8th Grade Language Arts
Let the Journey Begin!
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to 8th Grade Language Arts! In this course, we will work with a variety of literature including novels, short stories, essays, and poetry, as they correlate to the SpringBoard curriculum and the Common Core State and NC Essential Standards. Students will expand their comprehension, reasoning, and communication skills through various strategies such as literature circles, Socratic seminars, writing workshops, and creative presentations. We will study grammar and vocabulary in an inclusive manner.
Students will have opportunities for extra help. Each teacher has scheduled tutoring hours printed below. Students should make arrangements with parent and teacher before each session. This is an excellent opportunity to receive small group instruction, prepare for tests and quizzes, and make up missed assignments.
Students are expected to come to class prepared, as they will often be asked to complete readings for homework that will be instrumental in the next class’s activities. Students must be prepared in order to ensure success in Language Arts.
We look forward to a productive school year. It will be both challenging and fun as we prepare for success now and in the future.
Mr. Buzzee, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Lucero, Mrs. McQueen, Mrs. Morton, , and Mr. Stamey
Tutoring Hours(All instructors are willing to schedule additional times by advanced appointment.)
Mrs. Cohen-7:15-7:45, Wednesdays
/ Mrs. McQueen – 3:15 - 4:15, Thursdays
Mr. Buzzee – 3:15 - 4:15, Tuesdays
/ Mrs. Morton – 7:15-7:45, Tuesdays
Mrs. Lucero – 7:15 - 7:45, Tuesday to Friday
/ Mr. Stamey-7:15-7:45, Thursdays
The Student Portfolio
The student portfolio is a three-ring binder with five dividers that students will use as a method of organizing what he/she has learned, as a means to reflect upon strengths and weaknesses, and as a way to communicate with teacher, parents, and classmates. The student portfolio is a chronological document with daily entries.
Summer Reading
The summer reading assignment was distributed at the end of last year and posted on the JMR webpage. Hopefully, each of you has completed the assignment and found The Alchemist or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a great read. Expectations for Summer Reading Projects will be outlined in detail during the first week of school. The project is due September 9.
Future Readings
The novels listed below are books that we will read in order during the course of this school year. We encourage students to obtain individual copies, so they may make notes within the margins and highlight as needed. These novels are also available on a variety of eReaders.
Students will continue with the SEM-R program this year. On Mondays and Fridays, students will spend their Recharge time reading, responding to, or conferencing about a pre-approved, self-selected novel that presents challenging and engaging text.
The Giver - Lois Lowry
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Night - Elie Wiesel
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Grading Policies and Expectations
Formal Assessments 65%
(Tests, SpringBoard Embedded Assessments, Writing Assignments, Projects, etc.)
Classwork/Informal Assessments/Homework 35%
(Warm-ups, notebook checks, quizzes, class participation, etc.)
Students are expected to--
· attend class every day.
· come to class with assignments completed.
· be prepared to participate.
· have materials ready.
· exhibit appropriate behavior.
Late Work Policy
All assignments are expected to be turned in on time. Should a formal assessment be turned in late, 10 points per day will be deducted. All other late work will receive a maximum score of a 70%.
Should a student be absent, it is his/her responsibility to make contact with the teacher to obtain work assigned during the absence. Work must be completed in a timely manner according to the teacher’s discretion.
Please sign and return.
I have read and understand the above prospectus. Student signature______
I have read and understand the above prospectus. Parent signature______