(as of 6/16/15)
Michigan Department of Community Health:
Websites: or
- Free tobacco addiction information and cessation resources.
State Quitline:1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) — open daily 7 am – 1 am (EST)
- Once enrolled, free confidential tobacco cessation phone and text message counseling service by trained professionals, up to seven sessions, with more services if pregnant.
- Might be eligible for free nicotine patches or gum.
- Once enrolled, offers optional free confidential online program.
American Lung Association (ALA):
Main Website:
Lung HelpLine:1-800-548-8252 — open daily 8 am – 12 am (EST)
- Free confidential tobacco cessation phone counseling service by trained professionals.
Cessation Program Website: — open 24-hours
- Free registration for ALA's Freedom From Smoking®(FFS®) confidential online self-help
7-module program.
Community Group Support Classes:
- ALA's FFS® 7-session group support classes are offered by trained people in some local communities at a cost.
Lisa Anne Danto, RN and Tobacco Addiction Specialist:(231)
- Teaches the ALA FFS®community group program supplemented with Nationally Certified Tobacco Addiction Specialist training. Classes offered 1-3 times a year at up to $150/person for seven2-hour classes, heldin Traverse City area. Contact Lisa for more details or to register.
- Customized classes can be taught onsite for worksite group programs. Individual sessions can be arranged by appointment.
Shelley Burnes, Counselor and ALA Freedom From Smoking® Facilitator
(231) 409-9159)ddiction Treatment Services
- Teaches the ALA FFS® program 2-3 times a year at The Porch, 747 East 8th Street, in Traverse City. Call 231-346-5234 for information on the next set of classes and cost.
US Department of Health and Human Services:
- Free self-help online cessation information and social media support options.
American Legacy Foundation:
Cessation Program Website:
Facebook Cessation Support free app download:
- Both offer free self-help online cessation information and community support programs.
Renae Preston, Family Nurse Practitioner:(231) 935-8000
Munson Family Practice Center
- Renae provides group tobacco cessation counseling and education for patients of the clinic; and individual counseling with Renae or other clinic providers can be arranged by appointment. These servicesmight be covered by health insurance.
Dr. Gary Vann, Psychologist:(231) 947-2990
- Offers the Quit Smart® Program for $150/person for four 90-minute group classes or $600/person for four1-hour individual sessions. Company group programs are available.
- Provides private counseling that might be covered by health insurance.
Doug Moser, Counselor and Tobacco Addiction Specialist:(231) 935-6382
Munson Medical Center (MMC) Behavioral Health Services/ADTC
- Provides private counseling for MMC employees and their families through the EAP program for up to 6 free sessions. Group programs might be available.
Carolyn Pifer, Michigan Certified Peer Support Specialist & ALA FFS® Facilitator
(231) entra Wellness Network
- Teaches the ALA FFS® program in Benzie and Manistee Counties for community groups and can be taught onsite for worksite programs. Community classes offered 2-4 times a year at up to $60/person for eight 2-hour classes. Contact Carolyn directly for more information or to register.
- Support groups and individual sessions can be arranged by appointment and might be covered by health insurance.
Amelia Hasenohrl, Certified Hypnotherapist:(231)
Grand Traverse Hypnotherapy &
- Individual sessions of Hypnosis therapy for smoking cessation arranged by appointment.