RELIGION 121 - The Book of Mormon

Winter 2008 Syllabus

INSTRUCTOR: Todd Hammond

OFFICE: Taylor 115 Phone: 496-1437email:

OFFICE HOURS: MWF 10:15 -11:00 am/ T Th 8:00 -9:00 am

Texts: The Standard Works (The Bible, The Doctrine and Covenants, The Book of Mormon, and The Pearl of Great Price).

The Honor Code: The Code of Honor, Dress and Grooming Standards, and Academic Honesty will be enforced.

Purpose of Class: To be more fully convinced that Jesus is the Christ, and become better disciples of Him.

Class Requirements and Grading:

Preparation: Reading, Quizzes

and Class Citizenship35%


Personal Journal writing15%

Personal Project10%


Letter Grades:90% - 100% = A's 80% - 89% = B's 70% - 79% = C's

Class Attendance and Reading:

Students must attend class. Three absences are allowed without penalty. Any further absences will result in a 2% grade drop for each absence. Missing more than 6 class periods will result in an F grade.


No Tests this semester.

Preparation Points:

Daily Preparation Points will be recorded on the roll each day based on the following:

1) Daily Personal Study: A) Study the Book of Mormon for at least 5 minutes, 6 days a week.(5 points per day); B) As part of this study read the assigned chapters to prepare you for class discussion. (5 points per chapter)

2) Insight Sharing: Before each day of class share one insight with a friend or fellow student. (5 points per class)

3) Scripture Activities and Quizzes (points vary each day)

4) Class Citizenship: based upon your willingness to graciously participate in classroom discussion, being respectful of the teacher and other class members by not coming late to class nor leaving early(except in emergencies), not talking while others are talking, turning off your cell phones, raising your hand when you want to make a comment, not falling asleep, no hats, no 5 o=clock shadows, dressing modestly, singing the opening hymn and being willing to offer an opening prayer, etc. No laptops, cell phones or other hand-held computers are to be used in class.

Preparation Papers:

Short preparation papers covering various topics in the text are assigned for nearly each day of class (10 points each paper). They need to be a full page in length, and single-spaced (1 point). Each paper must have the following:

1. Name: Name and Paper #

2. Journal: Personal Journal Writing? Yes or No

3. Great Things: One AGreat Thing@ in each chapter that the Lord has done for His people of the Book of Mormon. (2 points)

4. Insights: Three of your favorite personal insights from the reading. (2 points)

5. Assignment: Complete the assignment listed in the reading schedule. (3 points)

6. Q: One question about the reading or a quote from a modern prophet relative to the reading. (1 point)

7. Class Insight: Write down an insight gained in class discussion that day. (1 point)

Personal Journal

Twice each week (once before each class) briefly write in your personal journal. The purpose of this is to have you regularly record the great things= the Lord has done and is doing for you. Your children and grandchildren will be very interested in reading about how the hand of the Lord has worked in your life. Your journals will not be turned in, but you must report on whether you are writing.

Personal Project:

The student must choose one of the following assignments for a projects. You must start and complete it this semester. After you finish your project, briefly write up what you did, and why it was interesting, and turn it in the last day of class.

1. Two times each week, discuss with a friend what you learned in Book of Mormon class.

2. Read a least 250 pages of a doctrinal commentary book about the Book of Mormon such as Jesus the Christ, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Mormon Doctrine, Rediscovering the Book of Mormon, The Miracle of Forgiveness,Preach My Gospel or read the first half of the Book of Mormon Student Manual.

3. Write your life history of at least 7 pages, single spaced.

4. Put together a power point slide show or other creative project(music, poetry, art) related to the Book of Mormon.


Date DueScripture Block Topics for Daily Assignments


15Title Page of Book of Mormon;

AThe Book of MormonBKeystone of Our Religion@ President Benson

Ensign, Nov. 1986 pp. 4-7;

AThe Book of Mormon is the Word of God@ President Benson

Ensign, May 1975, pp. 63-65

(Go to Bro Hammond=s web site to access articles)

Preparation Paper #1: Paraphrase ten (10) important points Pres. Benson makes about the Book of Mormon.

