All Quiet on the Western Front Chapter 9
How does the food shortage discussed, relate to Paul’s visit back home at the end of chapter 8?
Mustard Gas Notes:
Psychology Connection & War:
When people are under severe stress or dealing with strong negative emotions, they often fall back on certain coping strategies. Also called defense mechanisms, these strategies may temporarily protect a person from painful situations or thoughts, but they usually do not work as long-term solutions. Read the definition of the following coping mechanisms and find two specific examples with page numbers from the text.
Coping Mechanism / Example of Mechanism in the Novel with Page #1) Denial
2) Compensation, or making up for a weakness in one area by excelling in another.
3) Daydreaming, or inventing situations to escape unpleasant facts.
4) Displacement,
5) Rationalization, or making excuses for one’s actions or feelings.
6) Regression,
1) How do the men prepare for the Kaiser’s visit? Who is the Kaiser?
2) The men have a discussion about who starts war – What conclusions do they reach?
3) What type of damage do trench mortars cause?
4) What happens to Paul on scouting duty? How is he saved? How does he feel about his comrades?
5) Who is Gerard Duval? How is Paul affected by his death?
Group Presentation and Final Test Prep: with your group, you will stand in front of the class and lead the class in a discussion involving a literary analysis of a passage of your choice in chapter 9.
Step 1: Copy down a 2 paragraph passage from chapter 9 below.
Step 2: Circle all literary devices, Underline imagery, Highlight effective adjectives and critical words.
Step 3: Write a paragraph explanation about how the images, literary devices and word choice affect the Mood and
Tone of the passage.
Step 4: read your passage to the class and quiz your peers on the literary devices you have found. Do not spoon feed the class your answers; instead help lead them to the same conclusions you came to when reading your passage.
Copied paragraphs with page # ___/5
Annotated literary devices etc. ____/10
A well written paragraph ______/10
Teaching the class ______/10
Copy Passage Here: