Year 6 Long Term Plan
Whole school Worship 2015/16 / Courage / Friendship / Truthfulness / Humility / Compassion / HopeWhole school Worship 2016/17 / Creativity / Peace / Trust / Forgiveness / Justice / Thankfulness
SEAL assembly / New beginnings/Good to be me / Say no to bullying / Going for Goals / Getting on and falling out / Relationships / Changes
Term / Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Year 6/ Theme / We are all different. / Whirring Wheels / Humans, Owls and Angels / Eastern Promise / Rising Levels / Bottletops and Buttons
Book / Fire, Bed and Bone
There’s A Boy in The Girl’s Bathroom / Clockwork / Skellig
The Midnight Fox / 1001 Arabian Nights / Floodland / Shaun Tan
The Lost Thing
Science / Electricity
Revision of simple circuits & hands on experience with symbols, diagrams & incomplete circuits. The children will form their own enquiries about the length of wire in a circuit & the use of cells as well as compare series & parallel circuits then face some challenges as spies. / Animals including humans
The opportunity to examine the structure of the heart and lungs linked to healthy diets and exercise. Through this the children learn about the rest of the body and how blood is circulated. / Evolution and inheritance
The opportunity to discuss fossils as evidence of life millions of years ago The children will study the life of Mary Anning in conjunction with this. In comparing offspring with parents they will see how plants/animals are adapted to habitats. The children discuss and compare the theories of Darwin, Wallace and Mendel’s and their contributions to the theory of Evolution. / Light
Know and find out about sources of light. Revise previous facts e.g. that light travels in straight lines and opaque objects form shadows. Understand that to see, light needs to enter the eye. Investigate light reflection and refraction, white light made of many colours and the speed of light / Classifying living things and habitats
Look at the history of classification of living things. Study the theories of the scientist Linnaeus and how it links to the levels of classification used today. Understand why classification is important and use and create classification keys / Human Reproduction and relationships
Looking scientifically into why living things need to reproduce and look in detail at human life cycle, comparing it to other animals. Discuss rites of passage in different culture as well diseases that are sexually transmitted.
Geog/History / UK study –location of cities and counties of UK (Link to The Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom.)
Geographical Skills and Fieldwork.
Human and physical features definitions.
OS maps to identify features. Symbols.
Fieldwork- identify features on the map to the ground.
4 and 6 figure grid references.
Woodland Trust site. / Place Knowledge.
European countries
– Physical geography of Germany – position e.g. major cities, rivers, mountains
European countries – Physical/ human geography of Europe: coastlines, borders, settlements, trade links, distribution of food / Significant turning points in British History
- Industrial revolution.
Famous people, artists and designers.
George Stephenson (1781 – 1848) Railways
Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806 – 1859)
Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870)
Queen Victoria (1837 – 1901)
Chartists / Islamic civilization
Baghdad AD 900 -beliefs, behaviour and characteristics of people recognising that not everyone shares the same views and feelings.
Compare beliefs and behaviours with another time studied.
Know key dates, characters and events of time studied / Understand geographical similarities and differences between a region of the Uk and a region in North America.
Human features
Physical features / Significant turning points in British History
- Industrial revolution.
A local history study.
Hastings Pier 1872
Music / Controlling Sounds through singing and playing.
Charanga / Controlling Sounds through singing and playing.
Cyclic patterns
Musical combinations
Big Sing / Responding and reviewing appraising skills.
North American music and rhythms
Charanga / Responding and reviewing appraising skills.
Understanding notation
Charanga / Creating and developing musical skills.
Water music
Charanga / Creating and developing musical skills.
Leavers’ Performance
Computing / What is a computer?
E safety
/ Creating Presentations
E.g. Prezi, Powerpoint, Publisher, Wordle.
E safety / Scratch
Use variables and procedures. /
Surveys and Databases / Modelling and simulations
Using Excel to model scenarios.
I can create digital content to achieve a given goal through combining software packages. / Create a website, using e.g. HTML, Google sites, Weebly or Yola.
