Sibyl E. Barksdale
EDN 595
July 18, 2015
Global Collaboration Project
Recycling For a Better World
Project Overview
Recycling for a better world is designated for students in a first grade class and includes 5 weeks of activities designed to foster the awareness of how pollution affects our world. The weeks are broken down to allow for variations in teaching schedules. This project will focus on educating students about recycling and why it is important. Students will identify items that can be recycled, and be motivated to reduce, recycle and reuse waste products that could end up in our landfills. Pollution is everywhere and it contaminates the Earth’s air and water supply. Pollution makes people, other animals and plants sick or can even kill them. Humans are the primary cause, and humans will have to try and stop it. Students will collaborate on projects that will help conserve our natural resources and share them with partner classes from around the world.
Background Information
We need to make students aware of where their trash goes when they throw something away. Just where does it go? Each year people in America creat 254 million tons of trash. About 167 million tons ends up in landfills and incinerators (EPA, 2013). Pollution is one of the most ignored crises in the modern world. Here are some shocking facts from Conserve Energy Future (2015), that show how pollution is destroying the environment.
● The United States produces 30% of the world’s waste and uses 25% of the world’s natural resources.
● More than 3 million children, under the age of 5 die each year due to environmental factors like pollution.
● China is the world’s largest producer of carbon monoxide with the U.S. as number 2.
● Oceans are becoming more acidic due to greenhouse emissions from fossil fuel.
● There are more than 500 million cars in the world and by 2030 the number will rise to 1 billion meaning pollution will double during this time.
These are but a few facts that show just how much the impact of global pollution has on our environment. If we take a few steps to reduce the amount of wasted materials, reuse and recycle when possible and rethink the materials that we use and how we throw them away we could truly make an impact in saving our planet.
Targeted Grade Level(s)
This project is for first grade, but could be adapted for other K-5 grades.
Project Length
This project will take approximately 5 weeks in the classroom depending on teacher’s schedule. Email and Skype partner collaboration will continue throughout the year.
Project Learning Goals
Students will be able to:
● Define natural resources and provide examples (e.g., water, air, land).
● Understand ways to conserve resources, including by reducing and reusing resources.
● Understand what recycling is and what materials can be recycled.
● Understand how people, other animals, and the environment can be affected by not reducing, reusing, and recycling materials.
● Define pollution and provide examples of air, water, and land-based pollution.
● Create projects out of waste materials to promote reusing and repurposing.
● Share projects with global pen pal partners.
Essential Questions
● What are natural resources?
● How do humans depend on natural resources?
● What happens to the Earth if we do not conserve our resources?
● What is recycling?
● What can be recycled?
● How do we recycle?
● What is pollution and how does it harm the Earth, people and other animals?
● How can we reduce and reuse waste materials?
● What things can be done to promote global recycling?
Enduring Understandings
● Students will understand the earth has a limited amount of natural resources that need to be protected
● Students will understand what natural resources are and why they are important
● Students will understand that conservation is an important part of the recycling process
● Students will understand how humans create pollution by not reducing, reusing or recycling
● Students will understand how waste products can be reduced and reused
● Students will understand that making new products out of recycled materials reduces the consumption of natural resources
NC Essential Standards
Essential Standard 1.L.1: Understand characteristics of various environments and behaviors of humans that enable plants and animals to survive.
Clarifying Objective 1.L.1.3: Summarize ways that humans protect their environment and / or improve conditions for growth of plants and animals that live there.
Social Studies
Essential Standard 1.G.2 : Understand how humans and the environment interact within the local community.
Clarifying Objective 1.G.2.1 : Explain ways people change the environment (planting trees, recycling, cutting down trees, building homes, etc.)
Clarifying Objective 1.G.2.2 : Explain how people use natural resources in the community.
Common Core Standards
Speaking and Listening SL1.1: participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
Writing W.1.7 : Participate in shared research and writing projects
Writing W 1.2 : Write informative / explanatory texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about the topic and provide some sense of closure.
ICT Integration
Students will be actively engaged with various forms of technology throughout the project. Students will view videos, participate in interactive games, listen to e-books and explore websites displayed on laptops, IPads, Chromebooks, and SmartBoards. Pen pal project collaboration will be done through email and Skype.
