The Schrödinger equation (introduced inChapter 7) does not giveexactsolutions for the energy levels ofmany-electron atoms,those with more than one electron—that is, all atoms except hydrogen. However, unlike the Bohr model, it gives excellentapproximatesolutions. Three additional features become important in many-electron atoms: (1) a fourth quantum number, (2) a limit on the number of electrons in an orbital, and (3) a splitting of energy levels into sublevels.
The Electron-Spin Quantum Number
The three quantum numbersn, l,andmldescribe the size (energy), shape, and orientation in space, respectively, of an atomic orbital. A fourth quantum number describes a property calledspin,which is a property of the electron and not the orbital.
When a beam of atoms that have one or more lone electrons passes through a nonuniform magnetic field (created by magnet faces with different shapes), it splits into two beams;Figure 8.1shows this for a beam of H atoms. Each electron behaves as if it were spinning on its axis in one of two opposite directions, and each spinning charge generates a tiny magnetic field, which can have one of two values ofspin. The two electron fields have opposing directions, so half of the electrons areattractedby the large external magnetic field while the other half arerepelledby it.
Figure 8.1The effect of electron spin.A beam of H atoms splits because each atom's electron has one of the two possible values of spin.
Corresponding to the two directions of the electron's field, thespin quantum number(ms) has two possible values,or. Thus,each electron in an atom is described completely by a set offourquantum numbers: the first three describe its orbital, and the fourth describes its spin.The quantum numbers are summarized inTable 8.1.
Now we can write a set of four quantum numbers for any electron in the ground state of any atom. For example, the set of quantum numbers for the lone electron in hydrogen (H;Z= 1) isn= 1,l= 0,ml= 0, and. (The spin quantum number could just as well have been, but by convention, we assignto the first electron in an orbital.)
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The Exclusion Principle
The element after hydrogen is helium (He;Z =2), the first with atoms having more than one electron. The first electron in the He ground state has the same set of quantum numbers as the electron in the H atom, but the second He electron does not. Based on observations of excited states, the Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli formulated theexclusion principle:no two electrons in the same atom can have the same four quantum numbers.Therefore, the second He electron occupies the same 1sorbital as the first but has an opposite spin:n =1,l =0,ml= 0, and
Baseball Quantum Numbers
The unique set of quantum numbers that describes an electron is analogous to the unique location of a box seat at a baseball game. The stadium (atom) is divided into section (n, level), box (l, sublevel), row (ml, orbital), and seat (ms, spin). Only one person (electron) can have this particular set of stadium “quantum numbers.”
The major consequence of the exclusion principle is thatan atomic orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons, which must have opposing spins.We say that the 1sorbital in He isfilledand that the electrons havepaired spins.Thus, a beam of He atoms is not split in an experiment like that inFigure 8.1.
Electrostatic Effects and Energy-Level Splitting
Electrostatic effects—attraction of opposite charges and repulsion of like charges—play a major role in determining the energy states of many-electron atoms. Unlike the H atom, in which there is only the attraction between nucleus and electron and the energy state is determinedonlyby thenvalue, the energy states of many-electron atoms are also affected by electron-electron repulsions. You'll see shortly how these additional interactions give rise tothe splitting of energy levels into sublevels of differing energies: the energy of an orbital in a many-electron atom depends mostly on its n value (size) and to a lesser extent on its l value (shape).
Our first encounter with energy-level splitting occurs with lithium (Li;Z =3). The first two electrons of Li fill its 1sorbital, so the third Li electron must go into then =2level. But, this level has 2s and2psublevels: which does the third electron enter? For reasons we discuss below, the 2sis lower in energy than the 2p,so the ground state of Li has its third electron in the 2s.
This energy difference arises from three factors—nuclear attraction, electron repulsions,andorbital shape(i.e., radial probability distribution). Their interplay leads to two phenomena—shieldingandpenetration—that occur in all atomsexcepthydrogen. [In the following discussion, keep in mind that more energy is needed to remove an electron from a more stable (lower energy) sublevel than from a less stable (higher energy) sublevel.]
