intentions. We will create prayer chains, cards, prayer bouquets for those who have special needs in our families and communities. This is one of my favorite things to do because students will see the results of caring and praying for those in need as we always receive beautiful thank you notes and pictures from those whom our efforts have touched. It’s so wonderful! My homeroom also prays special intentions every morning, so if you have a special intention, you can either send it with your child or email me and we will add it to our morning prayers.
- There may be a few times during the school year where you will be asked to perform EXTRA chores at home (not your everyday responsibilities) in order to earn $1-2 for a special need. In years past we collected the money for repairs to the vandalism at the Geological Museum at Ohio State, for creating a prayer blanket for Mrs. Dobson, for contributing a thank you to a guest speaker. This is not a “donation” this is something to be EARNED, so put on your thinking caps as we will meet needs as they arise!
- We focus very strongly on prayer in the 6th grade, private, liturgical, community, songs and rote. Students will be memorizing all the prayers of the rosary, learn the rosary as we will be going to the church to pray the rosary at least six times this year. We will also lead many prayer services throughout the year, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Stations of the Cross, Seven Last Words of Christ.
- Parent participation: Parents, siblings (not to be taken out of class), grandparents, relatives are always invited and welcome to all of our praying of the rosary and prayer services. It is a beautiful way to connect home, school, and church. What a blessing to have the opportunity to do so! During Lent we will be going on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, Ohio. We are so lucky to be close to such a holy place. It is a moving and faith filled trip and ALL are encouraged to come with us. It is a beautiful experience to share with your child.
If you have any questions at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me at . If you call the office and leave a message with our support staff, I’ll return your call as soon as possible. I have a voicemail, but I rarely check it, so please stick to email and leaving a message at the office.
Please, PARENTS, email me when you and your child have read this note. Email with the address that you would most like me to contact you on. Put your child’s full name and homeroom in the subject and send me a quick note with anything that you would like to say!
Thanks for your time, it is going to be a GREAT year!
So Loved,
Mrs. Cody