Week 1 Natural Resources
Day 1
1. Introduce natural resources with the K of a KWL chart about students know about natural
2. Read the book Earth’s Resources by Sue Barraclough.
3. Discuss and review what natural resources are and why they are important to us.
4. Complete the W section of the KWL chart.
Day 2
1. Using KWL chart review information from previous lesson.
2. Watch short video about natural resources and why they need to be conserved.
3. Discuss video about the importance of conserving our resources.
4. Review to see if W’s of the KWL chart have been answered.
5. Complete the L section of the KWL chart.
Day 3
1. Use website and Tiki the Penguin to illustrate how natural resources are being
2. Use KWL chart to review previous information.
3. For assessment, students will work with a table buddy to complete a sorting activity.
4. Pictures of natural resources will be sorted by air, land, and water types.
5. After sorting, students will explain their choices and tell at least one way to conserve each
Week 2 Conservation (Recycling)
This week students will learn what recycling is and how we can reduce and reuse waste products.
The Global collaboration of the project will be incorporated during this week. Our Pen Pal project will be done by e-mail, Skype and VoiceThread if time zones are not compatible. Students will share and discuss topics and artwork with other classes as we work through each week.
Day 1 Introduction Overview of Recycling
1. Introduce topic by showing the Loop Scoops animated video Garbage.
2. Together as a class, take the quiz Are You a Waster and discuss answers.
3. Question students as to what they think recycling is. Discuss what things should we recycle?
4. On a giant Post-it chart and discuss common items that students think should be recycled.
5. End with reading the book Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel.
6. Students will draw a picture of themselves as a super-hero recycler and write a sentence about
7. Pen pal introduction of collaborating classroom students.
Day 2
1. Using the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences website, question students as
to what they now think recycling means and discuss the definition.
2. Using eSchoolToday website, discuss the different ways that paper, plastics, aluminum cans,
and glass can be recycled. recycling.html
3. To assess, using pictures, students will properly sort recyclable items in the correct categories
of paper, plastic, aluminum cans, and glass.
4. Introduce and discuss the term upcycle and how common waste products can be upcycled.
5. Share and exchange ideas with Pen Pal partners of what we learned so far about recycling.
Using the setting of the school cafeteria, students will compile a list and compare which items
can be recycled and which ones cannot.
Day 3
1. Read the book Michael Recycle Meets Litterbug Doug by Ellie Bethel and have students
suggest ways that they can teach others about recycling.
2. Show video Kids and Recycling by Curiosity Quest Goes Green for a trip to a recycling plant.
3. Working in groups of three, students will use sequence cards made by the teacher to order the
recycling process of waste materials. Students will post on chart paper and display in hallway
for others to see.
4. Teacher will guide students in an overview of the disadvantages of recycling such as costs of
setting up recycling centers, recycled products not lasting long, and safety of site issues.
Week 3 (Pollution)
During the next three days students continue to work with global Pen Pal partners and comparing information learned by Skype and email.
Day 1 (air)
1. Using eschooltoday, students get an understanding of what air pollution is and its origins.
2. Read the book Air by David Palatnik and Israel Felzenszwalb and discus why clean air is
important to our environment.
3. View and discuss the video Air Pollution – Causes and Effects.
4. Students will journal two different causes and the effects that air pollution has on the
Day 2 (water)
1. Using eschooltoday, students will get an understanding of what water pollution is and its
2. Read the book Water by David Palatnik and Israel Felzenszwalb and discuss why clean water
is important to our environment.
3. View and discuss the video The Pacific Trash Vortex Explained to show the dangers of water
4. Students will draw or paint a picture of the Pacific Trash Vortex and write one way that this
can be stopped.
Day 3 (land)
1. Using eschooltoday, students will get an understanding of what land pollution is and its
2. Read the book Earth by David Palatnik and Israel Felzenszwalb and discuss why taking care
of the Earth is important to our environment.
3. View the video Let’s stop Land Pollution
4. With a partner, students will research and chart different ways that they can stop polluting the
land and post in classroom.
Week 4 (Reducing and Reusing)
Day 1 Reducing
1. Using the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences website, question students as
to what they think reducing means and discuss the definition.
