Professional nominee contract to maintain continuity of practice

Legal notice

·  AAT has provided this sample professional nominee contract on the understanding that you will select, adopt or amend the clauses in a way that you deem to suit your needs best. A draft power of attorney is annexed to this.

·  AAT cannot provide any assurance that the sample professional nominee contract will be suitable for your particular needs or those with whom you deal and neither AAT nor any AAT employee will be liable on any basis for the consequences of your using it.

·  Members are strongly recommended to consult a solicitor before entering into any professional nominee contract and/or appointing a power of attorney.

Your circumstances

·  It is vital that you go through each and every clause of the professional nominee contract and power of attorney and make sure that they are suitable for your particular circumstances, bearing in mind that your professional nominee (the Professional Nominee) has to agree to the terms.

·  Written contracts are probably not necessary when things are going right, however things rarely go according to plan and written contracts are essential for when things go wrong and/or there is a dispute between the parties.

·  You will also need to consider how you will edit the sample professional nominee contract if you are a sole trader, partner or director. You may need to consider the other partners or directors in your practice especially if another partner or director is also your professional nominee.

·  You may also want to consider writing your Will at the same time as organising your professional nominee.

·  You may want to consider your business structure given that if you incorporated your business this would become a separate legal entity. Therefore, if you die intestate the incorporated business may be able to continue regardless of any dispute over the ownership of your shares in the incorporated business. You should consult a tax specialist in order to determine any inheritance tax implications.

Why do I need professional nominee?

·  You need to have professional nominee so that your practice can continue if you are away from your work for a long period of time. This will protect you and your clients.

·  A professional nominee may be the answer to the questions of what happens in the event:

-  of your death

-  of injury where you cannot continue your practice

-  of some other reason that prevents you from continuing to manage
your practice.

Who should I choose as my professional nominee?

·  It is up to you to make sure that the person you have chosen to act as professional nominee has appropriate knowledge and experience, adequate professional indemnity insurance and keeps their skills up to date through continuing professional development.

Type of agreement

·  We recommend that the agreement, which is in effect a ‘contract for services’, should take the form of a legally binding contract.

·  In the event of your death this contract, by the power of attorney, could also act as an instruction to the executor of your estate and other relevant parties (for example, the courts) that the person that you have appointed as your professional nominee has authority to act to safeguard your business interests.

·  Why is this important? Well, consider the scenario that you have no written professional nominee contract. In the event of your death, the executor of your estate could not and would not allow someone who says that they are your professional nominee to come in and start managing your business. With no one suitable to manage your business it may deteriorate very quickly and possibly cease trading. In this scenario your business would be sold for considerably less than if it were sold as a going concern. This would reduce the value of your estate and reduce the financial entitlement realised by the beneficiaries to your estate.

Example of a professional nominee contract

Parties to the contract

This professional nominee contract is made this day of between:

(1)  Name: {insert the name of the person providing ‘continuity of practice’}

Address: {insert the address of the person providing ‘continuity of practice’} (the “Professional Nominee”); and

(2)  Name: {insert the name of the person requiring the ‘continuity of practice’}

Address: {insert the address of the person requiring the ‘continuity of practice’} (the “Coveree”).

1  Duration

The professional nominee contract is to take legal effect from [insert the date when this contract is to apply from], until terminated in accordance with clause 11 (“termination”).

Initial consideration

The initial consideration of one peppercorn has passed from the Coveree to the Professional Nominee in return for his (or her) agreement to the terms and conditions in this contract and give legal effect to this contract.

This contract shall remain in abeyance until activated by an event specified in the section below called “activating events”.

3  Activating events

This contract becomes active in the event of:

(a)  the death of the coveree. Event (A)

(b)  injury to the coveree where he (or she) is not in a position to be able to give instructions to the person providing professional cover, for example the coveree is in a coma or is suffering from brain death. Event (B)

(c)  injury where the coveree is in a position to be able to give instructions to the professional nominee. Event (C)

(d)  it becoming necessary for the Coveree to be away from work for a long time, for example in the event of a nervous breakdown or some other form of mental illness. Event (D)

4  Fees and expenses

The professional nominee shall be paid gross and will be responsible for his (or her) own income tax, national insurance and any other taxes arising on that income.

The professional nominee shall be paid at the rate of £ {insert number here} per {hour/day/week}.


The professional nominee shall be paid on the following scale of charges depending on the type of work undertaken:

Type of work undertaken / {hourly/daily/weekly} Rate (£/hour)


The professional nominee shall be paid at the same rate that the coveree charges his or her clients prevailing at the time of the activating event.


The professional nominee shall be paid at the same rate that the coveree charges his or her clients prevailing at the time of the activating event less {insert a figure to cover business overheads}% which will be retained in the coveree’s business to cover the costs of the business.


{insert the payment terms agreeable to the professional nominee and coveree}

Note – You are strongly recommended not to put in a statement like “for a reasonable fee” as the courts have expressed reluctance to impute a figure into a contract.

