The Olive Tree hotel Sunbury
WEDNESDAY 6th January, 2016.
Meeting opened at 7.55pm by Ruth Feltoe
DCI/ZA Panel Members Present: Ruth Feltoe, Wendy Abey, Joycelyn Moreland, Wendy Hill, Pam Kalms, Niree Weybury, Fern Davenport
Others Present: Leonie Lang (CZ Sec)
Apologies: Jenny Smith
Previous minutes of meeting held on September 16, 2015 passed as a true record: Moved: Ruth Seconded: Wendy Hill
Business Arising from Previous Minutes: see the Action sheet
1.15 Development Squad. Ruth has discussed with Greg Hair in EGZ where it works well. Get 30-40 riders for a weekend. Have a uniform. Do it 1/month for part of the year. Must have C cert and be Grade 3 or above. Must attend 5 of 6 weekends. Helps to retain senior riders. Is expensive. Zone subsidises a bit. Run clinics at same time. Also can help riders do activities which need to be signed off for certs. In EGZ, there are fewer opportunities for riders to do these things. In CZ, could possibly grow out of the senior cert workshops.
2.1 Kate still to follow up re Sam Ferrari’s renewal.
Games age groups – Council decision – Middle black group is 14-19 years.
NCAS assess Oct 3 at Kyneton. All 4 candidates passed. Narelle Lee to be invited to join panel.
Jan 6, 2016 email from Jenny Smith. Resignation.
Leonie to send a letter of appreciation for the years Jenny has put in.
C cert (Joycelyn)
18 candidates for next assessments. Venue still to be confirmed.
Alice Taylor has been assessed separately by Joycelyn so that she is qualified to compete in the CZ dressage team at the State Champs.
Higher cert (Joycelyn & Wendy A.)
2 from Macedon being assessed for C* the day after the W/S. Madeline Sargeant and Shania Urquhart.
On 23rd, Joycelyn and Wendy will be informally assessing during the workshop.
Some riders have entered. Further reminder needed.
General discussion about motivating riders to do certificates: clubs should be giving books to riders at appropriate ages, as part of general rally planning. When one cert finished, start next straight away. Take 2 years to work through. No last minute rush. Do same for all certs.
Club visits (Wendy Hill)
Broadford and Kyneton have been visited. Wendy will up-date roster and send out again. Can be published on CZ website when completed.
CIP meeting
Still waiting for minutes
General Business
1. Implications of proposed rules changes. They were outlined in the last zone minutes and the CZ newsletter. Discussed. Will be brought to attention of clubs.
2. January clinics. SJ and Dressage about half full. No info about Games clinic.
Any other business
Meeting closed 10.15pm
Next meeting Weds April 13 at Olive Tree Sunbury unless otherwise advised.
Follow up meetings: Weds July 13, Weds October 12.