The Samuel Griffith Society

Twenty-second Conference Programme

Perth, 27-29 August 2010

Friday 27th August, 2010

6.45 pm Registration and Drinks

7.30 pm Dinner: Chairman: Sir David Smith, KCVO, AO

Sir Harry Gibbs Memorial Oration: Bryan Pape - Stopping Stimulus Spending or is the Sorcerer's Apprentice now controlling the Executive?

Saturday 28th August, 2010

8.30 am Registration (for those unable to attend the opening Dinner)

8.50 am Conference Opening Remarks: Julian Leeser

Session 1: Commonwealth Delivery of State Government Services

9.00 am Andrew Podger AO: The Case for Greater Commonwealth Involvement in Healthcare

9.30 am Discussion

9.45 am Dr Dan Norton: The Case for less Commonwealth Involvement in State Government Services

10.15 am Discussion

10.30 am Morning Tea

Session 2: Property Rights

11.00 am Lorraine Finlay: The Attack on Property Rights

11.30 am Discussion

11.45 am Hon Keith de Lacy AM: Ramifications of the Resources Super Profits Tax for the Mining Industry and the State

12.15 pm Discussion

12.30 pm Luncheon

2.15 pm Grant Donaldson SC and Richard Douglas: The National Broadband Network and the Acquisition of Property

2.45 pm Discussion

Session 3: Fiscal Federalism

3.00 pm Professor Jeff Petchey: Revisiting proposals for a state income tax

3.30 pm Discussion

3.45 pm Afternoon Tea

Session 4: Papers in honour of John Stone and Nancy Stone

4.15 pm Des Moore: John Stone Federalism and the Commonwealth Treasury

4.45 pm Discussion

5.00 pm Adjourned

Free Time

7.00 pm Drinks

7.30 pm Dinner: Chairman: Sir David Smith, KCVO, AO

Address: Hon Justice JD Heydon AC - The Public Life of John and Nancy Stone

Sunday 29th August, 2010

Session 5: Chapter III of the Constitution and Federalism

9.30 am Hon Justice John Gilmour: The Ramifications of the Kirk case

10.00 am Discussion

10.15 am Morning Tea

Session 6: International Law

10.45 am Hon Christian Porter MLA: International Documents and the Sovereignty

of State Policy

11.15 am Discussion


11.30 am Hon Colin Barnett MLA: Federalism in 2010

12.00 noon Concluding Remarks: Sir David Smith, KCVO, AO

12.15pm Conference Concludes.

Post Conference Tour:

1.00pm-2.00pm Constitutional Centre of Western Australia led by Centre Chairman,

Malcolm McCusker AO, QC


Hon Colin Barnett MLA - Premier of Western Australia

Hon Keith de Lacy AM - Chairman, Macarthur Coal former Labor Treasurer of Queensland

Grant Donaldson SC - President, Western Australian Bar Association

Richard Douglas - Barrister, Western Australian Bar

Hon Justice John Gilmour - Judge, Federal Court of Australia

Lorraine Finlay - Lecturer, Murdoch University School of Law

Hon Justice Dyson Heydon AC - Justice, High Court of Australia

Malcolm McCusker AO, QC - Chairman, Western Australian Constitutional Centre

Des Moore - Director, Institute for Private Enterprise former Deputy Secretary Commonwealth Treasury

Dr Dan Norton - former Secretary, Department of Premier & Cabinet in Tasmania

Bryan Pape - Senior Lecturer in law University of New England and litigant in Pape v The Commonwealth

Professor Jeff Petchey - Head of School, School of Economics and Finance, Centre for Research in Applied Economics, Curtin University of Technology

Hon Christian Porter MLA - Attorney-General for Western Australia