University Budget Advisory Committee (UBAC)
Meeting Notes
April 15, 2009, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Sacramento Hall Annex, Conference Room

Members Present: Fred Baldini, Robert (Bob) Buckley, Paul Edwards, Scott Farrand, Lillie Jones, Laureen O’Hanlon, Steve Perez (Chair), James Sobredo

Members Absent: Ming-Tung (Mike) Lee, Shawn Smith, Jimmy Tsang

Others Present: Stacy Hayano (BPA), Norman Kwong (BPA)

Open Forum: The latest news indicates the CSU will receive $268.5 million via the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF). This federal assistance will provide CSU with $268.5 million which is above the anticipated $255 million in funding. The difference of $13.5 million will be used to partially offset the $50 million budget reduction previously handed down by the state to the CSU. Instead of the anticipated additional $3 million in reduction, the projected reduction will be approximately $2.164 million.

Agenda Discussion: The committee reviewed a revised Sources and Uses document which reflected changes from the last meeting. The revision also includes the reduced CSU system-wide reduction due to the additional funding from the SFSF (mentioned above under open forum). Therefore, the latest projection displays a 2009-10 campus deficit of $6.6 million (the previous estimate was $6.7 million).

UBAC continued their discussion of 2009-10 proposed AUE (which began in the previous meeting). UBAC had requested more information from division heads in regards to certain AUE, and the resulting responses were reviewed. In general, members continued to voice concerns that efforts between divisions be coordinated, and whether or not overlap existed between divisional funding requests. The committee reached consensus on the recommended funding levels for the remaining AUE.

Lastly, the committee considered a request addressed to the President. The original request originated from the Vice President for Administration and Business Affairs, but subsequent input was provided by the Vice President for Student Affairs. Currently, revenues from application and transcript fees are subsumed into the university’s overall revenues and are used to fund the University’s operations. The request asked the committee to consider allocating a percentage of the application and transcript fee revenue as a baseline augmentation to Student Affairs commencing in the 2009/10 fiscal year. Since the bulk of the processing related to these two fees is done within Student Affairs, this funding would help to support their enrollment management operations (maintaining and growing enrollment) and to assure timely student graduation, which is consistent with the University’s strategic priorities. The committee discussed whether a separate AUE request for Enrollment Planning was related. Student Affairs’ remaining structural deficit was also discussed and how they use carry forward funds to support on-going expenses. The committee decided to seek further clarification before making a decision.

Future Meetings (tentative schedule): All meetings are to be held in the Sac Hall Annex Conference Room, unless otherwise noted.

1.  Friday (4/17/09), 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

2.  Wednesday (4/22/09), 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

3.  Friday (4/24/09), 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.