Titles of Graduate Level Courses

Group A

MME 511.Transport Phenomena

MME 512.Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics

MME 513.Computational Fluid Mechanics

MME 514.Incompressible Fluid Dynamics

MME 515.Introduction to Parallel Computing for Engineers: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications

MME 521.Computer-Controlled Systems

MME 522.Multivariable Feedback Control

MME 523.Signal Processing

MME 524. Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems

MME 531. Continuum Mechanics

MME 532. Advanced Mechanics of Vibration

MME 533. Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics

MME 534. Topics in Biomedical Ultrasound

MME 535. Medical Diagnostic Imaging

MME 536. Introduction to Magnetic Resonance

MME 538. Physiological Foundations for Engineers

MME 541. Manufacturing Process Automation

MME 542. Introduction to Robotics

MME 561. Lasers and their Applications

MME 562. Semiconductor Processing Technology

MME 564. Nanomechanics

MME 565. Physical Principles, Design and Fabrication of MEMs

MME 611.Statistical Theory and Modelling of Turbulent Flow

MME 621. Advanced Engineering Controls

MME 622. Non-Linear Dynamics

MME 623. Advanced Multi-Body Dynamics

MME 631. Non-Linear Acoustics

MME 641. Thermal Manufacturing Processes

Group B

MME 551. Characterization Methods of Polymers and Colloids

MME 552. Semiconductor Materials: Properties and Applications

MME 553. Surface Engineering

MME 554. Materials Characterization Techniques

MME 555. Polymer Properties and Polymers in Medical Applications

MME 556. Fundamentals of Ceramics

MME 557. Metals and alloys (New Course)

MME 563. Materials Physics

MME 566. Advanced semiconductor photovoltaic devices

MME 651. Electronic and Magnetic Oxides

Description of Courses

It is anticipated that some minor amendments to the course offerings and content summaries provided here may occur in an effort to further improve the MME curriculum. After the number, name and description of each course, there is an indication of any necessary prerequisites.

MME 501-4 Graduate Seminar I-IV (1 ECTS)

Course must be continued over multiple semesters.

Obligatory participation of the students enrolled in the M.Sc. graduate programme of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in all graduate seminars organised by the Department for four semesters. Open to M.Sc. students and advanced undergraduates as an elective.

MME 505 Independent Study (8 ECTS)

Course may be continued over multiple semesters.

Graduate work on an independent academic project of the student’s choice with consent of the advisor. May include theoretical, computational, experimental or combined work, relevant to a fundamental issue with applied and/or educational impacts. Includes preparation of comprehensive documentation and a presentation of the work to the MME Department. Open to M.Sc. students and advanced undergraduate students as an elective.

MME 601-4 Graduate Seminar I-IV (ECTS vary)

Course must be continued over multiple semesters.

Obligatory participation of the students enrolled in the Ph.D. graduate program of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in all graduate seminars organised by the Department for four semesters. Open to Ph.D. students only.

In MME 604, besides the compulsory participation in all seminars during the 4th semester, students must submit written documentation (no more than 20 pages) followed by presentation on a topic relevant to those presented in the MME department. The topic chosen by the students need not be directly related to their research interests.

MME 605 Independent Study (8 ECTS)

Course may be continued over multiple semesters.

Graduate work on an independent academic project of the student’s choice with consent of the advisor. May include theoretical, computational, experimental or combined work, relevant to a fundamental issue with applied and/or educational impacts. Includes preparation of comprehensive documentation and presentation of the study to the MME Department. Open to Ph.D. students only.

MME 701-704 Thesis Research I-IV (M.Sc) (ECTS vary)

Programme of graduate research leading to the defence and writing of M.Sc. thesis. Open to M.Sc. students only.

MME 800 Comprehensive Examination

(See paragraph on Comprehensive Examination)

MME 801-808 Thesis Research I-VIII (Ph.D) (ECTS vary)

Programme of graduate research leading to the defence and writing of Ph.D. thesis. Open to Ph.D. students only.

MME 809-816 Thesis Writing (Ph.D) (10 ECTS)

MME 511 Transport Phenomena (8 ECTS)

Conservation laws, with an emphasis on the similarities between the different mechanisms for the transport of heat, mass and momentum. Theory of molecular transport. Diffusion phenomena in stationary, flowing and unsteady processes. Mass diffusion in chemically reacting, multiphase and multi-component systems. Computational techniques. Selected special topics and applications may include turbulent convective flows, combustion and materials processing.

