Name: Period:

WWII Study Guide - Topics

You are taking this class as an elective history class so my tests are not designed to be terribly difficult. That being said this is a college preparatory school and I am going to test you in a similar way that college history classes will test you. Below you will find a list of terms that we have been discussing throughout the last couple of weeks. These are possible things that may pop up on your tests. Before I tell you how to fill in the study guide here is how your test will look:

·  List of 8-10 identities – (meaning a key word/event)

·  I will give you a certain number of them that I want you to write about and you will write a short paragraph about the ID’s that you choose. (3-4 good sentences)

·  The last half of your test will be an essay (3-5 good paragraphs that clearly answer the question using supporting material talked about in class).

Now how to fill in the study guide and get a good grade on the test:

·  Approach each term listed below as if it was one of the identities talked about above

·  Find out factual information about each one but more importantly know why it was important!!!

·  I will be looking for you to tell me why that event or topic is important

List of Terms:

Name: Period:

·  Pearl Harbor

·  Battle of the Atlantic

·  Erwin Rommel

·  George S. Patton

·  Dwight Eisenhower

·  North African Campaign

·  Battle of the Kasserine Pass

·  Casablanca Conference

·  Invasion of Italy

·  Battle of Stalingrad

·  D-Day

·  Battle of the Bulge

·  Yalta Conference

·  Bataan Death March

·  Japanese Expansion

·  Battle of Guadalcanal

·  Battle of Midway

·  Island Hopping Campaign

·  Potsdam Conference

·  Nuclear Bomb – cities, effects, creator

Name: Period:

Possible Essay

1.  World War II was one of the greatest and most tragic events of our history. There are many different views and opinions of the war. Explain to me the ending of World War II after Pearl Harbor as well as the mentality/feelings of the main participants.

Some things to consider:

·  Major people/battles

·  Different conferences

·  Views and feelings (especially Russia)

·  Results

2.  What happened throughout the war in Europe that led the USSR to believe that they were entitled to more than the rest of the Allies? What did they end up doing with Europe after the war? Taking into account that you already know the Cold War is going to happen, is this still the right thing to do? Do you think is was a good thing that the United Stated and other Western powers sided with the USSR during WWII even though we knew it would eventually be a problem?