A message from Dr. Patsy

As I write 3 out of the 4 clinicians down my end of the surgery are coughing (we are all very careful to keep our viruses to ourselves). I hope, by the time this magazine article comes out, that the winter respiratory infection season, which puts so much pressure on all of us, is over. Please resolve to have your flu jab every year, and a pneumonia jab (this is given once only, not every year) if offered. Pneumonia immunisation is offered to all over 65s and other vulnerable people.

Self Care

During November last year there was a Self-Care Week, which is a national awareness week organised by the Self- Care Forum that focusses on supporting and embedding self-care across communities, families and generations. The aim is to support patients to better look after their own health, their family’s health and also help manage demand on the health services. At the moment the news is dominated by the winter pressure crisis at A&E Departments. Encouraging the use of self-care not only benefits patients but also helps reduce the current pressure on GP practices.

We are currently in the process of setting up a Self-Care Body Maintenance Tower in the area outside Dispensary where you will be able to pick up useful information leaflets and brochures.

For more information visit Here you will be able to find useful fact-sheets on a range of subjects from low back pain, fever in children, coughs and sore throats, and sprains and strains.

Fascinating Factoid

One in four diabetics is undiagnosed. If you have a family history of diabetes or are overweight, even moderately, we can take a blood test for you on request.

Patient Access

For those of you who use Emis Access via the website for ordering prescriptions – please don’t be offended if you get a ‘rejected’ notification. If you ask for a different quantity or some slight alteration in your normal script, we have to cancel the request before we then change it and put it through. We do read your comments carefully. So if you get a ‘rejected’ email, don’t worry, we’ve put it through, and if a request is truly rejected, we’ll tell you why when you come in.


For those of you who have home delivery of medication, thank-you for your patience after Kevin broke his knee. We hope to resume business as usual as soon as we can. Luckily you have all been able to use your back-up arrangements. I am sure you all join us in wishing him a speedy recovery.

Community Car Schemes

There are a number of volunteer drivers available who will offer lifts to hospital or doctors’ appointments. The Surgery is very appreciative to all those people who volunteer their time for this service.


Eileen Vockins 01886 884366



Caroline Mitchell 01886 884070

Richard & Rosemary Hardwick 01886 832289

Jill Hammonds 01886 884221


Leigh & Bransford & Leigh Sinton

Ellen Gwynne 01886 832990 (AM)

Andrea Draper 01886 833313


Alfrick & Lulsley

Margaret Bradley 01886 884239

Grace Mansell 01886 884234

Pam Lowe 01886 833362


There were 57 No shows for appointments in December. This equates to 9 ½ hours consulting time that could have been used by others. Please call if you don’t need your appointment.

The surgery is moving over to a new provider to send our SMS text reminders; this service will enable us to also send targeted messages to individuals in a way that has not been possible before. Please make sure we have up-to-date mobile numbers so that you can take advantage of this innovative technology.

Friends of Cradley Surgery Quiz Night

Friends of Cradley Surgery (PPG) will be hosting a Valentine's Quiz Night in aid of the second Community Defibrillator in Cradley Village Hall on Saturday 18th February at 8pm. Come as teams of 4: £10.00 per team

A bar is available to help with brain power. Don't hesitate and be disappointed. Reserve your table in advance by ringing Trish Fouque: 01886 880 860. The ‘Friends’ would appreciate donations of items to be raffled on the night. Come along and meet members of the ‘Friends’ and pit your wits against the Staff team we hope to have in attendance.

And Finally

Please keep us up to date with your contact details, address, telephone number(s) and email addresses.