(Prerequisites: instructor’s consent)

MME 512 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics (8 ECTS)

Thermodynamic analysis of engineering systems, emphasizing systematic methodology for application of basic principles. Introduction to availability analysis. Thermodynamics of gas mixtures and reacting systems. Modern computational equations of state. Thermodynamics of condensed phases, including solutions. Thermodynamics of biological systems.

(Prerequisites: instructor’s consent)

MME 513 Computational Fluid Mechanics (8 ECTS)

This course is devoted to the numerical solution of partial differential equations encountered in engineering sciences. Finite difference and finite element methods are introduced and developed in a logical progression of complexity. These numerical strategies are used to solve actual problems in a number of actual engineering problems. Computer exercises are required to illustrate the concepts discussed in class.

(Prerequisites: knowledge of a computer language and advanced level courses in transport phenomena and continuum mechanics)

MME 514 Incompressible Fluid Dynamics (8 ECTS)

An introduction to graduate level fluid dynamics including dimensional analysis, Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions, flowlines, conservation equations, governing equations of viscous fluid motion, exact solutions of Navier-Stokes and Euler equations, unsteady flows, laminar boundary layer theory, turbulence, separation, Stokes flow, vorticity dynamics, potential flow and surface flows.

(Prerequisites: fundamentals of thermodynamics and mechanics, knowledge of advanced mathematics, undergraduate courses in fluid mechanics)

MME 515 Introduction to Parallel Computing for Engineers: Architectures, Algorithms, and Applications (8 ECTS)

Parallel architectures design, examples of parallel computers, fundamental communication operations, performance metrics, parallel algorithms for sorting, matrix problems, graph problems, fast Fourier transforms, dynamic load balancing, types of parallelisms, parallel programming paradigms, message passing programming in MPI, shared-address space programming in threads. Focus areas may cover unstructured mesh applications, turbulence and combustion, nanofluidics and molecular dynamics, industrial applications, climate modelling, atmospheric and oceanic global simulation, and interdisciplinary applications.

(Prerequisites: instructor’s consent)

MME 521 Computer-Controlled Systems (8 ECTS)

Focus on design and control of mechanical systems, employing digital computers as real-time controllers. Mathematical difference models, Z-transforms, and sampled control techniques in the frequency and time domain. Design of discrete-time controllers by conversion from continuous-time or directly. Students use graphical programming (Matlab/Simulink) and instrumentation software (LabVIEW) to programme their control strategies developed in simulation, and to interface with hardware sensors and actuators in laboratory exercises: monitoring and control of meteorological signal station, computerized electrocardiograph monitor, controlled separation vessel in a chemical plant, and illumination control system for machine vision.

(Prerequisites: MME 321 or consent)

MME 522 Multivariable Feedback Control (8 ECTS)

This course extends basic undergraduate courses on control to multi-input multi-output linear systems. Concepts such as state space representation, controllability, observability, multivariable frequency response functions, zeros and poles are introduced. Design of controllers by pole and zero placement. Robustness as a means of dealing with uncertainty. Matlab course projects for modelling and controlling real case multivariable processes.

MME 523 Signal Processing (8 ECTS)

The aim of this course is to introduce students to modern signal processing techniques currently used to (a) decipher complicated processes in engineering and biological systems; (b) detect damage and monitor the health of engineering components and bio-engineering systems and; (c) characterise the intricacies of time-varying and non-linear systems. Techniques of signal analysis and synthesis based on Fourier Transform, Hilbert transform, time – frequency distributions, wavelet transform, and multi-resolution analysis are introduced through examples taken from the disciplines mentioned above.

MME 524 Modelling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems (8 ECTS)

The idea behind this course is to use a unified approach to abstracting real mechanical, fluid, and electrical systems into proper models in graphical and state equation form to meet engineering design and control system objectives. The emphasis is not on the mechanics of deriving equations but rather on understanding how the engineering task defines the modelling objectives that determine what modelling assumptions are appropriate. The bond graph language, which is a graphical power topology of a dynamic system, is taught to help students easily represent models of multi-energy domain systems. This then allows causality, as well as system analysis tools, to be used to determine the correctness of the modelling assumptions. Project-like problem sets are required to reinforce the theoretical concepts presented in the lecture. A final project on a topic of the student’s research area will reinforce the concepts taught in this course.

