General assessment criteria for project grade (to be handed out to students on Day 3)
This will be turned into a formal rubric with points assigned to each component by Ms. Stanley.
1) Students worked cooperatively to generate and articulate a hypothesis of interest. Project hypothesis is clearly articulated in the lab notebook, and the general importance of the hypothesis (its relevance to one of the science performance objectives) is clearly explained.
2) The project design is appropriate for addressing the project hypothesis.
3) The proposed procedures are clearly outlined.
4) Time estimates for carrying out the proposed procedures are clear and reasonable.
5) The dates and times of observations and procedures are all neatly recorded in the lab notebook (Here, it may be best for you to be using a data table. You will already have checked this with your teacher, and you will already have explained how you are going to do this in step 3.)
6) According to the dates and times of observations recorded in the lab notebook, students kept on track and devoted sufficient time and focused energy to the project.
7) Students completed “Time for reflection” in their notebooks and gave sufficient thought and effort to the task.
8) Students successfully analyzed their data according to the procedures and on the timeline they outlined in steps 3 and 4.
9) Students worked cooperatively to produce a public presentation of their findings, including presenting questions for future research.
10) Students completed “Now you are an ant researcher!” individually in their lab notebooks and devoted sufficient thought and effort to the task.