June 2000
1. TITLEThe league shall be called the London Junior Basketball League.
2. AIM
The objectives of the League shall be to promote and encourage junior and cadet basketball in the Greater LONDON area.
Any Club registered with the English Basket Ball Association (EBBA) may enter the League subject to the following conditions:
(a) Each player must be individually registered with the EBBA.
(b) The payment of League and Competition fees as determined by the League Executive Committee.
(a) The Honorary Officers of the League shall be: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary , Treasurer, Divisional Secretaries, Competitions Secretary, Technical Secretary and Public Relations Officer.
(b) All Officers shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election .
(c) The Executive Committee shall have the powers to co-opt individuals for vacant offices as necessary for the season with full voting rights.
(a) The League Committee shall manage the affairs appertaining to the League
(b) The League Committee shall comprise the Officers of the League
(c) Each Committee member shall be entitled to one vote at a Committee meeting, but no member may vote in a matter appertaining to his/her own Club. In the event of the voting being equal, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
(d) Any other person may be co-opted to assist without voting rights at the discretion of the Committee.
(e) The Committee shall meet at regular intervals.
(f) Three voting members shall constitute a quorum.
(g) In the event of the breach of any clause of the Constitution, the Committee shall have the powers to punish the defaulters (whether it be club, player or official) by fine, suspension or otherwise.
(h) Defaulters have a right to appeal in person to the Committee provided notice of such an appeal is given in writing to a League official within 14 days.
(i) The League Committee shall have the authority to draw up, amend and revise the Playing Rules appertaining to the League competitions. / (j) The League Committee shall appoint such sub-committees as it determines fit.
(a) The financial year shall end on 31 May and the accounts shall be published at the Annual General Meeting .
(b) The funds of the League shall be held in a bank or building society and withdrawals from the account shall require the signature of two officers.
(a) The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held not later than 45 days after the end of the playing season.
(b) The Officers for the League Executive Committee shall be elected at this meeting.
(c) At least fourteen clear days' notice of this meeting shall be given in writing by the General Secretary to all clubs and League Officers.
(d) Notice of proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be received in writing not less than 28 days before the AGM by the General Secretary, who shall circulate these to clubs at least fourteen days before the AGM.
(e) Each club shall be entitled to one vote. Officers shall be entitled to one vote in respect of their capacity as such. No person shall be entitled to vote in more than one capacity.
(a) The Committee shall convene a Special Meeting on a request in writing signed by not less than a third of the member clubs or whenever it may be considered necessary. The purpose of the meeting must be clearly stated in writing.
(b) sub-section 7(c), 7(d) and 7(e) shall apply at this meeting.
Alterations or additions to this Constitution shall require a majority of at least two-thirds of the voting members present at a Special Meeting or at the AGM.
The interpretation of this Constitution shall be invested in the League Committee.