Intermediate School
A Tradition of Excellence
September, 2014
Dear Parents and Guardians,
On behalf of the faculty and staff of Hillside Intermediate School, we welcome all students, parents and guardians as we begin the new academic year. This handbook is the official handbook for Hillside School and it is important for parents and guardians to familiarize themselves with the contents of this document. We hope you will keep this on hand as a reference throughout the year. Teachers will review the basic contents with students as well. We welcome the input of parents/guardians at all times and encourage all to join our Parent School Association.
Please visit our website throughout the year. This website is an excellent resource tool for parents and students. Our website address is www.naugy.net Parents and guardians may also register for e-notices, which will be emailed directly to you. Our e-notices are environmentally friendly and a more efficient way of communicating. For those that do not have access to e-notices we will gladly send hard copies home with students.Please contact us at 203-720-5260 if you need assistance gaining access to either the parent portal or e-notices.
Mission of Naugatuck Public Schools
The Naugatuck Public Schools is a community of learners that values an active partnership with parents, businesses and the public that prepares students for the challenges of a diverse global and informated world. This is accomplished by maximizing the potential of all students by teaching them to think critically, solve problems, make decisions, communicate effectively and use technology, while acting ethically and responsibly.
Mission of Hillside Intermediate School
The mission of Hillside Intermediate School is to provide a rigorous and relevant curriculum and a nurturing environment, which will empower all students with the resources and abilities needed to:
become lifelong learners and productive caring members of a global society;
think critically and share their thoughts and opinions with others; and
apply knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to their everyday life
Parent-School Association
Hillside Intermediate School has an active Parent School Association and we ask all parents to join. This association provides the opportunity for us to join together and provide enriching experiences and activities for our children. A PSA representative will be at the Open House.
Teacher Pledge
· I will nurture a spirit of cooperation and respect between school and home.
· I will establish and maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect and caring in my classroom.
· I will encourage and support all students to learn, achieve and be successful.
· I will establish and maintain an open line of communication with the families of my students.
· I will support activities that celebrate the students of our intermediate school.
Parent Pledge
· I will nurture a spirit of cooperation and respect between school and home.
· I will encourage consistent attendance and personal well being through good nutrition, rest, exercise, and good general heath.
· I will establish and maintain an open line of communication with my child’s teachers. I will attend parent/teacher meetings as often as possible.
· I will create a learning environment at home that reinforces and enhances skills and concepts taught at school.
· I will volunteer for at least one activity related to the intermediate school community. I will also help my child contribute to home, school and community.
Student Pledge
· I will be cooperative and respectful with all adults and my peers.
· I will attend school regularly and take responsibility for my well-being with healthy behaviors.
· I will treat my school with respect, as I am expected to do at home and in the community.
· I will complete my assignments with my best effort.
· I will listen respectfully to my teachers and to my peers at all times.
· I will encourage and support my peers as I would want them to do for me.
· I will keep my family informed about my progress at school.
· I will participate in school activities to the best of my ability.
Table of Contents
Staff Directory …………………………………………….. Page 5
Important Dates and Events ……………………………… Page 7
Transportation …………………………………………… Page 8
Academic Program………………………………………… Page 9
Attendance Policies and Procedures……………………… Page 13
Health Services……………………………………………. Page 14
Positive Behavior Support/Discipline …………………… Page 15
Other Important Information……………………………… Page 17
Safety ……………………………………………………… Page 18
Conduct on Buses………………………………………… Page 19
District/Federal Policies………………….…………………. Page 20
Internet Use Permission Form (sign and return)………… Page 27
Handbook Acknowledgement Form (sign and return)…… Page 28
Main Office Telephone Number 720-5260
Please call 720-5260 by 8:45 a.m.
each day that your child will be absent.
Hillside Intermediate School Faculty
Principal / Mrs. Hunt / Main Office /
School Counselor / Mr. Miata / 35b /
Administrative Assistant / Mr. Roper / 20 /
Secretary / Mrs. Mariano / Main Office /
Nurse / Mrs. Alves / Nurse’s Office /
Grade 5 / Mr. Ceryak / 22 /
Mrs. Raff / 25 /
Mrs. Walmsley / 26 /
Mrs. Gairing / 23 /
Mrs. Misuraca / 28 /
Mrs. Theroux / 27 /
Grade 6 / Ms. Dufresne / 35 /
Mrs. Stango / 36 /
Mrs. Greene / 32 /
Ms. Leone / 34 /
Mrs. Shea / 33 /
Mrs. Spina / 39 /
Title / Name / Room Number / E-Mail
Art / Mr. Forish / 12 /
Library Media / Mrs. Beauregard
Mrs. Bottnick (para) / Media Center /
Music / Mrs. Fatone / Band Room /
Instrumental Music / Mrs. Pettinicchi / 14 /
Physical Education / Ms. Kulish / Gym /
Health / Ms. Levinsky / 18 /
Resource Room
Grade 5 / Mrs. Guerra (teacher) Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. Etergenio, Mrs. Alves (paras) / 29 /
Resource Room
Grade 6 / Ms. Grazuna (teacher)
Mrs. Butkus, Mrs. Barbieri, Mrs. Pope (paras) / 38 /
Reading Consultant / Mrs. Mucci / 15 /
Reading Teacher / Mrs. Rotatori / 15 /
School Psychologist / Mrs. Maher / 35c /
School Social Worker / Mrs. Gallagher
Mrs. Norcross / 35a /
Speech and Language / Mrs. Lima /
Regular Ed Paraprofessionals / Mrs. Ambrose
Mrs. Pires
Emergency Closing of School
If it is necessary to delay or close school because of inclement weather, or for other emergency reasons, announcements will be made starting at 6:00 a.m. using School Messenger notification system. Calls will be made to phone numbers on file. Closings and delays are also published on Channels 3, 4, and 8 and their websites.
