CHM 2111
a. Brief Course Description:
Sampling methods and estimation of errors. Titrimetry and gravimetry. UV-visible and IR spectrometry, gas-chromatography, electrophoresis, and ion exchange analytical methods. Solvent extraction techniques.
b. Course Objectives
At the end of this course students shall be able to:
- Apply basic chemical principles in analytical chemistry.
- Judge the accuracy and precision of experimental data.
- Use a wide range of techniques of modern analytical chemistry.
c. Detailed Course Description
i. Theory
- Methods of sampling. Accuracy, precision, causes and estimation of errors. (2 hours)
- Titrimetry. Titrimetric method, acid-base, redox, complexometric,
precipitation (4 hours)
- Non-aqueous vis-à-vis aqueous titrations (2 hours)
- Gravimetry – factors affecting solubility of precipitate: excess reagent,
ionic strength, pH and solvent (5 hours)
- Spectroscopic methods: UV-visible and IR spectrometry; principles and instrumentation. Separation techniques. Gas chromatography principles, instrumentation and applications (10 hours)
- Eletrophoresis: apparatus and applications. Ion exchange: synthetic ion-exchange materials; mechanism of ion-exchange, selectivity, various applications. Solvent extraction, fundamental principles, practical considerations and applications. (7 hours)
ii. Practicals (60 hours)
Acid-base Titration (4 hours)
- Standardisation of hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide with sodium carbonate and sulphamic acid respectively.
Application of Neutralisation titrations (16 hours)
- Determination of sodium carbonate in an impure salt.
- Determination of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate in a mixture.
- Determination of carbonate and hydroxide in solution.
- Analysis of sodium carbonate and bicarbonate in rock salt.
- Analysis of various types of cement, Hima, Bambuli, Tanga and Tororo Cement.
- Determination of ammonia in an ammonium salt.
- Determination of Boric acid.
- Analysis of pharmaceutical preparations.
Oxidation – Reduction Titrations (8 hours)
- Standardization of KMNO4 against Arsenic (III) oxide.
- Determination of iorn(II) and Iron (III) in solution.
- Determination of total iron in environmental samples.
Argentiometric titrations (8 hours)
- Standardization of silver nitrate solution.
- Determination of chloride by the volhard method.
- Determination of chloride by Fajans method.
- Analysis of Katwe, Magadi and rock salts.
Iodometric titrations (8 hours)
- Standardization of thiosulphate solution.
- Analysis of copper in an ore from Kilembe.
- Determination of formaldehyde.
- Determination of ammonia in ammonium salt.
- Determination of ammonia in urea –fertilizers.
Complexometric titrations (16 hours)
- Preliminary observation in complex formation
- Standardization of EDTA.
- Determination of total hardness in tap water.
- Determination of calcium and magnesium in the mixture.
- Determination of Ca and Mg in limestone from W. Uganda.
- Indirect determination of sulphate.
- Direct determination of lead.
- Analysis of Bi-Pb, Cd-Sn in alloys.
d. Mode of Delivery: Lectures, assignments, practicals
Assessment: Tests and assignments (20%), Practicals (20%) Examination (60%)