The Effect of Nuclear Charge (Z) on Sublevel EnergyHigher charges interact more strongly than lower charges (Coulomb's law,Section 2.7). Therefore,a higher nuclear charge (more protons in the nucleus) increases nucleus-electron attractions and, thus, lowers sublevel energy (stabilizes the atom).We see this effect by comparing the 1ssublevel energies of three species with one electron—H atom (Z =1), He+ion (Z =2), and Li2+ion (Z =3).Figure 8.2shows that the 1ssublevel in H is the least stable (highest energy), so the least energy is needed to remove its electron; and the 1ssublevel in Li2+is the most stable, so the most energy is needed to remove its electron.
Figure 8.2The effect of nuclear charge on sublevel energy.Greater nuclear charge lowers sublevel energy (to a more negative number), which makes the electron harder to remove. (The strength of attraction is indicated by the thickness of the black arrows.)
Shielding: The Effect of Electron Repulsions on Sublevel EnergyIn many-electron atoms, each electron “feels” not only the attraction to the nucleus but also repulsions from other electrons. Repulsions counteract the nuclear attraction somewhat, making each electron easier to remove by, in effect, helping to push it away. We speak of each electron “shielding” the other electrons to some extent from the nuclear charge.Shielding(also calledscreening) reduces the full nuclear charge to aneffective nuclear charge(Zeff),the nuclear charge an electronactually experiences, and this lower nuclear charge makes the electron easier to remove.
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- Shielding by other electrons in a given energy level.Electrons in thesameenergy level shield each other somewhat. Compare the He atom and He+ion: both have a 2+ nuclear charge, but He has two electrons in the 1ssublevel and He+has only one (Figure 8.3A). It takes less than half as much energy to remove an electron from He (2372 kJ/mol) than from He+(5250 kJ/mol) because the second electron in He repels the first, in effect causing a lowerZeff.
- Shielding by electrons in inner energy levels.Because inner electrons spend nearly all their timebetweenthe outer electrons and the nucleus, they cause amuchlowerZeffthan do electrons in the same level. We can see this by comparing two atomic systems with the same nucleus, onewithinner electrons and the otherwithout.The ground-state Li atom has two inner (1s) electrons and one outer (2s) electron, while the Li2+ion has only one electron, which occupies the 2sorbital in the first excited state (Figure 8.3B). It takes about one-sixth as much energy to remove the 2selectron from the Li atom (520 kJ/mol) as it takes to remove it from the Li2+ion (2954 kJ/mol), because theinner electrons shield very effectively.
Figure 8.3Shielding and energy levels.A,Within an energy level, each electron shields(red arrows)other electrons from the full nuclear charge(black arrows), so they experience a lowerZeff.B,Inner electrons shield outer electronsmuchmore effectively than electrons in the same energy level.
Table 8.2lists the values ofZefffor the electrons in a potassium atom. Although K (Z =19) has a nuclear charge of 19+, all of its electrons haveZeff< 19. The two innermost (1s) electrons have a slightly lowerZeffof 18.49 because they shield each other. The outermost (4s) electron has a much lowerZeffof 3.50, as a result of the effective shielding by the 18 inner electrons.
Penetration: The Effect of Orbital Shape on Sublevel EnergyTo see why the third Li electron occupies the 2ssublevel rather than the 2p, we have to consider orbital shapes, that is, radial probability distributions (Figure 8.4). A 2porbital(orange curve)is slightly closer to the nucleus, on average, than the major portion of the 2sorbital(blue curve).But a small portion of the 2sradial probability distribution peaks within the 1sregion. Thus, an electron in the 2sorbital spends part of its time “penetrating” very close to the nucleus.Penetrationhas two effects:
Figure 8.4Penetration and sublevel energy.
- Itincreases the nuclear attractionfor a 2selectron over that for a 2pelectron.
- Itdecreases the shieldingof a 2selectron by the 1selectrons.
Thus, since it takes more energy to remove a 2selectron (520 kJ/mol) than a 2p(341 kJ/mol), the 2ssublevel is lower in energy than the 2p.
Splitting of Levels into SublevelsIn general,penetration and the resulting effects on shielding split an energy level into sublevels of differing energy.The lower thelvalue of a sublevel, the more its electrons penetrate, and so the greater their attraction to the nucleus. Therefore,for a given n value, a lower l value indicates a more stable (lower energy) sublevel:
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Thus, the 2s(l =0) is lower in energy than the 2p(l =1), the 3p(l =1) is lower than the 3d(l =2), and so forth.
