
WS 4.1 – Sexual & Asexual Reproduction

Identify the type of reproduction and label it as sexual and asexual

  1. A bee spreads pollen by flying from the flower of one pumpkin plant to a flower of a separate pumpkin plant

Type of reproduction: Cross pollination Self-pollination Cuttings Grafting Rhizomes Hybridization

Is this type of reproduction: Sexual or Asexual

  1. A pepper farmer wants to insure that his hot peppers stay hot, so he puts pollen nets around each pepper flower to keep foreign pollen out. He she only allows pollen to be transferred between flowers of the same plant.

Type of reproduction: Cross pollination Self-pollination Cuttings Grafting Rhizomes Hybridization

Is this type of reproduction: Sexual or Asexual

  1. A Mango tree is found in the middle of the jungle that gives amazing fruit. Since Mango seeds don’t geminate easily he/she cuts a branch off the wild tree and imbeds the branch into a mango tree he/she has already growing.

Type of reproduction: Cross pollination Self-pollination Cuttings Grafting Rhizomes Hybridization

Is this type of reproduction: Sexual or Asexual

  1. An owner of a nursery has a huge cactus with lots of tiny branches. He/she picks off each little branch and plants it in soil to sell as baby cactus plants

Type of reproduction: Cross pollination Self-pollination Cuttings Grafting Rhizomes Hybridization

Is this type of reproduction: Sexual or Asexual

  1. A home owner wants to get rid of bamboo that was planted by a former resident. The landscaper says it’s going to cost $10,000.00 because he/she has to make sure he gets every little piece of the root, or the whole plant will regrow

Type of reproduction: Cross pollination Self-pollination Cuttings Grafting Rhizomes Hybridization

Is this type of reproduction: Sexual or Asexual

  1. A tomato farmer has too plants growing in his field. One yields large delicious tomatoes but is very vulnerable to disease. The other yields tiny sour tomatoes but is less vulnerable to disease. Seeking to get the best possible plant, the farmer takes pollen from the first plant and spreads it to flowers of the second plant.

Type of reproduction: Cross pollination Self-pollination Cuttings Grafting Rhizomes Hybridization

Is this type of reproduction: Sexual or Asexual

Read the story and answer the questions:

Before the 1980’s, apples were garbage. There was only one main apple available to consumers called red delicious. These apples were red, but they were not delicious. They looked beautiful, but then you'd bite into it, and almost always it would be mushy, mealy, and just nasty. It was a really bad time to be an apple eater, and it was also a really bad time to be an apple grower. Everybody was growing Red Delicious and was going broke. Growers were being asked to deliver apples for less than what is cost to grow them. If growers tried to raise their prices, some other farmer who was growing the exact same Red Delicious apples would say to buyers, hey, I'll sell them to you for less because Red Delicious apples were this ubiquitous, interchangeable thing.

Then came the miracle apple and the guy who discovered it, David Bedford. When Bedford was growing up, he loved fruit, but he hated apples because all he ever knew were Red Delicious. But then he went off to college, and one day, for the first time in his life, he tasted a really good apple. Someone brought a bushel of yellow apples down from Michigan, and they were fresh, and they weren't mealy. They didn't have a tough leathery skin. They were crisp and juicy. Bedford was so impressed that He decided to become an apple breeder and devotes his professional life to creating more delicious apples. But this is a tough thing to devote your life to. Inventing a better apple is really hard. For one thing it takes a long time. If you find a couple promising apples, then you crossbreed them. You get the seeds. You put them in the ground. And then you got to wait. You got to wait for an apple tree to grow up out of the ground. It takes five years or more. Finally, the tree grows up, starts producing apples. You pick one. You taste it, and it sucks. That's actually what happens 99.99 percent of the time. 5,000 to 6,000 trees aren’t even enough to produce one apple that will be a winner. Even worse is that there's only one way that an apple grower can tell whether a tree is great, or horrible. There is no chemical test, you can't tell just by looking at them, you have to walk the rows, tree by tree, taking an apple from each one and tasting it. At the peak you’re taking a bight out of 500-600 apples a day.

Back in the early 1980s. David Bedford was walking down the rows, tasting apples one by one. He comes to this one tree - tree No. 1711. He picks an apple. He takes a bite, and thinks, “My goodness! What is this? This is not a Red Delicious texture. This is not even a good apple texture. This is something beyond.” The two things that came to mind - was watermelon and Asian pear texture. It was sweet. It was crisp. So he called it Honey Crisp. Honey Crisp would eventually change the apple business, but it took a long time for that to happen. David Bedford had a new apple in his hands, something different, maybe better than all the apples in the store. But when he tells apple growers about this new discovery, no grower wanted David Bedford's amazing, new apple. They don't want it because the grocery stores don't want it. When Bedford tried to market his apples, the produce marketers asked him

“Why are you guys trying to make more apples? We don't need that. We have a red one, we have a yellow one, and we have a green one. That's all we need.”

So to get his apple to the public Bedford started pitching it to individual growers. Some growers hated Red delicious apples and loved the new Honey Crisp apples so much that they were willing to take a big bet. They started planting lots of Honey Crisp trees, without knowing if there was going to be anyone to buy the apples. Finally in the late 1980’s supermarkets went beyond Red Delicious apples and started buying more than just the 2 crappy apples they always bought. Due to the success of the Honey Crisp, other apples started to show up on the shelves. Today, thanks to Bedford and that mysterious batch of apples that showed up in his dorm 30 years ago, there is more than just 2 apples available in the produce section.

7.  What type of reproduction did Bedford use to create Honey Crisp apples?

8.  What type of reproduction do apple farmers use to keep the good qualities of honey crisp apples?

9.  Apple trees aren’t often planted with seeds because the seeds don’t germinate well, and the fruits that are produced are inconsistent. What types of asexual reproduction could apple farmers use to grow a crop?

10.  What is the problem with producing a huge crop of nothing but Honey crisp apple trees asexually?

11.  Why do apple farmers plant trees asexually, if there is all the problems you listed in the last question?

12.  Draw an arrow of where the pollen would be transferred from and too, if these flowers were Self Pollenated.
13.  Draw an arrow of where the pollen would be transferred from and too, if these flowers were Cross Pollenated.