(Prerequisites: Undergraduate-level technical mathematics and dynamics, English language or instructor’s consent)

MME 531 Continuum Mechanics (8 ECTS)

Emphasis on the distinction between general principles that apply to all deforming materials and the specific constitutive assumptions that are made when modelling material behaviour. The course includes a brief review of the necessary mathematics and then proceeds to the kinematics of deformable media, the concepts of stress and stress transformations, and the general balance laws. The remaining course examines general constitutive theory and constitutive relations for selected materials that relate to structural, fluid dynamics, materials processing and materials handling. Also covered are exact solutions for bending and torsion: thick-walled pressure vessels, rotating disks, stress functions for two- and three-dimensional problems and bending and torsion of non-symmetric beams.

(Prerequisites: instructor’s consent)

MME 532 Advanced Mechanics of Vibration (8 ECTS)

Engineering structures, in response to impact, wind, imbalance and any other load of time-varying nature, vibrate. This course aims to familiarise students with techniques of modelling and analysing both theoretically and experimentally vibrating structures. Topics offered: simple harmonic motion and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems, derivation of equations of motion of systems with coupled coordinates using generalized coordinates and Langrange’s equations, forced vibration analysis of multi-degree of freedom systems, theoretical and experimental determination of mode shapes, vibration analysis of continuous systems and introduction to structural modification as a means of controlling vibration levels. A combined experimental and computational course project.

MME 533 Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics (8 ECTS)

This course is an introduction to physical acoustics for engineering and science majors. It gives the physical basis for problems found in many engineering applications including biomedical ultrasound, room acoustics, sonar, and sound propagation in gasses and fluids. This course covers: plane waves in fluids, transient and steady-state reflection and transmission, refraction, strings and membranes, rooms, absorption and dispersion, spherical and cylindrical waves, radiation from baffled piston, and medical ultrasound arrays.

(Prerequisites: MME 331 or instructor’s consent)

MME 534 Topics in Biomedical Ultrasound (8 ECTS)

This course covers a variety of concepts and applications in biomedical ultrasound for engineering and science majors. Topics covered are: acoustic wave equations and ultrasonic absorption, directional radiation, vibrating piston, and focusing; medical ultrasonic arrays and medical equipment output measurements; wave distortion, harmonic generation and shock formation; medical imaging, nonlinear imaging techniques and bubble dynamics for ultrasound contrast agents; thermal and mechanical effects of ultrasound in medicine.

(Prerequisites: MME 533)

MME 535 Medical Diagnostic Imaging (8 ECTS)

This course is an introduction to the physics and engineering principles associated with ultrasound, magnetic resonance, computed tomography, and nuclear imaging. It covers a review of Fourier transformations, basic concepts in human physiology and anatomy, and image formation. In ultrasound it covers wave propagation and scattering of sound, beam formation and focusing, medical arrays, Doppler, and tumor imaging with contrast agents. It also covers the fundamentals of magnetic resonance and spectroscopy, pulse sequences and MR contrast. In X-ray and computer tomography absorption and scattering as well as contrast are covered. In nuclear imaging the course covers radioactivity and type of radioactive decay, positron emission and single photon computer tomography (PET/SPECT).

(Prerequisites: MME 103, MAS 041, MAS 043, ENG 104 or instructor’s consent)

MME 536 Introduction to Magnetic Resonance (8 ECTS)

This course is designed for graduate students and senior undergraduates who seek an in-depth knowledge in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It focuses on the principles and physics of nuclear magnetic resonance, imaging processing and reconstruction, hardware systems and instrumentation. It requires prior knowledge of simple and advanced mathematics, linear systems and image processing, as well as basic knowledge of electrical circuits. Integral to understanding such a diagnostic modality is some basic knowledge of radiography and physiology of major organ systems such as the cardiovascular and neurovascular, for which reference is made. The course will introduce students to some advanced imaging techniques and novel methods of MRI. The course covers the fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance, pulse sequences and image contrast, signal, noise and resolution, hardware and spectroscopy, the molecular environment and relaxation and spectroscopy and spectroscopic/multinuclear imaging. Advanced topics discussed include cardiac imaging, parallel imaging, frequency selective techniques, flow encoding, angiography, diffusion, elastography and MRI.