Figure 8.5shows the general energy order of levels (nvalue) and how they are split into sublevels (lvalues) of differing energies. (Compare this with the H atom energy levels inFigure 7.21,p. 314.) Next, we'll use this energy order to construct a periodic table of ground-state atoms.
Figure 8.5Order for filling energy sublevels with electrons.In general, energies of sublevels increase with the principal quantum numbern(1 < 2 < 3, etc.) and the angular momentum quantum numberl(s < p < d < f). Asnincreases, some sublevels overlap; for example, the 4ssublevel is lower in energy than the 3d. (Line color indicates sublevel type.)
Quantum mechanics provides the theoretical foundation for the experimentally based periodic table. In this section, we fill the table by determining theground-stateelectron configuration of each element—the lowest-energy distribution of electrons in the sublevels of its atoms. Note especially therecurring pattern in electron configurations, which is the basis for recurring patterns in chemical behavior.
A useful way to determine electron configurations is based on theaufbau principle(Germanaufbauen,“to build up”). We start at the beginning of the periodic table and add one proton to the nucleus and one electron to thelowest energy sublevel available.(Of course, one or more neutrons are also added to the nucleus.)
There are two common ways to indicate the distribution of electrons:
- The electron configuration.This shorthand notation consists of the principal energy level (nvalue), the letter designation of the sublevel (lvalue), and the number of electrons (#) in the sublevel, written as a superscript:nl#.
- The orbital diagram.Anorbital diagramconsists of a box (or just a line) for each orbital in a given energy level, grouped by sublevel (withnldesignation shown beneath), with an arrow representing an electronandits spin: ↑ isand ↓ is. (Throughout the text, orbital occupancy is also indicated by color intensity: no color is empty, pale color is half-filled, and full color is filled.)
Building Up Period 1
Let's begin by applying the aufbau principle to Period 1, whose ground-state elements have only then= 1 level and, thus, only the 1ssublevel, which consists of only the 1sorbital. We'll also assign a set of four quantum numbers to each element'slast addedelectron.
- Hydrogen.For the electron in H, as you've seen, the set of quantum numbers is H (Z =1):n =1,l =0,ml= 0,ms=. The electron configuration (spoken “one-essone”) and orbital diagram are
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- Helium.Recall that the first electron in He has the same quantum numbers as the electron in H, but the second He electron has opposing spin (exclusion principle), giving He (Z =2):n =1,l =0,ml= 0,. The electron configuration (spoken “one-ess-two,”not“one-ess-squared”) and orbital diagram are
Building Up Period 2
The exclusion principle says an orbital can hold no more than two electrons. Therefore, with He, the 1sorbital, the 1ssublevel, then =1level, and Period 1 are filled. Filling then =2level builds up Period 2 and begins with the 2ssublevel, which is the next lowest in energy (seeFigure 8.4) and consists of only the 2sorbital. When the 2ssublevel is filled, we proceed to fill the 2p.
- Lithium. The first two electrons in Li fill the 1ssublevel, so the last added Li electron enters the 2ssublevel and has quantum numbersn =2,l =0,ml=0,. The electron configuration and orbital diagram are
(Note that a complete orbital diagram shows all the orbitals for the givennvalue, whether or not they are occupied.) To save space on a page, orbital diagrams are written horizontally, withthe sublevel energy increasing left to right. ButFigure 8.6highlights the energy increase with a vertical orbital diagram for lithium.
Figure 8.6A vertical orbital diagram for the Li ground state.
- Beryllium. The 2sorbital is only half-filled in Li, so the fourth electron of beryllium fills it with the electron's spin paired:n =2,l =0,ml=0,.
- Boron. The next lowest energy sublevel is the 2p. Apsublevel hasl =1, so theml(orientation) values can be −1, 0, or +1. The three orbitals in the 2psublevel haveequal energy(samenandlvalues), which means that the fifth electron of boron can go intoany one of the 2p orbitals.For convenience, let's label the boxes from left to right: −1, 0, +1. By convention, we start on the left and place the fifth electron in theml=−1 orbital:n =2,l =1,ml=–1,.
