West Calder High School S6 Course Choice Revised January 2016 Session 2016-17

Name ______Class ______. Tutor Teacher:______.

Level / Column A / Column B (Travel) / Column C / Column D / Column E / S6 Elective
Higher / Business Management / Accounting / Computing Science (AH) / Administration & IT / Human Biology / P.E.
Geography / Biology / Maths / Drama / Biology (AH) / Religion, Belief and Values Award
History (AH) / Chemistry (AH) / Music (AH) / English / Chemistry
Maths (AH) / English (AH only) / Physical Education / History / French
Play in a Sports Environ. * / Physics (AH) / Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (AH) / Graphic Comm. (AH) / German
Personal Development* / Modern Studies (AH) / Physics / Personal Development* / Health & Food Technology
Dance / Photography / Art & Design(AH) with photography option / Graphic Communication
College/Campus Options** / Design and Manufacture
NAT 5 / Business Management / Accounting / Computing Science / Administration & IT / Biology / P.E.
Geography / Biology / Maths / Drama / Chemistry / Religion, Belief and Values Award
History / Chemistry / Music / Literacy Skills /Media / French
Maths / Physics / Physical Education / Graphic Communication / German
Modern Studies / Dance / Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies / Metal Working Skills / Design and Manufacture
Spanish (Languages for Work) / Modern Studies / Physics / Creative Industries / Hospitality: Practical Cookery
Comm. Sports Leader / College/Campus Options** / Automotive Skills / Art & Design / Woodworking Skills
English / Laboratory Skills
Construction Skills
NAT 4 / Maths / Dance / Personal Finance / Metal Working Skills / Hospitality: Practical Cookery / P.E.
Construction Skills / Automotive Skills / Literacy Skills /Media / Woodworking Skills / Religion, Belief and Values Award
Creative Industries

You should choose at least 4 courses. Place a 1 alongside your first choice and a 2 against your second choice. (AH) against a subject means that it may be offered at Advanced Higher, as well as Higher, if the numbers are sufficient.To select this option write AH in the box alongside the subject name.

Signature/Date / Signature/Date / Details
Tutor / Parent/Carer / Application made to West Lothian College
Head of House / Student


  • **If you are interested in a course at West Lothian College then please complete an application (available from the school office and printed on blue paper). Information on course content is available in the S5/6 Course Choice Directory (available on the school website).All pupils must still make two separate choices (1 and 2) in column B in case they are unsuccessful.
  • Play in a Sports Environment* and Personal development*, although at Higher level, are National Progression Awards and equate to a ‘C pass’ at Higher.
  • Please note that opting for a particular subject on this form does not guarantee a place in a specific class. The number of pupils in a particular class and number of classes is limited and it may not be possible to give everyone their first choice. You will be informed if this is the case and your options will be discussed. All College courses are subject to there being sufficient numbers.
  • The courses selected by pupilswill be checked by Heads of House/Senior Team members, taking account of the pupil’s career pathway and current attainment to ensure their needs are met and they have the best possible chance of success in S6 and beyond.
  • In the comments box at the bottom of the page, write down any problems you have, e.g. clashes of subject in the box below.

Return to your tutor teacher by Wednesday 16thMarch. It will be passed to your Head of House for checking.

If you are leaving in June 2015 please indicate where you are going by ticking the relevant box
College / Skills for work/ Training / University / A job