Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Pine River City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Said meeting was held in Council Chambers in said City.
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Mayor Hansen.
ROLL CALL: Present: Troy Gregory, Patty Melby, Tammy Hoppe, Tamara Hansen
Absent: Tony Desanto
OTHERS PRESENT: Mike Hansen, Bryan Drown, John Wetrosky, Karen Mason, Carol and Robert Burk, Terri Dabill, Ted Lundrigan, Travis Grimler.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Melby motioned, Hoppe seconded to approve the consent calendar as presented includingminutes of June 14th and checks issued as follows:
City Account - Cks #47585-47638 $168,225.47
Comm Police- Cks #1167 291.00
Airport Fuel- Credit Card Fees 150.68
Library- Cks #1332 & 1334 (1333 missed) 385.46 Total All: $169,052.61
All voted aye. Carried
OPEN FORUM: No one present wishing to be heard at this time.
POLICE DEPT: Chief Sand not present. Mayor read the following report;
- Cass County fair went well. Reserves did a good job assisting the PD
- Chief attended a NJPA meeting which assists law enforcement in on line training and provides other training as well.
- Total calls for the month were 175 and included the following;
- 17 speed violations, 39 speed warnings, 5 thefts
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: John Wetrosky present. Wetrosky presented the council and city employees with Summerfest buttons and gave a brief outline of some of the activities that were going to be held. Parade will start @ 2:00 p.m. on Saturday the 30th.
AIRPORT WEBSITE: Wetrosky suggested that the council consider putting the airport under its’ own tab on the website as the pilots are having trouble finding it under amenities.
PUBLIC WORKS: PWD Michael Hansen present. Reports his department has been very busy.
SOFTBALL ADVERTISING LEASES: Hansen states that he has discussed turning this over to the Community Ed Program. They could oversee the program and free up some of the City staff time. Hansen states that he has offered this to the men’s league on numerous occasions but they are not interested. Hoppe motioned, Melby seconded to turn this program over to Community Ed to oversee. All voted aye. Carried.
FIELD TRIP: Hansen states that he, Bryan Drown and Troy Gregory will be taking a field trip to see a rock riffle project. State is picking up the tab for this trip.
SUMMERFEST: Hansen reminded everyone that the maintenance dept. will be shorthanded over Summerfest so if anyone has a request, get it done next week.
BUDGET: Hansen states that he is working on this.
LEASE WITH ROGER’S: Hansen states that this in on his to do list.
FIRE DEPT: No one present.
HOUSING AUTHORITY: No one present.
CITY ENGINEER: Bryan Drown present.
SCDP GRANT: Drown reports that Chuck Pettipiece met with representatives from the Cass Count y Economic Development Corporation and the Cass County Housing and Redevelopment on July 11th to discuss their interest in assisting the City of Pine River with this program. IT was decided that Bolton and Menk would take the lead in preparing the preliminary surveys to be sent to homeowners and business owners to build a list of potential projects, prepare and submit the preliminary proposal due in November and if invited, prepare the full project application due in February of 2017. Bolton & Menk would work with Cass County through this pre-award process and list them as the lead agency of the program as the County would administer the program activities after the grant has been awarded.
The cost for Bolton and Menk to develop and prepare the grant application is estimated to be $7,500 with a breakdown as follows:
Prepare Preliminary Proposal$4,300
Prepare Full Application 3,200
Total Cost$7,500
Surveys would cost another $400 in printing and postage.
Melby motioned, Gregory seconded to approve moving ahead and having Bolton and Menk develop and prepare the grant application and working with Cass County EDC and HRA in the application development with a cost of up to $7,500. All voted aye. Carried.
Hansen motioned, Melby seconded to approve the surveys be sent out at a cost of up to $400. All voted aye. Carried.
AIRPORT PUBLIC HEARING: Drown reports that the final public hearing for the airport zoning is scheduled for Aug 3.
CITY ATTORNEY: Ted Lundrigan present. Reports they are putting a new policy in play where they don’t attend court unless it is a pre-trial. This has been working for them until a judge was ill and replaced and the new judge dismissed the case because Ted wasn’t there. He feels the reward outweighs the risk and will continue to not attend unless there is a pre-trial.
