Sodbury Town Council
Minutes of the Annual meeting of Full Council
9th May 2017, Sodbury Council Offices
Present:CouncillorsB Allen, J Ball,L Boon, R Creer,S Gibson, J Gough, C Hays, M Lewis, J Nuevo, P O’Rourke, P Smith, P Rumney (Chair), P Whittle & W Whittle (Vice Chair), A Williams
Cate Davidson – Town Clerk
Members of the Public: 6 members of the public were present
A.Public Participation
Mr Long addressed members as a Sodbury Parishioner and President of the local Cricket Club (CC). Members were informed of concerns by the CC that communication between the sports clubs and the Chipping Sodbury Town Trust (TT) is becoming difficult in relation to proposals for the new sports facility and club house. Mr Long advised that the CC has been asking for a meeting with Trustees for over 18 months and has also sent letters to the Clerk for distribution to individual Trustees but feels that no action has been taken.
Considerable discussion was had about Trustees not being aware of the concerns that several of the clubs have and that the clubs should be given the opportunity to address the Trust as a whole rather than having to go through a few individual Trustees. It was acknowledged that the clubs have been given 5 minutes at the start of the next Trust meeting to address members.
Members asked Mr long what the specific concerns were from the CC and were advised that there are many concerns from local people that the land being sold is for the people of Chipping Sodbury and once one plot has been sold it opens up the possibility for more in the future. Cllr Rumney responded that the sale of the land for development would fund a new sports facility on The Ridings, which will be a great asset to the town.Cllr Boon advised members that she has received lots of comments in relation to the sale of the land and there are a lot of concerns over the sale.
Further discussion was had about the information that is being passed through to Trustees, as it is clear that not all sports clubs are in favour of the development. The Chairman advised Council appointed Trustees to raise this at the next Trust meeting and ensure that the sports clubs are given the opportunity to address Trustees.
Mr Wilson addressed members in relation to cars accessing parking spaces on the Pitching’s via the pavement. Members responded that Parking Working Group has been set up and is working with Connect Consultants to draw up some proposals to prevent this happening. Cllr Nuevo thanked Mrs Wilson for her work in the community and passed on congratulations on the receiving of the SGC Community Award.
0329Election of Chairman for ensuing year
Cllr B Allen proposed Cllr L Boon is elected as Chairman; Cllr P O’Rourke seconded the proposal.
Cllr J Nuevo proposed Cllr P Rumney is appointed as Chairman; Cllr C Hays seconded the proposal.
With 2 requests for a secret ballot it was Resolved that a vote is taken by way of such.
With the result of the ballot being 11 votes for P Rumney and 4 votes for L Boon Cllr Phil Rumney was duly elected as Chairman of Sodbury Town Council.
Cllr Rumney thanked members for his appointment and thanked Cllr Smith for his work as Chairman over the last 2 years.
0330Election of Mayor
The Chairman advised member that due to various other commitments including organisation of the 800th Anniversary celebrations he is unable to undertake the role of Mayor. Some discussion was had about the election of a separate Mayor and that if the Council was going to allow this then the role of Mayor should be available for non-Council members.
The Chairman asked for interested members to make themselves known:
Cllr W Whittle was nominated by Cllr M Lewis and seconded by Cllr S Gibson
Cllr J Nuevo was nominated by Cllr P Rumney and seconded by Cllr L Boon
Cllr L Boon was nominated by Cllr J Ball and seconded by Cllr P O’Rourke
With 2 requests for a secret ballot it was Resolved that a vote is taken by way of such.
With the result of the ballot being Cllr W Whittle 7 votes, Cllr L Boon 6 votes and Cllr J Nuevo 2 votes Cllr W Whittle was duly elected as Mayor of Sodbury.
0331To Receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office from Chairman
Cllr Phil Rumney signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office as Chairman, which was witnessed by the Clerk.
0332Election of Vice Chairman for ensuing year
Cllr L Boon proposed Cllr B Allen is elected as Vice Chairman; Cllr P Smith seconded the proposal.
