[School Name] / Date[20042 / 20053]Student Pupil Name (Block Capitals) / Class / Date of Birth
If the school does not holdave a a signed copy of this document signed by both parent/guardian and pupil, this will result in denied access to IT facilities.
By signing this agreement, I and my parent/guardian are confirming that we have read the conditions listed on this document, and that we agree to these conditions.
If I follow these rules, I will be allowed to use computer systems in [School Name] School, including the Internet and Schoolmaster. If I break these rules, I understand that I can be banned from using any computers, even if I need them for any of my courses. The length of such a ban will be decided by the system administrator, in agreement with the school management team.
1. I willshall do my best at all times to Uuse computers sensibly and efficiently, and willshall , and I accept that all school computer systems are the property of Shetland Islands Council.
2. obeyObey any instructions from staff as to when and how I may use computers.
3. Ask a member of staff first if I am not sure if I should do something.
4. Ask permission if I need to alter any settings (such as screen resolution). I must then change them back to standard before I finish using the computer.
5. Respect the rights and privacy of other computer users .
6. Only use user-names and passwords that have been issued to me.
7. Only use the e-mail address given to me by the school, and the RM easymailSCHOOLMASTER e-mail system allowed by the school.
8. Virus checks on any disc and memory sticks brought in from outside school - every time it is brought in.
9. Obey the laws of copyright, by not copying or downloading software, music files, images or other data, unless the owners of these files have clearly indicated that I can do so.
10. Always state where I find material from the Internet, or from other sources such as CD-ROM, and not pretend that it is all my own work. To do so amounts to “plagiarism”.
11. Tell a member of staff immediately if I find material on the Internet which is unsuitable because of bad language, inappropriate sexual content, or messages which are abusive, violent or racist, or hurtful and upsetting.
12. Tell a member of staff if I am approached by anyone on the Internet in any way at all, and I shall not reply.
13. Follow the safety code (attached with this agreement) at all times with regard to safe use of the Internet.
· . If I am not sure if I should do something, I willshall ask a member of staff first.
1. I willshall not Ddeliberately do anything using a computer, which causes needless expense.
2. or wasteWastes the time of the system administrator, school staff or technicians. Examples of this might include altering settings on the computer, or usinging equipment in a way for which it was not designed.
3. I willshall not alterAlter settings or install any software (including upgrades) on any computer, unless a member of staff has clearly told me to do so (this includes such things as screen savers).
4. Disclose any of my passwords to anyone else.
5. Interfere with work or files belonging to anyone else, or do anything that hinders them from using computer facilities successfully.
6. Use bad language, or create anything I wouldn’t want my teachers or parents to see, as this is no different from writing or saying these things in public.
7. Create, show or send any items which are hurtful, upsetting or offensive to anyone else.
8. Give personal details of myself, fellow-students or family (such as full names, addresses, phone numbers or postcodes) to any stranger.
9. Pretend to be someone else, and give away his or her details.
If I need to alter any settings (such as screen resolution), I must get permission, then change them back to standard before I finish using the computer. I won't shall not forget that the computer belongs to the school, not to me!
I willshall respect the rights and privacy of other computer users, and I willshall only use user-names and passwords which have been issued to me. I willshall not disclose any of my passwords to anyone else. I willshall never interfere with work or files belonging to anyone else, or do anything which hinders them from using computer facilities successfully.
While in school, I willshall only use the e-mail address given to me by the school, and the SCHOOLMASTER e-mail system allowed by the school.
I willshall obey rules about virus checking any disc brought in from outside school - every time it is brought in.
I realise that writing or creating material on a computer is no different from writing or saying these things in public. For this reason, I willshall avoid using bad language, or creating anything I wouldn’t want my teachers or parents to see.
I willshall treat other people with respect, and willshall not create, show or send any items which are hurtful, upsetting or offensive to anyone else. If I find any such items, on the Internet or anywhere else, I willshall tell a member of staff as soon as possible.
I willshall obey the laws of copyright, by not copying or downloading software, music files, images or other data, unless the owners of these files have clearly indicated that I can do so.
If, as part of my work, I use material I have found on the Internet, or from other sources such as CD-ROM, I willshall state where I found the material, and not pretend that it is all my own work.
I realise that many unsuitable sites on the Internet are ‘blocked’ by a filtering system. However, I may occasionally find material on the Internet which is unsuitable because of bad language, inappropriate sexual content, or messages which are abusive, violent or racist. If I find such material, I willshall not show it to other students, but willshall tell a member of staff immediately.
For my own safety, while on the Internet I willshall not give personal details of myself, fellow-students or family (such as full names, addresses, phone numbers or postcodes) to any stranger. If in doubt, I willshall ask a member of staff. Likewise, I willshall not pretend to be someone else, and give away their details.
If I am approached by anyone on the Internet in any way at all, I willshall not reply, but willshall immediately tell a member of staff.
I accept that all school computer systems are the property of Shetland Islands CouncilMONITORING,
and that Tthe Council, through its employees, has the right to monitor any material whichmaterial that passes through their computer systems. The Council, or This means that the Council, or organisations such as Internet Service Providers or police may examine any files, e-mails, records of Internet activity etc, which have passed through Council computer systems, without necessarily notifying the users of such systems. This can include recovering files whichfiles that have been deleted by users. I understand that Uusage of internetInternet and e-mail will be logged. and regular monitoring of these logs will be undertaken by Internal AuditInternal Audit will undertake regular monitoring of these logs in conjunction with ICT personnel. This monitoring will include, but not necessarily be restricted to the following:
· Attempts to access blocked sites
· Websites accessed
· Excessive Internet usage during school hours
I recognise that serious breaches of this agreement might lead to action by outside authorities, such as police. The fact that I did something in school does not protect me from the consequences of my actions.
I understand that by signing this agreement, we (me and my parent/guardian) are confirming that we have read and agree to the conditions listed on this document.
We have read and understood the above conditions, and agree to do our best to see that they are obeyed.
Signed (StudentPupil)
Signed (Parent/Guardian)