17I Nephi 1-6#2: In I Nephi 2-4, list 3 reasons L&L rebelled, and 3 reasons

Nephi did not rebel.

22I Nephi 7-11;15#3: List, interpret and give a modern-day application for 8

symbols in the Tree of Life vision. (I Ne. 15 is helpful)

24I Ne. 13-14,16-18#4: Find and list 10 important prophecies of Nephi. or What are

5 applications we can draw from Lehi=s family

journey to our life=s Awilderness@ journey ?

29I Ne. 19-22; and read Elder McConkie=s A10 Keys to Understanding Isaiah@ - No Paper due!

31II Ne. 1-3#5: In 2 Ne. 1 what are 5 characteristics Lehi associated with being

a man or woman of God?

Feb5II Ne. 4-7#6: After reading the Athings of (Nephi=s) soul@ in 2 Ne. 4, choose

5 phrases from what Nephi said that are part of your soul

and why.

7II Ne. 8-11#7: In chapter 9 list the things that bring us to the devil v.27-39,

and list the things that bring us to Christ v. 39-52.

12II Ne. 12-17 Paper #8: (2 pages, 20 points)Research and compile a doctrinal commentary on one of Isaiah chapters in II Nephi as follows: 1)Pick a longer chapter of Isaiah=s writings. 2) Using a commentary define, explain and describe verse by verse, phrase by phrase, what Isaiah is saying. 3)Discuss doctrines and prophecies in the chapter that are pertinent to our day, and 4) Liken some of Isaiah=s teachings to your personal life.


Date DueScripture Block Topics for Daily Assignments

Feb19II Ne. 18-26#9: In Chapter 25-26, what are 2 prophecies, 2 themes of Isaiah

and 2 things Nephi wants us to learn from Isaiah or Liken a principle found in each Isaiah chapter to your life.

21II Ne. 27-30 #10: List 5 false doctrines and 5 sins in ch.28. Identify 3 ways the

devil works on the youth today.

26II Ne. 31-33#11: What are the fundamental elements of the doctrine of Christ

in ch. 31?

28Jacob 1-3 and read President Benson ABeware of Pride@Ensign, May 1989, pp. 4-7 - No Paper due!

Mar4Jacob 4-5 #12: List and interpret 7 symbols of the allegory of the olive tree.

6Jacob 6-7#13: List the tactics of Sherem. How do his arguments influence

Latter-day saints today?

11Enos-Words of Mormon#14: For whom and for what did Enos pray for after he was


13Mosiah 1-3#15: How has the doctrine of the Fallen Nature helped me understand where the Savior fits in my life?@

18Mosiah 4-9#16: Roughly map out the various journeys of the Nephites.

20Mosiah 10-15#17: List 7 ways King Noah was breaking the 10 commandments.

25Mosiah 16-24 #18: Write 5 elements of the baptismal covenant from Mosiah 18.

27Mosiah 25-29 and read Pres. Benson=s AOur Divine Constitution@Ensign Nov. 1987 p.4 - No Paper

Apr1Alma 1-5 #19: From Alma 1contrast Priestcraft (2 Ne 26:29) with Priesthood

(Mosiah 23:14-18; Jacob 1:18-19).

3Alma 6-13#20: List 4 ways in which Amulek was helpful to the work.

8Alma 14-18#21: What are 5 reasons Ammon was an effective missionary?

10Alma 19-23; Personal Project PresentationsFinal Paper(2 pages, 20 points, single spaced): AHow has my study of the Book of Mormon this semester more fully convinced me that Jesus is the Christ?= Specifically, explain one doctrine from the teachings of the following writers: Lehi, Nephi, Jacob, Isaiah, Enos, King Benjamin, Abinadi, Alma , Amulek and Ammon that has helped you better understand the the role of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer.

The Instructor reserves the right to change any part of this syllabus any time during the term. You will be notified prior to any changes that may take place.

Preventing Sexual Harrassment: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an education program or activity.

Students with disabilities: BYUI is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you may qualify please call 496-1158.