2. Show Loop Scoops video Electronic Devices about reducing waste.
Show Loop Scoops video Juice Boxes to stress using reusable bottles.
3. Read the book Energy Island by Allan Drummond to discuss ways of reducing carbon energy
emissions for energy conservation.
4. Brainstorm ideas of how we can reduce waste by charting on giant Post-it paper.
5. In their writing journals, students will write about ways that they can practice reducing waste.
6. Share with Pen Pal partners.
Day 2 Reusing
1. Using the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences website, question students as
to what they think reusing means and discuss the definition.
2. Read the book Choose to Reuse by Lisa Bullard and discuss ways to reuse.
3. Show Loop Scoops video Magazines about reducing and reusing waste.
4. In writing journals, students will write about ways to reuse common household items.
5. Share writing with Pen Pal partners.
Day 3 Review of Reducing, Reusing and Recycling
1. Using Skype, read the book The Three R’s: Reuse, Reduce, Recycle by Nuria Roca and
Brainstorm ideas of what might happen to our planet if we do not reduce, reuse, and recycle
with Pen Pal partners.
2. Visit the website recycle Nation for Twelve Amazing Ways to Repurpose Old Magazines.
3. Have students practice repurposing, by making something ‘new’ from old magazines
discarded by the Media Center and other teachers.
4. For a weekend project, students will repurpose a household item to bring to class. Students
will present their item by telling of its original use and what it has now been repurposed into.
5. Pen Pal partners will do the same as we share end products with each other.
Week 5 Solutions and Taking Action
Students will compile ways that they can help solve the problem of wasting precious natural resources and steps they can take to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Day 1
1. Read the book One Plastic Bag by Miranda Paul to review recycling and reusing.
2. Discuss the book by Skype or by email with Pen Pal partners.
3. Students will compose and illustrate a short, 2-3 paragraph writing project about how they can
take action to become a global conservationist.
4. Students will read and share with Pen Pal partners.
Day 2
1. Read the book The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba and Bryan
2. Discuss the book with Pen Pal partners.
3. Students will participate in a poster contest promoting an ‘action step’ that they can take to
promote global recycling.
4. Students will share with Pen Pal partners.
Continued Follow up with Pen Pal partners
Partner teachers will set up designated times to keep in touch with other partner classes to monitor and share results of recycling progress during the rest of the year. Hopefully friendships will be made that will lead to other global collaboration projects in the future between students and teachers as well.
Project Assessment with Scoring Rubric
Teacher Rubric for project
Learning Objective / On Grade Level3 / Below Grade Level
2 / Far Below Grade Level
Student defines natural resources and can give examples. / Student can give a clear and concise definition of natural resources and give clear examples. / Student partially define natural resources and 1 or 2 examples of. / Student cannot define or give examples of natural resources.
Student will understand ways to conserve resources by reducing and reusing resources. / Student define what conservation means and list 3 ways to reduce or reuse waste items. / Student can define conservation and list 1 way to reduce or reuse
Student cannot define conservation but can list or tell 1-2 ways to reduce or reuse. / Student cannot define conservation and cannot list ways to reduce or reuse.
Student will understand what recycling is and what materials can be recycled. / Clearly and concisely student can tell what recycling is and list the 4 recyclable items from week 2. / Student can partially tell what recycling is and can only give 1-2 items that can be recycled.
cannot tell what recycling is but can list the 4 examples discussed. / Student cannot tell what recycling is and cannot give examples of what can be recycled.
Student understands environmental effects of not reducing, reusing and recycling. / Student can clearly and concisely list or tell 3-4 effects of not reducing, reusing, and recycling. / Student partially lists or tells 1-2 effects of not reducing, reusing and recycling / Student cannot list or tell of any effects of not reducing, reusing or recycling.
Student can define pollution and give examples of air, water, and land pollution. / Student can clearly and concisely define pollution and give examples of air, water, and land pollution. / Student partially defines pollution and can give the 1-2 examples
cannot define but gives all 3 examples. / Student cannot define pollution or give examples.
Student creates projects out of waste materials to promote reusing and repurposing. / Student designs and creates 1-2 projects out of waste materials. / Student designs 1 project but does not follow through with the creation of. / Student does not design or create a project.
Student Rubric on their understandings of the project