Cllr P Whittle proposed Cllr W Whittle is elected as Vice Chairman; Cllr M Lewis seconded the proposal.
With 2 requests for a secret ballot is was Resolved that a vote is taken by way of such.
With the result of the ballot being Cllr W Whittle 8 votes & Cllr B Allen 6 votes (1 spoilt paper) Cllr W Whittle was duly elected as Vice Chairman of Sodbury Town Council.
0333Apologies and Chairman’s Report
All members were present at the meeting. The Chairman had no further comments at this time.
0334Declarations of Interests and Granting of Dispensations
(To be received in accordance with the Localism Act 2011)
The following interests were declared:
Cllr L Boon – South Gloucestershire Council, DC East
Cllr R Creer – South Gloucestershire Council, ECS Committee, Friends of Library
Cllr M Lewis – Tourist Information Centre
Cllr J Nuevo – Parish Plan
Cllr P Rumney – Chipping Sodbury Town Trust
Cllr P Smith – Chipping Sodbury Town Trust
Cllr P Whittle – Chipping Sodbury Tourist Information Centre
Cllr W Whittle – Chipping Sodbury Town Lands Charity
Cllr A Williams - Chipping Sodbury Town Trust
0335Reports from South Gloucestershire Councillors on matters relating to the Parish and not included on the Agenda
Due to the restrictions of Purdah there were no reports made at this time.
It was noted that SGC is taking a very cautious approach to Purdah therefore a number of SGC events have been postponed until after the General Election.
0336Reports from representatives from other bodies on matters relating to the Parish and not included on the Agenda
Cllr R Creer reported that the Library Friends group has met and approved a constitution with a Committee now in place. The group is now in a strong position to work with the Council in relation to the running of the library by volunteers. The Food Festival has been postponed as the outside organiser has pulled out of the event. The Hare Trail is now up and running with Hares in various places around the town.
0337Approval of Minutes of Full Council Meeting on 11th April 2017
Resolved the Minutes of 11th April 2017are approved and signed as a true andaccurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
0338Matters Arising
The Clerk has not yet arranged a meeting about the Foxwell Memorial due to other priorities.
0339Finance – Payment of Accounts
Resolved that the schedule of payments and Bank Reconciliation isapproved and the cheques signed as per the circulated schedule by Cllrs. Boon and W Whittle.
0340Correspondence/Communication with the Council
Requiring Response/Comments/Action
- Mrs J Brierley – Copy of letter sent to Gazette re. Recycling (attached) Some discussion was had about the difficulty with the sorting of waste from these types of bins due to the fact people do not always put rubbish in the correct section. Cllr Creer will investigate this matter further but due to the fact dog waste is deposited with general waste the sorting of such is probably not viable.
- Zurich Municipal Insurance – Renewal Quote of £1,756.26. Amendments to Policy include removal of £45k CCTV equipment as SGC owns it thus insures it and inclusion of up to 45 volunteers for the library insured on the same basis as Staff and Councillors.Resolved that the insurance is renewed as per the 3 year agreement approved last year.
- Rialtas Business Software – Quote for £994 to supply and install finance software (required if spend is over £200k for 3 consecutive years)Resolved that this software is purchased and installed.
- Dan Bramwell Associates – Request for the Council to keep a paper copy of the website consultation re. development off Trinity Lane in the office so it’s accessible to people who cannot access it online. The consultation is being advertised in the Gazette and I have advised other places should also be considered. Some discussion was had about this and it was Resolved that the Clerk contacts Mr Bramwell and strongly advises that a public exhibition should be held. The short consultation period was noted with disappointment. (Cllrs Creer & Boon abstained from decision making)
- Mr Hicks – Various emails re. Precept of £143. Clerk has explained the breakdown, Mr Hicks questions the spend on floral watering and asks why different tax bands pay different amounts as they all benefit equally.Members noted the comments and responded that we want to make the town as attractive as possible. Resolved that the Clerk responds that comments are noted and Mr Hicks should contact SGC to obtain the formula for the charging of the precept to residents.