If Hillside School has a two-hour delayed opening, students should arrive to their bus stops two hours later than the usual pick-up time. Homeroom will begin at 10:20 a.m.
In the case of an emergency early dismissal, we must know where to send your child. In some cases, afterschool care will close when schools have early dismissal. It is very important that we know where to send your child in the case of emergency early dismissal due to weather conditions.
Report Cards
Hillside School uses a trimester approach. We will distribute three progress reports and three report cards over the course of the year. There will be approximately 13 weeks in each marking period. Report cards will be distributed at the end of each marking period and the last day of school.
Bus Transportation, Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
When students arrive in the morning, they are escorted off their busses at 8:05 a.m. They are escorted off one or two busses at a time, and, at the end of the school day, they are dismissed to board one or two busses at a time. Please encourage your child to know his/her bus route number(s).
If you drive your child to school, please drop him/her off at the front entrance from 8:05 to 8:20 a.m. Supervision of students in the building and parking lot begins at 8:05 a.m. Traffic must continue to move smoothly, so students must exit the car immediately and step to the sidewalk. Parents who must help their children unload a project or carry materials into the school should park and escort their children into the building.
If your child is regularly taking a bus to a different location upon dismissal (i.e., childcare provider, day care center), please send a detailed note to the school with all necessary information. We will need the name, address and phone number of the person responsible for meeting your child and the bus number/route that your child should ride. Please include your day time telephone number so we can call you to confirm.
If your child needs to take a different bus home on a one-time basis, a written request must be made to the school. Most busses are filled to capacity, so it is difficult for a bus to take extra riders. If your child must take another bus on an emergency basis, please send a note into the office with your child by 8:20 a.m. The note should indicate with whom the child is going home and what bus number is begin requested. Your child will be required to stop by the office later in the day to pick up a school-stamped note granting the request. If the request cannot be honored, the student will be alerted early in the day so he or she may contact the parent to make other arrangements.
If you or an authorized adult will pick-up your child after school, please send a note to the school requesting that your child be dismissed for “parent-pick-up”. Please provide the name, address and telephone number of the person picking up your child. If more than one person is allowed to pick-up your child, please list all names in your note. If your child will be parent pick-up on specific days only, please indicate which days in your note. Students for parent pick-up are dismissed at the lower level patio at 2:50 p.m. School faculty or support staff will be on duty in the lower level patio to supervise parent pick-up and request identification as needed.
If your child needs early dismissal for an appointment, please send in a note with the child and then report to the main office for pick-up. We will have the child meet you in the main office and we will ask for identification as needed. Early dismissal pick-up must take place before 2:40 p.m. Early dismissal should only be used when absolutely necessary since it interrupts class continuity.
Two-Wheeled Transportation
Students may not ride bicycles, scooters, roller blades or skateboards to school. These items pose too much of a safety issue in an area that has both car and bus traffic.
Written notification must be sent to the office any day there is a change to the dismissal procedure for a student, including pick-up by someone other than the designated adult.
Academic Program
Core Academic Teams and Program
The intermediate program utilizes a team-teaching approach to ensure that teachers know each of their students, and that students build a strong, trusting relationship with each of their teachers. Students in grades five and six are placed on teams of three academic teachers: reading, writing, math and content area (science/social studies) teachers. Team teachers meet regularly to discuss the academic and social progress of each student and work to keep parents informed through notes, telephone calls, e-mails or meetings.
Student Schedule
The school day is divided into six periods:
· one period of reading (60 minutes);
· one period of writing (60 minutes);
· one period of math (60 minutes);
· one period of science/social studies (60 minutes);
· one period of “specials” (45 minutes); physical exercise (15 minutes)
· one period of enrichment/home-base (40 minutes);
· lunch (30 minutes).
Specials Classes and the Enrichment Program
All grade five and six students participate in “specials” classes on an eighteen-day rotating basis. Specials include: art, library media, music, physical education, and health and literacy technology. Students may also elect to take instrumental music lessons. All grade five and six students also participate in a period six enrichment program which offers classes on a rotating basis. These classes may include: real world media, guided study hall, team sports and art. Students may sign-up for a full year enrichment program of chorus or band instead of the other offerings.
Special Education Program
Hillside School provides a continuum of special education services designed to meet the needs of individual students with identified disabilities. Through an Individualized Education Program (IEP), students are provided opportunities to reach their full potential in the least restrictive environment possible. Programs range from in-class support or resource lab to self-contained classes. Services often include the support of the school psychologist, social worker and speech and language pathologist. Each year, parents and school staff participate in an annual Planning and Placement Team Meeting which defines each special education student’s individualized education plan for the following year. Questions about the special education program should be directed to our school psychologist, Kara Maher.
Special Education Teachers
Mrs. Grazuna - Resource and co-teaches in grade five classrooms.
Mrs. Guerra- Resource and co-teaches in grade six classrooms
ADA 504 Program
Hillside School provides services designed to meet the needs of students with identified disabilities under Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Parents and students may contact the school counselor, Mr. Miata to discuss ADA 504 plans. The District Coordinator for Section 504/ADA services is Mr. Christopher Montini, Director of Instruction, Naugatuck Public Schools. See page 22 for a review of the Section 504/ADA policy.
Certified Support Services Faculty
The school counselor, Mr. Miata, is available to all students who wish to discuss academic, social or future education and career topics. As part of the regular counseling program, Mrs. Aronheim arranges for planned individual and group counseling opportunities. Counseling/guidance passes are available in each homeroom. If the situation is an emergency, the student can speak to the teacher and the teacher will contact the counselor immediately. Parents may contact the school counselor to discuss any issues or concerns.