CITY CLERK: Clerk states that the following resolution has to be passed for election judges. Hansen motioned, Melby seconded to approve resolution 7-12-16-1;
RESOLUTION 7-12-16-1
WHEREAS, A State Primary and General Election will be held on August 9, 2016 and November 8, 2016, respectively; and
WHEREAS, MN Statute 204B.21, sub. 2, requires election judges for precincts in a municipality be appointed by the governing body of the municipality; and
WHEREAS, the City of Pine River has one voting precinct; and
WHEREAS, the following eligible voters have agreed to serve as election judges and have met the qualifications established by the State of Minnesota; and
WHEREAS, the following candidates have or will be receiving training in July and will be eligible to serve after meeting the qualifications established by the State of Minnesota.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Pine River hereby appoints the following persons to serve as election judges for the Primary and General Elections of 2016, with the understanding that amendments may be necessary to the appointments in order to fill vacancies and meet party splits.
JUDGES: Myrna Skalsky, Karen Mason, Sally Jones, Kim Anderson, Jacqueline Ide, Wanda Mongan, Terri Dabill.
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Pine River this 12th day of July, 2016.
All voted aye. Carried.
Clerk reports the following activities since the last meeting;
- Loss Control Trg on Data
- Clerk judges training
- Terri will attend judges training this week
- Notices for the airport public hearing will be mailed out tomorrow
NEEDS MEETING: Clerk states that Julie Carr would like a date set for this meeting in September. Council states the first choice is Sept 12 and the second choice is Sept 19 @ 5 p.m.
Clerk will let Julie know and then let the council and airport commission know the date chosen.
SEWER DISTRICT: No one present.
AIRPORT: No one present.
PINE RIVER CEMETERY BOARD: Carol Burk, Robert Burk and Karen Mason are present representing the cemetery board. Purpose of the council inviting them to this meeting is to find out what their expectations of the City are and to see what is happening as the City has received numerous calls about the lack of maintenance. Carol explained that Roy Hamilton had been doing the maintenance but quit and they were having trouble finding someone to mow it. They now have Nathan Sauvageau doing the mowing and so far they are happy with him. Concerns about how long they will be able to maintain with the funds they have and they stated they have 20,000 plus in checking and another $50,000 in a CD which they do not want to touch. Burk explains that back in 2014 Alan Johnson put together a proposal for continuing maintenance of the Pine Ridge Cemetery which would involve monetary participation by Barclay, PR Twsp, Walden, Wilson and Chickamaw Beach. This would be based on a “fair share” which would be based on the Taxable Market Value for each. The City would then match up to $4000 a year.
The Cemetery Board would like the City to continue plowing the road and also they would like the City to maintain the ditch in front of the old cemetery and they are going to see if Wilson will do the same in the ditch along the cemetery in Wilson Twsp. Mike Hansen states that they City will be removing everything in the ditch along the old cemetery from the road to the fence and will trim up the tree branches so they don’t hit them with the plow truck. Stump removal will take place in August.
The question of raising cemetery lot fees was brought up. Also the question of sinking stones came up and the cemetery board stated they are telling people that they can fix their own stones as this could be a costly process.
The Council will invite the above mentioned townships and City to the planning meeting on the 27th of September and the cemetery board will also attend and hopefully Alan Johnson will be able to attend also. Clerk will contact Alan Johnson and then send out letters.
Gregory- Attended the P&Z meeting
Melby- Nothing to report
Hoppe- Attended the P&Z meeting
Hansen- Attended the P&Z meeting, handled two formal complaints, spent a few hours with Chief Sand, met with Supt Endicott and discussed community needs. Met with Tammy Hamilton regarding HUD housing criteria, enforcement and so on. Talked to Atty Lundrigan regarding complaints. Will be off on vacation from the 18th thru the 30th. Hoppe will be acting mayor in her absence.
COMM POLICE 960.00 291.00
LIBRARY 385.46
FIRE 27,905.66 2,657.98
SEWER 5,615.00 130.63
REVOLVING 1,087.73
MIF 2,271.82
WATER15,362.34 3,279.90
AIRPORT14,388.06 416.05
AIRPORT FUEL 4,589.81 150.68
ADJOURN: There being no further business to be discussed, Melby motioned, and Gregory seconded to adjourn this meeting. All voted aye. Carried. 7:04 p.m.
Tamara Hansen, Mayor
Wanda Mongan, Clerk Treasurer