(Prerequisites: MME 103, MAS 041, MAS 043, ENG 104 or instructor’s consent)

MME 538 Physiological Foundations for Engineers (8 ECTS)

This course recognizes and quantifies the role of electro-mechanical phenomena and manufacturing processes in biological organisms from the cellular to the organ level. Thermal, electro-mechanical, fluid-mechanical control mechanisms and their interrelations and interdependence with synthetic and regenerative mechanisms are discussed and evaluated in cells, tissues, organs and the human body through consideration and discussion of principles of physiology. At this level, the course attempts to introduce students to the design and implementation of medical devices, implants, prosthetics, exercise equipment and other biomedical engineering devices. Practical exercises include, among others, the design of an electrocardiogram, a pacemaker, drug infusion systems, etc.

(Prerequisites: MAS 043, MME 103, MAS 044, ENG 104 or instructor’s consent)

MME 541 Manufacturing Process Automation (8 ECTS)

In-depth study of the physical dynamics in the wider spectrum of manufacturing processes, assessing their potential for automation. Review of classical background in thermodynamics, fluids and mechanics together with dynamic systems and controls, in the context of analysis and design for automation of individual manufacturing processes. Modelling and control issues examined in comparative studies of metal cutting, forming, bulk deformation, joining, welding, casting, and sintering in processing of ceramic, semiconductor and composite material processing. Emphasis on new technologies such as rapid prototyping, microelectronics fabrication and nano-manufacturing, as well as on advanced, nonlinear, adaptive and multivariable control algorithms. Use of simulation (Matlab/Simulink) to assess and optimize the performance of processing systems. Research directions are explored through taxonomy of manufacturing processes, suggesting redesign for automation. Students integrate and demonstrate control of a process experiment in the laboratory, such as part inspection station, automated bottle labelling robotic cell, thermal control of welding with infrared feedback, or automated assembly with machine vision. They also undertake the complete, real-world design of an automated plant such as a bakery.

(Prerequisites: MME 321, MME 341 or instructor’s consent)

MME 542 Introduction to Robotics (8 ECTS)

Broad review of theoretical and practical aspects of robotic manipulators and locomotion automata. Historical introduction to robotics through the arts and primitive technology, and anatomical and physiological analogies to the human body providing the context for principal concepts. Arm/leg configurations, statics, kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning, control and navigation are examined together with hardware technology (end effectors, sensors, and machine vision), programming and applications. Current research directions in robotics are identified, as well as applications in modern industry, reinforced by illustrative videos. Emphasis on hands-on programming of a tabletop assembly robot with a vision system and walking robot prototypes in the laboratory. Robot demonstration projects in applications of the students’ interest: building structures with block elements, navigating mazes and assembling puzzles, searching for parts with a variety of sensors, playing table games, checkers, pool and mini-golf against the robot, and graphically simulating the motion of an arm or mobile robot platform on the computer.

(Prerequisites: MME 221, MME 341 or instructor’s consent)

MME 551 Characterization Methods of Polymers and Colloids (8 ECTS)

This course outlines different methods used in the characterization of “soft materials.” Introduction to Polymers and Colloids. The techniques discussed are the following: Liquid adsorption chromatography (LAC) and size exclusion chromatography (SEC); Ôsmometry and viscometry; analytical ultracentrifugation (AUC), field flow fractionation (FFF) and capillary hydrodynamic fractionation (CHDF); dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA); scattering techniques: dynamic (DLS) and static (SLS) light scattering, Ã-ray and neutron scattering (SAXS, WAXS, SANS); microscopy techniques: transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM); methods used in determining glass transitions of polymers and mass spectrometry techniques used in polymer characterization. The course includes demonstrations and/or lab experiments.

(Prerequisites: instructor’s consent)

MME 552 Semiconductor Materials: Properties and Applications (8 ECTS)

Crystals & bonds: Crystals and crystal structures, chemical bonds in semiconductors. Electronic states: energy bands, density of states, electron statistics & Fermi level, carrier concentration at thermal equilibrium, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. Electronic Properties: charge transport properties, Hall effect, optical properties, thermal properties. Preparation and Characterization: preparation and doping techniques, characterization techniques. Semiconducting materials: Si Ge and their applications in commercial devices, wide and narrow band gap semiconductors. Semiconductor devices: p-n junction, diodes, transistors, optoelectronic (LED's, diode lasers), photovoltaic devices, thermoelectric devices.