Nomination Form – CUTA Corporate Leadership Award:Marketing and Communications
This award recognizes an exceptional development and implementation of marketing and communications initiatives pertaining to advertising, internal and external corporate communications and public relations.
Nomination Information
Please create a reference name for your submission which must be used on all your communication related to this nomination with CUTA. Please use this naming convention (award category_name of nominee_company of nominee)
Reference name: Click here to enter text.
Nominations must be received by17th March 2017
Please submit your nomination by clicking the following link
*All following information is mandatory.
Nominee Information
Company Name: / Click to Enter Text HereProject Name: / Click to Enter Text Here
Nominee (Project Lead) Name: / Click to Enter Text Here
Nominee (Project Lead) Title: / Click to Enter Text Here
Company Address: / Click to Enter Text Here
City: / Click to Enter Text Here
Province/State & Postal Code: / Province / Postal Code
Nominee (Project Lead) Telephone No. : / Click to Enter Text Here
Nominee (Project Lead) Email Address : / Click to Enter Text Here
Nominator Information
Nominator Name& Title: / Click to Enter Text HereNominator Company: / Click to Enter Text Here
Telephone No. : / Click to Enter Text Here
Email Address: / Click to Enter Text Here
**Nominee/Project Lead refers to the point person for the given time period or project itself. Should your nomination be accepted, the Project Lead will also receive email notification of this. We would also expect that should your nomination be successful, this person attend (or make arrangement for a suitable recipient to attend) the Corporate Leadership Award Ceremony, May 14th, 2017.
*All following information is mandatory
Reason for Nomination
Provide details of the program achievements under the topics by answering the questions as listed in the appropriate fields.
1. Background and objectives -Maximum 150 words
Describe the achievement. What were the objectives of the achievement (Service/Product launch, Branding, Workplace motivation, Social Responsibility, etc)? Is it a new concept or a variation of an existing idea? Desribe the type of marketing or communications campaign (online, print, direct marketing etc). Does it answer a strategic theme of CUTA’s Transit Vision 2040? (For more information, please see the Awards Nomination Guidelines).
2. Communication, Creative and Execution– Maximum 150 words
How did the nominee use the creative concept to communicate with the target group? Describe how the achievement was implemented. Will it make a fundamental change or simply minor adjustments? How cost effective is the implementation?
3. Evaluation and Results – Maximum 150 words
Is there a measurable cost saving, increase in productivity or other efficiency indicator? Does the program result in measurable revenue increases? What would be the impact of this achievement on the organization and the industry in general?
4. Is there any additional information about this nomination you would like us to know?
Approximately 50 words
5. Has this achievement been recognized by any other organization? Describe where and how*. Approximately 50 words
6. Supporting documents. To submit any supporting documents, please the following link
Thank you for your submission.
CUTA will notify all nominators of decisions made by no later than April 14th, 2017.