2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #33

Name: JoseMontanaAge: 26Gender: m

Health History: none

Chief Complaint: Broken left leg

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 75 SPO2: Temp:36.7

Physical Exam: Patient appears to be in extreme pain. Right shoulder: tenderness, edema, deformity; tenderness, deformity and edema of right clavicle. Right leg: large, deep laceration with tibia and fibula fracture. Strong pulse to right hand and foot.

Other Information: Brought by EMS


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Open right tibia and fibula fracture; Right clavicle fracture; Right glenohumeral dislocation


Victim Information:

Acting Tips:You are unable to walk well. Scream in pain, especially your right leg and arm hurt. Keep right shoulder lower than left shoulder.

Moulage Tips:Open wound in lower right leg with bone sticking out, blood, muscle tissue. Swelling over right shoulder and collarbone.

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #35

Name: LukeO'SightAge: 70Gender: m

Health History: history ALL

Chief Complaint: Very anxious and scared

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 86 SPO2: Temp:36.8

Physical Exam: Mild lacerations to arms and face

Other Information: Drove self from scene


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Anxious and scared


Victim Information:

Acting Tips:Act anxious and scared.

Moulage Tips:None needed

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #36

Name: Erma*HwaAge: 67Gender: f

Health History: none

Chief Complaint: Cut on Right arm

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 66 SPO2: Temp:37.6

Physical Exam: Deep laceration to right arm. Unable to move fingers and weak pulse in right hand

Other Information: Brought in by neighbor because EMS took too long to come, ambulatory


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Deep laceration with tendon involvement


Victim Information: Korean speaking only, you do not understand English A large window broke during explosion and fell on your arm

Acting Tips:Right arm hurts and your are holding a towel over the wound, you are unable to move your fingers

Moulage Tips:Lots of blood. Open wouknd on right arm with tendons hanging out. Right fingers are cool to touch and slightly blue.

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #37

Name: ShannonSharpAge: 28Gender: f

Health History: none

Chief Complaint: Right lower leg pain, unable to walk. Right shoulder pain

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 58 SPO2: Temp:37

Physical Exam: Deformed right tibia/fibula with ecchymosis, no open wound. Strong pulses to right foot. Bruises over right shoulder

Other Information: MD fell while running to assist with disaster


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Right tibia/fibula fracture. Right shoulder contusion


Victim Information: You are a physician, and fell in the staircase while running to disaster response. You fell down 8 stairs. No loss of consciousness, no vomiting, no headache.

Acting Tips:Severe pain right lower leg. Unable to walk

Moulage Tips:Deformity to right lower leg

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #42

Name: CaraAlmerAge: 66Gender: f

Health History: none

Chief Complaint: Pain in both arms

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 62 SPO2: Temp:37

Physical Exam: Abrasions over bilateral forearms, elbow, left cheek, hematoma around left eye

Other Information: Brought in by future daughter in law


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Right distal radious fracture, Left forearm contusion


Victim Information:

Acting Tips:Yelp in pain if touched over distal rigth forearm or if your left arn is being turned. No pain in elbows. You are alert only to your name, you do not remember your future daughter in las. You do not have neck pain

Moulage Tips:Abrasions over both elbows, swelling/bruising over right distal radius with deformity of arm. Abrasion of left cheek and hematoma over left eye.

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #44

Name: JoannaElwayAge: 21Gender: f

Health History: none

Chief Complaint: Twisted right ankle

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 55 SPO2: Temp:37.5

Physical Exam: Tender over lateral aspect of right ankle, not over malleolus. Able to walk 5 steps without assistance but limps. Bruise over right lateral foot

Other Information: Drove future mother in law and self to hospital


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Right ankle spain


Victim Information:

Acting Tips:Keep weight mostly off of right foot when limping. You have pain if touched over pateral right ankle. You are more anxious about your future mother in law who hurt both arms in fall down the escalator. You keep askin gabout her and not worried about ow

Moulage Tips:Bruise over right lateral ankle, no deformity or open skin on ankle.

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #47

Name: Roger*StreamAge: 32Gender: m

Health History: Mild asthma

Chief Complaint: Arm Pain

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 82 SPO2: Temp:37

Physical Exam: Piece of metal sticking out of arm. Minor abrasions throughout body

Other Information: Carried to hospital by other construction workers from site


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Arm laceration from metal bar-no additional damage. Asthma attack


Victim Information: Extricated from underneath pile of rebar at construction site. If listen for lung sounds-hear wheezing

Acting Tips:Speak in short one-word sentences; you can say that is feels like you're having an asthma attack. Your left arm hurts-you are able to move it but slowly

Moulage Tips:Piece of rebar sticking out of upper left arm with blood.

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #51

Name: BonnieRaybergerAge: 19Gender: f

Health History: Asthma

Chief Complaint: Right ankle pain

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 75 SPO2: Temp:37

Physical Exam: Swelling of right ankle

Other Information: Brought in by bystander, ambulatory


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Right ankle sparain


Victim Information: Tripped over debris

Acting Tips:Your right ankle hurts; limp when walking

Moulage Tips:swelling to right ankle

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #54

Name: JohnDaboAge: 36Gender: m

Health History: none

Chief Complaint: Cut on right forearm

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 90 SPO2: Temp:37

Physical Exam: Laceration to right forearm, able to move fingers, good pulses

Other Information: Brought in by neighbor


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Deep laceration with no tendon/ligament involvement


Victim Information: Hit by debris

Acting Tips:Your right arm hurts. Hold a towel over the wound and look frightened

Moulage Tips:Deep laceration on mid right arm, Lots of blood

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #58

Name: Jamie*WellerAge: 48Gender: m

Health History: none

Chief Complaint: Fever and cough for 2 days

HR:124 RR: 18BP: 118/70 Weight (Kg): 96 SPO2: Temp:39.5

Physical Exam: Flu symptoms, no injury

Other Information: Took Taxi to hospital


Additional Findings:

Diagnosis: Influenza-like Illness


Victim Information: Your house was damaged during the explosion and now you have no place to go. You have your pet with you

Acting Tips:Coughing sneezing, not feeling well

Moulage Tips:Red drippy nose holding kleenex

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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Disaster Victim #

Name: Age: Gender:

Health History:

Chief Complaint:

HR: RR: BP: Weight (Kg): SPO2: Temp:

Physical Exam:

Other Information:


Additional Findings:



Victim Information:

Acting Tips:

Moulage Tips:

2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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2010 Statewide Medical & Health Exercise
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