The professional nominee shall be reimbursed by the coveree’s business for any reasonable expenses properly incurred while managing the business.

5  Power of attorney

The coveree shall enter into a power of attorney in the form annexed to this agreement to give the professional nominee the authority to act on behalf of the coveree in the event of one of the activating events set out in clause 3 coming into effect.

6  HM Revenue and Customs

The professional nominee shall not be considered to be an employee by the coveree.

The professional nominee shall not accrue any interests that an employee may accrue for example:

1)  holiday pay, leave or entitlement

2)  statutory sick pay, leave or entitlement

3)  statutory maternity pay, leave or entitlement

4)  statutory redundancy pay, ‘gardening leave’, redundancy pay or entitlements

5)  bonuses

6)  any employee benefits.

The professional nominee bears the sole risk of any action brought by the HM Revenue and Customs (or other Governmental bodies, agencies or organisations) that contest the status of the professional nominee, and the professional nominee shall indemnify the coveree for any financial loss arising as a result.

This is a “contract for services” both by the terms of this contract and in fact.

7  Signatories

The Professional Nominee shall become a signatory on the following bank accounts of the Coveree, during the Active period of this contract:

Account Name: {insert}

Account Number: {insert}

Sort Code: {insert}

Bank Name: {insert}

Bank Address: {insert}

The coveree’s bank has been sent a copy of this contract and has been advised that they should allow the professional nominee to operate the coveree’s account when the bank has been advised by you or in the event of your death or incapacity your executors or legal attorney, by the professional nominee that this contract is now active. The bank is not required to determine whether or not this contract is active and should not contest the professional nominee’s assertion that they can operate the account unless the bank is instructed otherwise by the coveree, coveree’s spouse or coveree’s executor.

The professional nominee may sign letters and documents on behalf of the Coveree.

The professional nominee may not enter into any contract for the purchase of goods or supplies of a total value payable of greater than £ {insert figure} and may not enter into any purchase contract where the contract period or repayment period is greater than {insert} months.

{You may want to insert conditions on sales contracts}

Note – Depending on your particular circumstances you may prefer to have joint signatories of say the Professional Nominee and your spouse, solicitor or executor. It is recommended that you do not make your Administrator a joint signatory because there may be a delay in the courts appointing your Administrator.

8  Central clauses

In the case of Event (A), the death of the coveree, the professional nominee will manage the coveree’s practice with a view to selling the practice as a going concern for the best price obtainable and at the earliest opportunity. The professional nominee is acting as agent of the coveree and cannot purchase the practice for himself (or herself) either directly or indirectly. The professional nominee must disclose to the coveree’s solicitor, executor and beneficiaries any business or personal relationship that exists between himself (or herself) and the purchaser or potential purchaser of the practice.

In the case of event (B), the professional nominee will manage the practice with due skill and care until he (or she) is instructed otherwise by the coveree’s spouse.

In the case of event (C), the professional nominee will manage the practice with due skill and care until he (or she) is instructed otherwise by the coveree.

In the case of Event (D), the professional nominee will manage the practice with due skill and care until he (or she) is instructed otherwise by the coveree.

The professional nominee shall manage the practice under the existing name and shall only trade under that name unless a change of name is required as a precursor to the sale of the practice.

Note – You may need to insert a clause, if you feel it is necessary, that says that you want any business meetings between your clients and professional nominee to be held at your business address (obviously this would only apply if you have a business address).

The professional nominee shall take all reasonable steps to preserve the goodwill of the practice.

The professional nominee shall keep all the books of accounts and other records of the Coveree’s practice up to date.

The professional nominee shall notify the following that he (or she) is acting as the professional nominee to maintain continuity of practice:

1)  the coveree’s bank

2)  the coveree’s spouse

3)  the coveree’s clients

4)  {insert any other parties that you think need or should be advised}

Note – You may want to notify your suppliers and/or creditors.

9  In the event of death

Note – If you die and your business is not a separate legal entity, for example a limited company, then a separate bank account (or accounts) may need to be set up and the following clauses may be applicable.

In the event of the death of the coveree, the executor or administrator of the coveree’s estate will immediately authorise the professional nominee to open and operate the necessary accounts in the name of the practice at its existing bank to enable the coveree’s business to continue and for salaries and expenses to be paid pending the grant of probate of the Will or the grant of letters of administration.

The executor or administrator will make an arrangement with the bank for temporary overdrafts to enable the bank accounts to operate and for the overdraft to be repaid out of the Coveree’s estate when probate or letters of administration have been granted.

Prior to the grant of probate or letters of administration being granted all moneys received by the practice shall be paid into the new account.

10  Breach of contract

Breach of contract by the Professional Nominee

In the event that the professional nominee has made a financial decision which, at the time, was made in good faith and considered to be the best course of action then the professional nominee will not be held liable for any financial loss suffered by the coveree.

The professional nominee will be acting as the agent of the coveree and the principles of agency apply at all times.