GILA Supplement 2800-2006-1
EFFECTIVE DATE: October 23, 2006
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 2850
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FSM 2800 – minerals and geology
Chapter 2850 – mineral materials
/ Forest Service Manual

fsM 2800 – minerals and geology

chapteR 50 – mineral materials

Supplement No.: 2800-2006-1

Effective Date: November 14, 2006

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Approved: /s/ Marcia R. Andre
Forest Supervisor / Date Approved: 10/23/2006

Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 2800-97-3 dated April 28, 1997.

New Document / Gila Supplement 2800-2006-1 / 2 Pages
Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) / Gila Supplement 2800-97-2 / 2 Pages


2856.2 – Adds instruction for the use of Infra Minerals Module for issuing all mineral materials permits, lists appraised prices and conversions from cubic yards to short tons for common variety mineral materials, and adds recommended terms for permit issuance.

2856.2 – Fair Market Value. Sales or free use permits for removal of common variety mineral materials (sand, stone, gravel, rock, cinders, borrow) will be issued on form FS-2800-9 and tracked through the Infra Minerals Module. The minimum fee for a minerals material permit will be ten dollars ($10.00) unless the applicant qualifies for free use. Listed below are the appraised prices on common variety minerals. A short ton is 2,000 pounds.

Product Cost per unit of measure

Borrow $0.50/short ton ($0.54/cubic yard)

Cinders $0.50/short ton ($0.39/cubic yard)

Clay Clay has not been designated for sale on the Forest.

Crushed stone $0.50/short ton ($0.59/cubic yard)

Dimension stone Dimension stone has not been designated for sale on the Forest.

Landscape rock $1.15/short ton ($1.50/cubic yard)

Peat Peat has not been designated for sale on the Gila.

Riprap $1.11/short ton ($1.50/cubic yard)

Sand or gravel $0.14/short ton ($0.20/cubic yard)

Specialty Specialty rock has not been designated for sale on the Forest.

The recommended term for permits issued by front-desk personnel is 90 days.