Tel: 0141 427 1315
Email: headteacher@lorne
Dear Parents/Carers,
We welcome Mrs Patricia Tarbert to the Lorne Street Primary teaching team. Mrs undertaking a Principal Teacher remit, Mrs Tarbert will also be teaching P6. Mrs Tarbert took up post on Monday 26th October and is already settling in well. As you are aware Mrs Walker will be job sharing the Depute Head Teacher role with Mrs Marigo. Mrs Walker started her post at Lorne Street on Monday 19th October and has already settled in very well.
Lost Property
Any lost property is located in the plastic boxes outside the gym hall. Lost property that is not claimed before the Christmas Holidays will be donated to charity.
Rights Respecting School Awards
In 1989, Governments across the world adopted the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), recognising that all children have the right to be treated with dignity and fairness, to be protected, to develop their full potential and to participate. children realise their full potential. A rights-respecting school is a community where children’s rights are learned, taught, practised, respected, protected and promoted.
We have already undertaken some good work on Children’s Rights and this session we will be building on this work towards achieving the Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Award.
Accreditation is achieved by an external assessment process and is broken down into three stages
Recognition of Commitment
Level 1
Level 2
Commitment to final assessment at level 2 can take up to 4 years. This will therefore be an on-going process for us all in Lorne Street Primary and we will value your support as we take this forward.
Further information can be obtained from visiting the following websites:-
Dyslexia Awareness Week 2nd – 8th November, 2015
Dyslexia Scotland is an organisation which supports people who have dyslexia. The Dyslexia Scotland’s first Young Ambassador was a girl called Ellie. She came up with a blue ribbon for dyslexia to raise awareness. Here is what she said when she launched the blue ribbon in 2012:-
“I want children to feel comfortable with their dyslexia and do not have to hide it away. Most children don’t want to tell their friends about it because they are ashamed or embarrassed. I want to educate people so that they understand that dyslexics are creative out of the box thinkers and that we are just as clever as everyone else. I want to embrace their dyslexia and achieve their goals”
All p4 – p7 pupils will, be issued with a blue ribbon on Monday 2nd November and will be encouraged to wear it during Dyslexia Awareness week on 2nd till 8th November. If you would like more information on Dyslexia Scotland, please call 0844 800 84 84 or visit their website on
Children in Need
Lorne Street Primary supported Children in Need very well and this year we hope to raise an amazing of money yet again. For Children in Need this year the theme is Superheroes. Please come to school dressed as your Hero, Superhero or favourite book character on Friday 13th November and bring in £1 for Children in Need.
On Thursday 12th November we are holding a bake sale and would ask everyone to bring in small individual cakes e.g. cupcakes, tray bakes, biscuits etc. to donate to the bake sale and some money to buy some cakes.
Thank you to Kinning Perk Café who have kindly donated a cake for the bake sale.
Pupil Council
Thank you to all the children who prepared manifestos for our recent Pupil Council Elections. The successful candidates are listed below as well as the class that they are representative for.
P1 Sophie Nicol P1/2 Esraa Saade P2 Ali Tariq
P3 Lachlan Ryan P4 Lachlan Allan
P5 Hollie Marshall Freireich P6 Swaraj Singh P7 Hollie Sloan
Staff Reps:- Mr Alex Nicolson
Book Week Scotland 23rd November till 29th November 2015
“Love of reading is more important in academic achievement than a child’s social or economic background” Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development “reading for Change” 2002.
Book Week Scotland is the country’s national celebration of books and reading for pleasure taking place from 23rd November to 29th November, 2015. Promoting enjoyment and choice in reading is high on our agenda.
We also plan to celebrate this special week with other reading focused events. You can help your child reading by getting involved – how about the whole family having a SOAR (switch off and read) night during the week. Switch off all technology/TV and read.
The Pupil Council are also organising a book sale. If you have any unwanted books, please give them to your child/children to bring into school. The book sale is on Friday 27th November if they want to purchase a book.
DJ Club
Lorne Street Primary 7 pupils are now part of a musical Monday where they will learn DJ skills with Mrs Walker. After they complete their training they will liven up the dinner hall on Tuesdays by playing everyone’s song requests.
Enterprise Club (p4 – p7)
Soon all Lorne Street pupils will be able to buy their school supplies in our very own Lorne Street Primary Stationery Shop. The shop will be run by the new primary 4 to 7 Enterprise Club who will be responsible for buying, selling and counting profits! Applications for the Enterprise club have been given out and interviews for spaces in the club will take place in November.
Monday 2nd November Flu Vaccination
P5 – 9.30am African Arts Trip
Wednesday 4th November 10 P7 Pupils & 10 P6 Pupils to Cross Country Event at Bellahouston Park.
P7 to Govan Road for Fairtrade Project
P7 Girls swimming starts at Whitehill Secondary.
Friday 6th November 10am – P5 to Science Centre
Thursday 12th November Children in Need Bake Sale
Friday 13th November Children in Need. Dress as a Superhero/Hero/Favourite Book Character
Thursday 26th November P1 & P7 Dental Checks
Friday 27th November Book Sale
Non Uniform Day
Friday 27th November Book Sale
Non Uniform Day
Please use this slip for requests for more information or your opinion on how we are performing.
Signed ______Date______
Child’s Name______