National Enhancement Activity Job Sheets and South Dakota (SD) Supplements

The SD supplements do not replace the National Enhancement Activity job sheet description, criteria and/or documentation requirements. The SD supplements will be used in conjunction with the National Enhancement Activity Job Sheet.

Replace burning of prunings, removals and other crop residues with non-burning alternatives / AIR03 / No SD Supplement
Use drift reducing nozzles, low pressures, lower boom height, and adjuvants to reduce pesticide drift / AIR04 / AIR04
GPS, targeted spray application (SmartSprayer) or other chemical application electronic control technology / AIR07 / AIR07
Nitrification inhibitors or urease inhibitors / AIR08 / AIR08
Incorporate native grasses and/or legumes to 15% or more of herbage dry matter productivity / ANM03 / ANM03
Extending riparian forest buffers for water quality protection and wildlife habitat / ANM05 / ANM05
Extend existing field borders for water quality protection and wildlife habitat / ANM07 / ANM07
Grazing management to improve wildlife habitat / ANM09 / ANM09
Harvest hay in a manner that allows wildlife to flush and escape / ANM10 / ANM10
Patch-burning to enhance wildlife habitat / ANM11 / ANM11
Shallow water habitat / ANM12 / ANM12
Monitoring nutritional status of livestock using the NUTBAL PRO system / ANM17 / No SD Supplement
Retrofit watering facility for wildlife escape / ANM18 / ANM18
Prairie restoration for grazing and wildlife habitat / ANM21 / ANM21
Multi-species native perennials for biomass/wildlife habitat / ANM23 / ANM23
Stockpiling of forage to extend the grazing season / ANM25 / No SD Supplement
Managing calving to coincide with forage availability / ANM26 / ANM26
Wildlife friendly fencing / ANM27 / ANM27
On-farm forage based grazing system / ANM29 / ANM29
Drainage water management / ANM31 / ANM31
Extend existing filter strips or riparian herbaceous cover for water quality protection and wildlife habitat / ANM32 / ANM32
Riparian buffer, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife habitat / ANM33 / ANM33
Leave standing grain crops un-harvested to benefit wildlife / ANM34 / No SD Supplement
Fuel use reduction for field operations / ENR01 / ENR01
Variable frequency drive electric motors / ENR09 / ENR09
Using nitrogen provided by legumes, animal manure and compost to supply 90 to 100% of the nitrogen needs / ENR10 / ENR10
Improving energy feedstock production using alley cropping systems with short rotation woody crops / ENR11 / No SD Supplement
Use of legume cover crops as nitrogen source / ENR12 / ENR12
Monitoring key grazing areas to improve grazing management / PLT02 / PLT02
Multi-story cropping, sustainable management of nontimber forest plants / PLT05 / No SD Supplement
Renovation of a windbreak, shelterbelt or hedgerow for wildlife habitat / PLT06 / PLT06
Establish pollinator and/or beneficial insect habitat / PLT15 / PLT15
Intensive management of rotational grazing / PLT16 / PLT16
Creating forest openings to improve hardwood stands / PLT17 / No SD Supplement
Increasing on-farm food production with edible woody buffer landscapes / PLT18 / PLT18
Continuous no-till ORGANIC system / SOE03 / SOE03
Continuous no-till / SOE04 / SOE04
Controlled traffic system / SQL01 / No SD Supplement
Continuous cover crops / SQL02 / SQL02
Drainage water management for nutrient, pathogen, or pesticide reduction / SQL03 / SQL03
Use of cover crop mixes / SQL04 / SQL04
Use of deep rooted crops to breakup soil compaction / SQL05 / SQL05
Intercropping to improve soil quality and increase biodiversity / SQL08 / No SD Supplement
Conversion of cropped land to grass-based agriculture / SQL09 / SQL09
Biological suppression and other non-chemical techniques to manage brush, herbaceous weeds and invasive species / WQL01 / WQL01
Rotation of supplement and feeding areas / WQL03 / WQL03
Plant tissue tests and analysis to improve nitrogen management / WQL04 / WQL04
Apply nutrients no more than 30 days prior to planned planting date / WQL05 / No SD Supplement
Split nitrogen applications, 50% after crop emergence or pasture green up / WQL07 / No SD Supplement
Apply phosphorus fertilizer below the soil surface / WQL09 / No SD Supplement
Plant a cover crop that will scavenge residual nitrogen / WQL10 / WQL10
Precision application technology to apply nutrients / WQL11 / WQL11
High level integrated pest management to reduce pesticide environmental risk / WQL13 / WQL13
Land application of treated manure / WQL14 / No SD Supplement
Use of non-chemical methods to kill cover crops / WQL17 / No SD Supplement
Non-chemical pest management for livestock / WQL18 / WQL18
Transition to ORGANIC grazing system / WQL19 / No SD Supplement
Transition to ORGANIC cropping system / WQL20 / WQL20
Integrated pest management for ORGANIC farming / WQL21 / WQL21
On farm composting of farm organic waste / WQL22 / No SD Supplement
Apply enhanced efficiency fertilizer products / WQL24 / WQL24
Split applications of nitrogen based on a PSNT / WQL25 / WQL25
Reduce the concentration of nutrients imported on farm / WQL26 / WQL26
Irrigation system automation / WQT01 / No SD Supplement
Irrigation pumping plant evaluation / WQT03 / No SD Supplement
Remote monitoring and notification of irrigation pumping plant operation / WQT05 / No SD Supplement
Regional weather networks for irrigation scheduling / WQT07 / WQT07
Decrease irrigation water quantity or conversion to non-irrigated crop production / WQT08 / WQT08
Resource Conserving Crop Rotation / RCCR / RCCR