


Instructor Information

Instructor: Jeff Bauer, Associate Professor

Office: S252F

Phone: 732-5257 24-HR Voicemail

Office Hours:

FacultyServiceCenter: 732-5335

Fax: 732-5304



Text Information

Service Management, Fitzsimmons, James, A., Fitzsimmons, Mona, J. McGraw Hill/Irwin, 6th Edition 2008. ISBN: 978-0-07-337783-4.

Course Description

The management of marketing variables within service oriented organizations is emphasized. Specific attention will be given to supply chain and brand management. The globalization of services will also be addressed.

Course Objectives

1)To study “breakthrough” services in order to understand the operations of successful service firms that can be benchmarks for future management practice.

2)To develop an understanding of the “state of the art” of service management thinking and brand management.

3)To develop an awareness of the opportunities that information technology can have for enhancing service firm’s competitiveness.

4)To appreciate the organizational significance of managing the service encounter to achieve internal and external customer satisfaction.

5)Understand new service development from both a product and process perspective.

6)To gain an appreciation of the complexities associated with implementing change.

7)To understand the dimensions of service growth and expansion both domestically and internationally.

8)To appreciate the global entrepreneurial opportunities in services.

Course Requirements

Reading Assignments: The student is expected to read all assignments. He/she should be prepared to use the material from the readings to complete the chapter questions, application assignments, and the paper.

Issue Summaries: Each student is to prepare and present two (2) issue summaries, which pertain to any service management topic. The issue summaries are due as outlined on the lesson schedule and should be mailed to the instructor. The issue summary should meet the following guidelines:

1)Research and obtain an article from any business periodical (The Wall Street Journal, Business Week, The Economist, Fortune, Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, etc.)

2)A 3x5 or 4x6 card must be used

3)Attach the article or a copy of it to one side of the card

4)Highlight or underline topics discussed in the article which we have reviewed in class

5)Write or type your opinion of the issue on the other side of the card. Why is the issue important? What other issues need to be considered?

Application Assignments: There will be five (5) application assignments during the term. Application assignments are designed to provide the student the opportunity to demonstrate competence with the material though application of the concepts. Assignments may include cases and will come from the textbook/outside sources and are outlined on the lesson schedule. Application assignment responses should be typed and e-mailed to the instructor.

End of Chapter Questions: For each lesson questions will be posed for the student to respond to which relate to the readings. The responses to each question should be kept to ½ page, typed, and double-spaced.

Quarter Paper: The student will prepare a 10-page paper, which focuses on a specific topic of interest to the student relating to service management. The paper must be typed, double-spaced with a 1-inch margin around each page. The paper should be e-mailed to the instructor as a file attachment. The topic must be approved by the instructor. Example topics: Service Quality, Developments in the Delivery of Services, and Issues Related to Queuing/Waiting.


The final grade will be determined as follows:

Professor Contact 50 Points

End of Chapter Questions (20 @ 10 points each)200 Points

Application Assignments (5 @ 50 points each)250 Points

Issue Summaries (2 @ 25 points each) 50 Points

Quarter Paper150 Points


Total Points700 Points

The numerical average will be calculated by dividing total points by 7.
Grading Scale

The following plus/minus grading system will apply:

92 - 100% = A 91 - 89% = A- 88 - 87% = B+ 86 - 82% = B 81 - 79% = B-

78 – 77% = C+ 76 – 72% = C 71 – 69% = C- 68 and Under = F



The current withdrawal policy of Clermont Collegewill apply. The withdrawal policy for this term is available in the Registration Office.

Cheating and Plagiarism

The policy as stated in the University of Cincinnati Student Handbook will be enforced. A copy of the Student Handbook is available in the Student Development Office.


Students with Disabilities: The policy of the University of Cincinnati Clermont College requires students to self-identify and provide proper documentation to the Director of Disability Services for appropriate academic assistance.

Note: The course schedule and procedures are tentative and subject to change depending upon the progress of the class.




The role of services in an economy

The traits that services have in common


The student will demonstrate an understanding of the models employed by service businesses and understand the dynamics of the formation of a service oriented organization as a business entity. The student will understand the various types of services and their make-up.


The entire course packet and syllabus

Chapter One – The Role of Services in the Economy

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)Why has the U.S. economy shifted to a service-basis?

2)Based on the distribution of the GDP of the U.S. economy – What type of industry/job would you recommend to a student entering college?

Contact the instructor by phone or e-mail to discuss the course requirements.




Describe service/product bundles

Classifying services to determine appropriate delivery mechanisms


The student will be prepared to discuss the application of the services management principles to the classification and analysis of service delivery and strategy. The student will understand the various issues and responsibilities associated with managing service oriented businesses.


Chapter Two – The Nature of Services

Chapter Three – Service Strategy

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)How does the firm’s relationship with the customer impact the nature of the service act itself?

2)Why is it valuable for a manager to understand the stages of firm competitiveness?

Application Assignment:

Provide a company profile for a firm that you feel has achieved world-class service delivery. Provide as many details and examples about the firm as possible within one side of one page.

Begin searching for articles for the issue summaries.




The process of designing new services


The student will understand the issues regarding new service development, marketing, and delivery. Special attention should be given to the customer value equation.


Chapter Four – New Service Development

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)What role should the customer play in new service design? Why?

2)Explain the customer value equation in one sentence.

Complete and mail issue summary 1.




The role of technology in the delivery of services

The management of e-business and e-commerce issues and technology


The student will understand the various technical components of service delivery and their impact on the management of services. The student will understand the terms e-business and e-commerce and be able to describe their use for improving service delivery and quality.


Chapter Five – Technology in Services

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)What impact has technology had on self-service? Is this a good or a bad thing?

2)How would you evaluate’s Scalability in 2008?

Application Assignment:

Complete Case 5.1 = on pages 102-103. Answer the questions at the end of the case and e-mail the responses to the instructor.

Paper: Choose a topic for your quarter paper and contact the professor.




Measuring service quality

Process and layout improvement


The student will understand the issues of concern for service quality and process improvement and their potential impact on the firm. The student will understand the tools employed in measuring the dimensions of service quality.


Chapter Six – Service Quality

Chapter Seven – Process Improvement

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)How can we identify gaps in service quality? How should we deal with them/Who should have the authority to “fix” the gaps?

2)Do you think that most service firms are employing Six-Sigma quality standards? Why or Why not? Provide specific examples supporting your answer.

Paper: Upon obtaining approval for your topic, begin work on your quarter paper.




Strategic decisions related to service facility location

The impact of e-commerce on location considerations


The student will understand the issues involved in specifying and choosing physical and virtual locations for service businesses. The student will understand the modeling considerations and their use in the selection of service locations.


Chapter Ten – Service Facility Location

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)Which facility location technique do you think is employed most often by most small businesses? Why do you think that?

2)Force rank order the site selection considerations presented in Table 10.2 for a gas station on a busy interstate.

Application Assignment:

Go to the McDonalds website for restaurant location:

Look at the 45103 zip code and evaluate the 20 restaurant locations provided that are close to 45103. Given that list – where would you locate the “next” McDonalds in eastern Cincinnati? E-mail your answer and justification to the instructor.

Paper: Begin collecting supporting documentation for the quarter paper.




Queuing and waiting issues for service businesses


The student will understand the issues involved in the distribution of customer arrivals for service. The student will be able to describe and will understand the various types of queuing models available for analyzing wait times.


Chapter Twelve – Managing Waiting Lines

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)What is the single best thing that you can do (as a service manager) when people have to wait?

2)Can the triage system be employed by other service businesses (vs. just medical environments)? If so, which services/situations lend themselves to this type of queuing?

Paper: Continue work on the quarter paper.




The tools and techniques of managing projects


The student will understand the issues involved in operating an office and laboratory from a safety perspective. The student will be able to describe and will understand the various types of regulations and safety measures that an office must abide by and employ. The student will be able to discuss the functions and role of the medical office manager.


Chapter Fifteen – Managing Projects

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)Describe the components of the project management process. What does the control component do for us in the short term?

2)PERT, GANTT, CPM – which method are you most likely to employ yourself? Why?

Application Assignment:

Collect several bills that you receive in the mail for services. Design the “ideal” bill from a customer’s perspective. On one 8 ½ X 11 piece of paper draw the ideal bill for your service business including all information that you believe is important, but keeping in mind the customer perspective.

Complete and mail issue summary #2.

Paper: Continue work on the quarter paper.




The role of capacity planning for service businesses

The impact of queuing decisions on capacity


The student will understand the issues involved in specifying the appropriate capacity plan for a service business. The student will be able to discuss the functions and role of capacity planning.


Chapter Sixteen – Capacity Planning and Queuing Models

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)Does doubling service capacity cut average wait time in 1/2? Why or why not?

2)What is the impact an inadequate waiting area? How can this issue be dealt with for a physically constrained business?

Paper: Complete and mail/e-mail your paper to the instructor.




Understand the use of the various forecasting models


The student will be able to describe the functions of a forecasting model and understand the outputs produced by the various models. The student will be able to discuss the functions and role of demand forecasting for a service business.


Chapter Seventeen – Forecasting Demand for Service

Learning Activities

The student will submit responses to the following questions:

1)What is the main problem with time series analyses?

2)What are the disadvantages of the subjective forecasting models? Given the disadvantages – Why are they still employed?

Application Assignment:

Reevaluate Solved Problem #1 at the bottom of page 468 and top of 469 using the following data:

Monday = 16, Tuesday = 28, Wednesday = 36, Thursday = 29, Friday = 39

E-mail a solution table or spreadsheet to the instructor.

Paper: Call the instructor for feedback and comments on your paper, and if necessary make changes and re-submit the paper.