La Clase de Español

Daily Classwork, Activities and Participation Grading Rubric

Elements / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Preparation / *Comes to class with all required supplies: textbook, workbook, pen, binder/notebook, laptop charged and ready to go.
*Comes to class on time.
*Comes to class quiet and ready to learn.
*Has homework or assignments out and completed. / *Comes to class prepared with supplies: textbook, workbook, pen, binder/notebook, laptop charged and ready to go.
*Comes to class on time.
*Takes out homework and is ready for class when asked. / *Missing one required supply
*Just on time for class
*Either almost ready or unready to begin class.
*Does not have homework or materials ready. / *Missing two required supplies.
*Late for class.
*Pretty unprepared to begin class. / *Completely unprepared for class.
*Late for class.
*Not ready to begin.
During Class / *Excellent focus throughout the class.
*Actively takes notes.
*Actively pays attention.
*Actively participates as much as possible.
*Asks appropriate questions.
*Volunteers to read/speak in the target language.
*Accepts challenges.
*Completes assigned work
*Participation!! / *Average focus in class.
*Actively takes notes.
*Pays good attention.
*Participates a lot.
*Asks questions occasionally.
*Sometimes volunteers to read/speak in target language.
*Handles challenging activities, sometimes needs help becoming motivated.
*Completes assigned work.
*Participates well. / *Focus needs improvement, but has some.
*Takes some notes, but could take more.
*Barely asks questions.
*Hard time paying attention.
*Rarely asks questions.
*Does not volunteer to read or speak in target language, has to be asked.
*Little motivation.
*Gives up on challenging activities and does not ask for help.
*Little participation. / *Often distracted in class.
*Minimal not taking.
*Never asks questions.
*Rarely tries to speak in target language.
*Difficulty paying attention.
*Difficult to motivate.
*Does not accept challenges.
*Little participation. / *Lack of focus.
*Does not take/takes little notes.
*Does not work on assignments effectively.
*Does not try to speak in the target language.
*Does not pay attention.
*Does not volunteer.
*Does not accept challenging.
*is not motivated
*Minimal participation, if any.
Learning Groups/ Group Work / *Contributes to group work greatly.
*Helps keep the group on task.
*Uses target language.
*Works hard to get along with the group. / *Average contribution to the group.
*Helps with group work and to stay on task.
*Some off task talking.
*Gets along with group. / *Has to be reminded to stay on task.
*Contributes a little to group.
*Some off task talking. / *No contribution to group.
*Off task talking.
*Incomplete work.
*Does not work well with others. / *No contribution to group.
*Does not work well with others.
*Does not do work.
*Talking a lot.