- Dr Glover – Re. smoking outside of 28 High Street (to be considered at item 0342)
- South Glos Council – Frome Valley Walkway Diversion from its junction with Badminton Rd to its junction with Chapel Lane from 8th May for 21 days and 29th May for 21 days.Noted.
- SGC Briefing Note re. the Cotswold AONB becoming a National Park. Resolved that this matter is taken to the next Planning meeting.
For Information Only
- Minutes of the Community Engagement Forum meeting on 27th March 2017.
- Old Sodbury Times
- South Gloucestershire in the First World War project – a survey is available online – link to be forwarded
0341To Appoint Members to serve on Standing Committees and Outside Bodies
Appointments were made as per the attached schedule.
0342Roofing Works – Adjoining Property
All members have received copies of all correspondence in relation to this matter.
Considerable discussion was had about this matter and it was acknowledged that the installation of the scaffolding would have been managed differently in the normal course of events. Members considered whether to take legal advice on this matter or to continue to try and resolve it. Resolved that the Chairman contacts the neighbours to attempt to resolve the matter and get the works completed as soon as possible. Should a resolution not be forthcoming then advice from the Solicitor should be sought in relation to completion of the works and the removal of the scaffolding.
Members noted receipt of a letter in relation to smoking outside of the office and properties in the locality. The letter has been passed on to Luke Hall whose staff it is that smoke.
Members noted comments in relation to the use of the garden by Sodbury in Bloom and the installation of fencing. Discussion was had about fencing and whilst the intention is to install this it was not a condition of the planning permission and at present SiB does not have the funds to complete this. Attention is being given to raise the funds for this work.
0343Electoral Review of South Gloucestershire - Warding Arrangements
Cllr Creer advised that if there is a decision made District Councillors would abstain from the process.
After discussion members noted that it was very difficult to form a response as there are no proposals in the document. Resolved that members respond individually if they have any comment in relation to the review.
0344South Gloucestershire Highway Notices
- Wickwar Road- Amendments to boundaries for 30mph and 50mph zones- Members noted and approved the proposals
- Wickwar Road – Temporary Diversion as per attached notice - Members noted and approved the proposals
- Old Sodbury Road and others – Temporary diversion as per attached notice - Members noted and approved the proposals
0345Advertising in Sodbury
It was Resolved that the Town Council has no objection to the advertising of the Mind Body & Spirit show in October subject to necessary permissions being obtained from South Glos Council.
0346Licensing Application
It was Resolved that the Town Council has no objection to the renewal of a licence for Sodbury Kebabs to trade on Wickwar Road between the hours of 18.00 and 00.45 on Fridays & Saturdays.
Cllr Creer informed members that the Clerk and himself attended and spoke at the recent licensing hearing in relation to Vayre House. The hearing was lengthy but very detailed and a licence was granted with conditions.
0347Items of Report
Cllr C Hays – has received complaints about rubbish on the Hanson side of the fence within the Bloor Homes development. Hanson Liaison representatives will raise this at the next meeting.
Cllr O’Rourke – has received complaints about cars parking in the bus stop adjacent to Batten Court. The Clerk is to report this to parking enforcement and residents are to be encouraged to report this as it happens.
Cllr S Gibson – has noticed that the River Frome has a lot of rubbish in it making it difficult for wildlife to survive. After some discussion it was decided that Cllrs Ball, Hays and O’Rourke would become a working group to consider this matter further making their own arrangements to meet. The Clerk will contact the Environment Agency and members noted the Avon Rivers Trust is meeting in the Town Hall on 18th May and that any members who attend should report the matter.
Cllr Rumney – A meeting to discussion Sodbury 800 celebrations will be held on 22nd May at 19.00 in the Town Council office and as many people as possible should attend. There will be a representative from a Historical Re-enactment Organisation present to answer questions and give advice.
0348Date of next meeting – 13th June 2017, 19:30 – Full Council Meeting
The meeting closed at 21:20 hrs
Signed ……………………………. (Chairman)
Dated …………………………………………
Sodbury Town Council – Minutes of Full Council Meeting 9th May 2017
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