PA Year 2 Booklists
Fall / Available in AccessMedicine™MPAS 5241
Clinical Integrative Medicine I / No Text Required / Yes
MPAS 5255
Neurology / Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment; Papadakis, McPhee
Clinical Neurology; Greenberg, Arminoff, Simon / Yes
MPAS 5280
Gastroenterology / Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine; Longo, Fauci / Yes
MPAS 5275
Pulmonology / Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment; Papadakis, McPhee / Yes
MPAS 5260
HEENT / Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment; Papadakis, McPhee / Yes
MPAS 5203
Dermatology / Fitzpatrick's Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology; Goldsmith, Katz, Gilchrest, Paller, Leffell, Wolff / Yes
MPAS 5406
Cardiovascular Medicine / Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine; Longo, Fauci / Yes
Rapid Interpretation of EKG’s; Dubin
Unless otherwise indicated, students are required to use the MOST CURRENT EDITION of all textbooks
Recommended Reference: Subscription: Monthly Prescribing Reference for Physician Assistants: