Deer Park High School
School Year 2016-2017
Veterinary Medical Applications
Instructor / Mrs. Rankin / E-mail /Conference / 6th Period / Phone / 281-330-0141
To be prepared for careers in the field of animal science, students need to attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to animal systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for success, students need opportunities to learn, reinforce, apply, and transfer knowledge and skills and technologies in a variety of settings. Topics covered in this course include, but are not limited to, veterinary practices as they relate to both large and small animal species.
1. Spiral
2. Folder with pockets/Binder
3. Pens (blue or black ink) or pencils
1. Willingness to work.
2. SAEP record books kept in class.
3. Proper Clothing (School Dress code)
4. Keep all papers in a folder until the end of each semester.
1. You must be respectful of your classmates, the teacher, the building and equipment at all times.
2. Follow directions given by the teacher.
3. Stay on task during work times.
Major Grades = 60%
Include: Tests, Projects, Presentations, Leadership
Minor Grades = 40%
Include: Daily Assignments, Daily Participation, In-class Activities, Quizzes, SAE Journal of Activities
Following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to turn in his/her work and obtain makeup assignments. Each week’s assignments are posted in the green folders on the counter. The student is allotted the number of days missed to turn in make-up work and to make up quizzes and/or tests.
· Notes are Daily grades and may not be made up unless absent.
· All work assigned is due at the end of class unless other wise stated.
· Participation and/or Record book grades are given.
· Papers turned in with no name will be assessed a grade no higher than 90.
· All assignments are expected on time. Late work will be accepted with a 30-point penalty. Each student will have the opportunity to redo an assignment that is graded below 70.
If you plan to join FFA the yearly membership dues are $25. This fee earns you a year of membership in FFA as well as our chapter t-shirt. FFA is a well-rounded organization that has something to offer to everyone. If you are unsure about joining or what FFA is please come and talk to myself, another Ag teacher, or the FFA officers.
There will be no food or drinks allowed in my class except water. This is school rules and they will be strictly enforced.
Please feel free to ask questions and/or comment at appropriate times. My door will always be open for my students. I look forward to a wonderful semester!
This is able to change at the teacher’s discretion.