- Carbon.To minimize electron-electron repulsions, the sixth electron of carbon enters one of theunoccupied2porbitals; by convention, we place it in theml=0 orbital. Experiment shows that the spin of this electron isparallelto (the same as) the spin of the other 2pelectron. This fact exemplifiesHund's rule:when orbitals of equal energy are available, the electron configuration of lowest energy has the maximum number of unpaired electrons with parallel spins. Thus, the sixth electron of carbon hasn =2,l =1,ml=0, and.
- Nitrogen.Based on Hund's rule, nitrogen's seventh electron enters the last empty 2porbital, with its spin parallel to the other two:n =2,l =1,ml=+1,.
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- Oxygen. The eighth electron in oxygen must enter one of the three half-filled 2porbitals and “pair up” with (oppose the spin of) the electron present. We place the electron in the first half-filled 2porbital:n =2,l =1,ml=−1,.
- Fluorine.Fluorine's ninth electron enters the next of the two remaining half-filled 2porbitals:n =2,l =1,ml=0,.
- Neon.Only one half-filled 2porbital remains, so the tenth electron of neon occupies it:n =2,l =1,ml=+1,. With neon, then =2level is filled.
SAMPLE PROBLEM 8.1Correlating Quantum Numbers and Orbital Diagrams
ProblemUse the orbital diagram shown above to write sets of quantum numbers for the third and eighth electrons of the F atom.
PlanReferring to the orbital diagram, we identify the electron of interest and note its level (n), sublevel (l), orbital (ml), and spin (ms).
SolutionThe third electron is in the 2sorbital. The upward arrow indicates a spin of:
The eighth electron is in the first 2porbital, which is designatedml=–1, and has a downward arrow:
Brief Solutions forallFollow-up Problems appear at the end of the chapter.
8.1AUse the periodic table to identify the element with the electron configuration 1s22s22p4. Write its orbital diagram and the set of quantum numbers for its sixth electron.
8.1BThe last electron added to an atom has the following set of quantum numbers:. Identify the element, and write its electron configuration and orbital diagram.
SOME SIMILAR PROBLEMS8.21(d)and8.22(a)and(d)
With our attention on these notations, it's easy to forget that atoms are real objects and electrons occupy volumes with specific shapes and orientations.Figure 8.7shows orbital contours for the first 10 elements arranged in periodic table format.
Figure 8.7Depicting orbital occupancy for the first 10 elements.In addition to atomic number, atomic symbol, and ground-state electron configuration, each box shows the probability contours of the atom's orbitals. Orbital occupancy is indicated by lighter shading for half-filled (one e−) orbitals and darker shading for filled (two e−) orbitals.
Even now, we can make an important correlation:elements in the same group have similar outer electron configurations and similar patterns of reactivity. As an example, helium (He) and neon (Ne) in Group 8A(18) both have filled outer sublevels—1s2for helium and 2s22p6for neon—and neither element forms compounds. In general, we find that filled outer sublevels make elements much more stable and unreactive.
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Building Up Period 3
The Period 3 elements, Na through Ar, lie directly under the Period 2 elements, Li through Ne. That is, even though then =3 level splits into 3s, 3p, and 3dsublevels, Period 3 fills only 3sand 3p; as you'll see shortly, the 3dis filled in Period 4.Table 8.3introduces two ways to present electron distributions more concisely:
- Partial orbital diagramsshow only the sublevels being filled, here the 3sand 3p.
- Condensed electron configurations (rightmost column)have the element symbol of the previous noble gas in brackets, to stand for its configuration, followed by the electron configuration of filled inner sublevels and the energy level being filled. For example, the condensed electron configuration of sulfur is [Ne] 3s23p4, where [Ne] stands for 1s22s22p6.
In Na (the second alkali metal) and Mg (the second alkaline earth metal), electrons are added to the 3ssublevel, which contains only the 3sorbital; this is directly comparable to the filling of the 2ssublevel in Li and Be in Period 2. Then, in the same way as the 2porbitals of B, C, and N in Period 2 are half-filled, the last electrons added to Al, Si, and P in Period 3 half-fill successive 3porbitals with spins parallel (Hund's rule). The last electrons added to S, Cl, and Ar then successively pair up to fill those 3porbitals, and thus the 3psublevel.