FROM THE AFTERCARETel no:076 710 4415
Dear Parents,
All our children are starting to settle in nicely and there are not that many tears any more. A few things to take note of please:
1. The aftercare opens at 06:45. If we are here earlier it is to prepare for our children before they arrive. Please do not ring the bell continuously before 06:45, we will open up at 06:45 promptly. Thank you for your co operation.
2. If your child is on medication, please sign it in, in the medicine register before giving it to us in the morning. In the afternoons, please collect the medicine from the counteror inside the fridge.
3. When your child’s cereal is almost finished, we will put a note in their bag asking for a new box. Please check their bag for this note. If the cereal does not arrive we will put a sticker on as a reminder
4. Please note that breakfast will only be served until 07:45. Hereafter we need to pack up and get the children to their classes.
5. We are not at school when your child has the snack you pack in for 10:30. This is eaten in class with their teacher, so we have no control over what happens with this.
6. We do not serve too big a portion for lunch and a choice of vegetables are offered.
7. Please note that all children must lay quietly as we have a large group of children with different needs and we need uniformity to keep the children peaceful.
8. We will send the mattress covers home every two weeks. Please wash them in hot water with a bit of “dettol”. Please send what you have washed back to school as soon as possible after your washing day.
9. Please send a clearly marked thin blanket in a ziplock bag, for the colder weather, which will remain in your child’s locker. A clearly marked extra facecloth in a ziplock bag is also necessary.
10. Remember to always keep a set of clearly marked clothes in your child’s bag.
11. We would like to askthat each child in “3pm” and “full day” aftercare pays an amount of R350.00 per annum for aftercare holiday programme and activities. This amount must be paid off no later than the end of February. Please complete the reply slip indicating which method of payment you will be making use of. This does not apply to the children only in morning care.
12. We also would like to ask that each child bring a pack of turn outs(eg. Mon Ami’s) and fancy stickers which can be used as a reward/motivation. Thank you.
13. ALL MONEY MUST BE PLACED IN THE RED POST BOX on the stoep outside the office. No money must be given to the aftercare or left in your child’s bag
If you have any questions, queries or problems, please speak to me, Dalene. If someone different is going to collect your child please let either myself, Dalene or Andrea know.
If there is a change to your current collection arrangement, please let me know asap so that we can accommodate you in this respect.
If I feel that there is an area which we need to work on, I will contact you personally so that we can work together to give your child the best possible care.
Thank you to all our learners who bring a friendly smile and have such good manners. We appreciate this very much.
We look forward to having a good relationship with all our learners.
Thank you once again for your co operation.
Have a great weekend!
Dalene de Witt
Head of Aftercare
06:45Aftercare opens
07:00-07:45Breakfast is served
07:00-08:00Free play with educational toys and watching TV
12:45Children arrive from classes
13:00-13:15Wash hands/use the bathroom
13:15Lunch is served
13:45- 14:30Quiet time
15:15-16:30Outside play
16:30Wash hands and have sandwich.
17:00-17:30Inside play and watching TV
17:45Aftercare closes
Tel no:076 710 4415
Aftercare telephone no: 076 710 4415
NAME OF CHILD: ………………………………………………….
Enclosed please find the following:
Aftercare activities-once off R350.00
Direct deposit ………………
Red post box ………………
Please use your child’s name and surname and “aftercare” as a reference for EFT’s
Tel no:076 710 4415
VAN DIE NASORGTel nr: 076 710 4415
Ons kleuters het al mooi aangepas en daar is heelwat minder trane. Hieronder is net ‘n paar punte vir u aandag:
1. Die nasorg maak om 06:45 oop. As ons dalk vroeër hier is, is dit om voorbereidings te tref voor ons die kinders ontvang. Moet asb. nie aanhoudend die klokkie lui nie. Ons sal stiptelik om 06:45 die hek oopmaak. Baie dankie vir u samewerking.
2. Indien u kleuter op medikasie is wat ons moet toedien, teken dit aan in die medisyne register voor u dit vir ons gee in die oggend. U kan ditby die toonbank of in die yskas in die middag afhaal.
3. Wanneer u kleuter se pap amper op is sal ons ‘n briefie in hulle sak sit waarin ons vra vir ‘n nuwe houer. Kyk asb. uit vir hierdie briefie. As u nog nie die pap gestuur het nie, sal ons ‘n plakker op plak.
4. Pap sal slegs tot 07:45 bedien word. Hierna pak ons op en stuur die kinders klas toe.
5. Ons is nie teenwoordig as u kleuter hulle kosblik inhoud om 10:30 moet eet nie. Dit word in die klas onder toesig van die juffrou geëet en ons het geen kontrole hieroor nie.
6. Ons bedien nie groot porsies nie, en kleuters mag kies watter groente hul wil hê.
7. Al ons maatjies moet stil lê as gevolg van ons groot groep kinders wat almal verskeie behoeftes het en ons wil al die kinders rustig hou.
8. Ons sal die mattrasoortreksel elke twee weke huistoe stuur. Was dit asb. in warm water met ‘n bietjie “dettol” en stuur dan terug skool toe. By voorbaat dankie.
9. Stuur asb. ‘n gemerkte dun kombers in ‘n “ziplock” sakkie, vir die koeler weer nasorg toe. Dit sal in u kleuter se rakkie gehou word. ‘n Ekstra gemerkte waslappie in ‘n “ziplock” sakkie, moet asb. ook nasorg toe gestuur word.
10. Onthou om altyd ‘n ekstra stel gemerkte klere in u kleuter se sak te hou.
11. Ons wil graag vra dat elke ‘3uur” en “voldag” nasorg maatjie, R350.00 vir die jaar sal stuur vir ons vakansie program en aktiwiteite. Die bedrag is eenmalig.. Voltooi asb. die afskeurstrokie om aan te dui wat u keuse van betaling is. Hierdie versoek is nie gerig aan die oggendsorg o9maatjies.
12. Ons vra ook asseblief dat elke nasorgleerder ‘n pak uitdraai kryte (bv. Mon Ami’s) en oulike plakkers vir ons sal stuur. Ons gebruik die plakkers vir motivering. Baie dankie.
13. ALLE GELDE MOET IN DIE ROOI POSBUS GEPLAAS WORD. Geen gelde moet vir die nasorg gegee word of in die kleuter se sak gelos word nie.
As u enige vrae of probleme het, praat asb. met my, Dalene. Indien iemand anders u kind gaan kom haal, laat weet vir my Dalene of Andrea. As daar ‘n verandering is, laat ons so gou as moontlik weet.
As ek voel dat daar ‘n area is wat aandag benodig, salek jou persoonlik kontak sodatons saam kan werk om u kleuter die beste moontlike sorg kan gee.
Dankie aan al die kleuters wat ‘n vriendelike glimlag saambring en goeie maniere toon. Ons waardeer dit baie.
Weereens baie dankie vir u samewerking.
06:45Nasorg open
07:00-07:45Ontbyt word bedien
07:00-08:00Vryspel met opvoedkundige speelgoed en TV kyk
12:45Kleuters arriveer van klasse af
13:00-13:15Hande was/badkamer gebruik
13:15Middagete word bedien
16:35Hande was en broodjie eet.
17:00-17:30Binnespelen TV kyk
17:45Nasorg sluit
Tel nr: 076 710 4415
NAAM VAN KLEUTER: ………………………………………………….
Vind die volgende ingesluit:
Nasorg aktiwiteite-jaarliks R350.00
Direkte deposito ……………………
In rooi posbus ……………………..
Gebruik asb. u kleuter se naam en van en die woord “nasorg” as ‘n verwysing