Art/DT / Portraits
Art techniques – drawing portraits.
Sketch maps. / Cogs and gears
Digital art
Links to science. / Observational drawings. Birds, wildlife.
Draw, paint and sculpt. / Art from other cultures.
Mosaics / Landscapes and physical features.
Realism. / K-nex Challenge
Design and make a structure.
Hastings Pier.
PE / Games Tag Rugby
OAA / Gym Key Steps
Dance / Dance
Cultural dance / Dodge Ball
Games hockey
PGL OAA / Swimming
La Cross
Games Net and wall / Athletics
RE / Christian Worship
/ Jesus light of the world
/ Christian prayer
/ Islam The 5 pillars
/ A Hindu’s journey of life
/ The Pilgrims progress
SMSC/PSHE / E-safety
All about me
Rules as a class
New beginnings
Links within society
Theme 1: Health and Wellbeing
To establish code of behaviour in class – discuss and agree sanctions.
•To understand the need for healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.
To know how to keep safe in different situations.
To understand need for safety considerations and assess risks. / E-safety
Crime and PunishmentTheme
2: Relationships
To understand what makes a good listener and how this affects good relationships.
To understand the qualities and skills of forming good friendships.
To develop skills and knowledge to question and challenge inequality and injustice
To value cultural diversity
To understand and identify the characteristics of bullying and how to respond to them.
Develop skills to question inequality and injustice. / E-safety
Theme 3: Living in the wider world.
To learn that there are different kinds of rights and wrongs at home, schools and in the community and that they may conflict.
To identify and consider the effect of anti-social behaviour including bullying and racism.
To develop respect for the processes of the law and the rights of others / E-safety
Sharing views, beliefs and reasons.
Theme 3: Living in the wider world
To appreciate the process of making and changing rules
To recognise the role of voluntary community and pressure groups.
To develop questioning and interviewing skills / E-safety
Theme 1: Health and Wellbeing
•which, why and how, commonly available substances and drugs (including alcohol and tobacco) could damage their immediate and future health and safety, that some are legal, some are restricted and some are illegal to own, use and supply to others
To begin to know about drugs and that all drugs are medicines
To discuss reasons why people might take drugs.
To think about personal safety
To develop confidence in order to cope with pressure.
To look at smoking and the dangers of this.
electricity)1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 / E-safety
Sex education/
Theme 2: health and well-being.
To understand that the body goes through changes at puberty.
To gain confidence in talking about personal health matters.
To understand about menstruation
To know general first aid procedures and how to help in situation of an accident.
MFL / Explore patterns and sounds of language – counting and alphabet / French culture
Learn songs, poems and rhymes in language
Describe people and places – learning about their culture – food, celebrations, art / Conversations/speak in sentences / Write phrases by memory / Role-plays
Power Points / Dictionaries/ Instruction texts
Financial Capability / Foreign currency - Euros
Link to France/French / Theme 3: Living in the wider world.
about the role money plays in their own and others’ lives, including how to manage their money and about being a critical consumer / Theme 3: Living in the wider world.
to develop an initial understanding of the concepts of ‘interest’, ‘loan’, ‘debt’, and ‘tax’ (e.g. their contribution to society through the payment of VAT) / Theme 3: Living in the wider world.
to develop an initial understanding of the concepts of ‘interest’, ‘loan’, ‘debt’, and ‘tax’ (e.g. their contribution to society through the payment of VAT) / Theme 3: Living in the wider world.
that resources can be allocated in different ways and that these economic choices affect individuals, communities and the sustainability of the environment / Guestival – budget and costings for Enterprise Week
British Values
(Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Respect and Tolerance) / Rule of law
We understand the concept of consequences when rules are broken
Respect and tolerance: we
are unique / Democracy:
We debate arguments for and against / Democracy:
We vote and respect the result of the majority / Respect and tolerance
We discuss differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and families / Individual liberty:
We promote self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence / Individual liberty:
We challenge stereotypes and bias