Using the Ministries On-Line BC Water Resources Atlas

Determining the Latitude and Longitude Coordinates for a Well

The Ground Water Protection Regulation requires well drillers and water supply system operators to report the geographic coordinates of a well as part of the Well Construction Report or Schedule 2submission. It is recommended that these coordinates be acquired using a hand-held Global Positioning System (GPS) unit. If a GPS device is unavailable, latitude & longitudecoordinates can be obtained through the BC Water Resources Atlas. To use this method, follow these step-by-step instructions.

Web Site Access and Opening the Application:

  1. Action: Click on or enter the Web Site address:

Result: Opens the application’s main page.

  1. Action: Click on either the yellow button located near the page bottom or the Launch WRBC Web Viewer tab locatednear the top right side of the page.

Result: Launches the map application opening a full map view of British Columbia.

  1. Action (optional at any time): Click on either of the following tabs:, or on the button all located near the top of the screen.

Result: Opens a new page or modified right screen area revealing full tutorial, general information or helpon creating a custom map.

  1. Action(optional): Click to select the: Automatically Refresh Map Button.

Result: Permits automatic refreshing of the map screen with every change or addition. Otherwise the button must be clicked with every change to refresh (reconstruct) the map.

Finding the Location of Your Well:

  1. Action: There are two methods to help identify the location of the well. Click on the

(a). button from the top menu bar,or(b). use the default “map tool zoom in”tool as indicated near the middle of the bottom margin.

Result(a): Clicking on themenu tab reveals options to set the extent of the map using query tools. Select one of the availableoptions and the map will reconstruct itself to show the area that you have selected. An example menu item to select would be Place Nameor Municipality. Enter the name that you wish todisplay or select from the drop down menu and click on to display this area ona reformatted map screen. It is likely that you will have to use the map tool zoom feature to further focus in on your exact location. Otherwise, use the map tool repeatedly beginning with the default map of BC to zoom into the selected area (as per “Result (b):” instructions below).

Result(b): The default map toolpermits the user to select and construct a red box outlineover an area of interest anywhere within the overview map of BC.

  1. Action: With the map tool activated, move the computer mousecursor(+) to an area of interest within the map of BC. Hold down the left mouse button and extend the cursor in a diagonal fashion to select and adjust the size of the red-lined box to outline the area of interest. Release the mouse button when the size and shape of the box is to your liking.

Result: Regenerates a new, full window map of the area of interest at a magnified scale.

  1. Action: Repeat the“Select and Magnify” process several times within each refreshed map view.

Result: Provides a more detailed view at the desired scale to view the approximate location area of your choice. Note the changing scale in the bottom left corner of the

computer window (e.g. Scale: 1: 7,683,014 as the window refreshes with each

“Select and Magnify”and “Refresh Map” step.

  1. Action: To add more detail to your map, select from the main menu bar at the top of the page. Individual map layers can be turned on or off by selecting the yellow folder symbol Base Mapsfrom the Map Layer displayed along the right side of the window and checking one or more map themes within each layer.

Result: Asub-set of map layer choices associated with each of the yellow folders is displayed. These secondary map layers contain useful choices to help you increase the detail and information within your map area.

  1. Action: Select and click on one or more of the secondary map layers available within one or more of the yellow folders and click refresh to view the updated map with layers ofnew information.

Examples are:Transportation – adds major roads.

Annotation – adds place names.

TRIM Orthomosaic– adds air photo details where available.

Result: Updates your customized map with layers of more detailed information. The selection(s) that are made will assist in finding the well site and prepare for a printable map showing the well’s precise location and related features.

Note:Greyed in boxes adjacent to layer options indicate that these options will not be displayed at the map scale selected.

Determining and Displaying the Coordinates of Your Well Site:

  1. Action: When you have reached the desired scale and level of detail to locate the well site accurately, select the XY location symbol tool from the 2nd line menu bar, top of the page and position the mouse cursor(+)over the exact location of the well site on the map. Click once with the left mouse button and wait a moment for map processing.

Result: A blue coloured symbol will appear on the screen map at the

location chosen. Latitude and longitude coordinateswill be displayed just below the well site location. This step does not reproduce this location symbol nor the geographic coordinates on your printed map as it is for screen reference only.

  1. Action: Record these coordinates in the appropriate location of the completed Well Construction Report or Schedule 2.
  1. Action: From the 2ndsecond line menu bar, top of the page, select the Point Mark-up tool and position the mouse cursor(+)preciselyover the location of your well site. Click the left mouse button once and wait a moment for map processing.

Result: Imprints your map with the blue coloured location symbol and retains this symbol on your printed map.

Printing or Saving a Map of Your Well Site:

  1. Action: To print a map, click on the printer menu button (top left corner of the 2ndmenu bar). A new sub-window, titled: Create a PDF Mapwill appear in the right window screen. Complete the Map Title optionwith information to reflect a specific name and date for your well site map including the appropriate Well ID Plate # similar to the example given below. Adjust the map output parameters Quality/Output Sizeand Scaleor leave the default settings and proceed to Step #13.

Map Title:
Nanaimo Well Map #1; May 6th, 2005; Well ID plate # 126743


Result: Creates a copy of your completed map in Adobe Acrobat PDF format ready for printing and/or saving to a computer file of your choice.

  1. Action: Click on thebutton and wait for the left side window area to refresh.

Result: The Create a PDF Map window refreshes with the message: Map created successfully.

  1. Action: To preview your printable map, click on [open map].

Result: Your new map can be saved or printed from this screen using the options provided in the print menu window.

Submitting Your Information to the Province:

  1. Action: Record the geographic coordinates to the nearest second (or decimal equivalent to 4 places) on either the Well Construction Report or the Schedule 2document. Attach a copy of your labelled well site map to either the Well Construction Report or Schedule 2document and mail the complete package to:

Ministry of Environment

Deputy Comptroller

C/o Ground Water Database Technician

PO Box 9341 Stn Prov Govt

Victoria, BCV8W 9M1

Telephone: (250)-387-0014

Facsimile: (250) 356-7197


Last Updated: 30/01/20191