The City of East Gull Lakehascodified the City Code. A Public Hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of East Gull Lake at City Hall on November10, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. to consider, and possibly adopt, the codified City Code.
The proposed City Code of Ordinances consists of the ordinances of the City as amended, restated, revised, updated, codified and compiled in book form, including penalties for violation of various provisions, which shall constitute the “Code of Ordinances of the City of East Gull Lake”. This Code of Ordinances will also adopt by reference certain statutes and administrative rules of the State of Minnesota as designated in the Code of Ordinances. If adopted, the codified City Code of Ordinances will take effect immediately upon publication.
In addition to the codification of existing ordinances, the Code of Ordinances may contain substantive amendments to the existing ordinances.
A copy of the complete City Code of Ordinances as proposed, including any amendments to existing ordinances, is available for inspection during regular hours at City Hall. It is also available online at and a copy is posted at the Brainerd Public Library, 416 South 5th Street, Brainerd, Minnesota.
The proposed Code of Ordinances has been arranged into a systematic order, assigning new section numbers to the document for easier navigation. The document is broken down into eight Titles: General Provisions, Administration, Public Works, Traffic Code, General Regulations, Business Regulations, General Offenses, and Land Use, Zoning and Subdivision.
Title I, General Provisions, describes the City Code of Ordinances and outlines rules and definitions. It describes references and outlines procedures on errors and omissions and describes different regulations within the City such as time and rules to govern the Code. This title also provides regulations on enforcement and penalties.
Title II, Administration, sets the rules for the City Council meetings and the provisions that regulate the Council meetings such as presiding officer, minutes, order of business, voting, publication of proof, and repeals and amendments. The title regulates compensation and rules for conducting business along with rules for setting fees and charges and application of State laws.
Title III, Departments, Boards and Commissions, establishes the different departments, boards and commissions within the City of East Gull Lake. It also is reserved for emergency management regulations.
Title IV, Public Works, regulates all the public works related departments of the City such as garbage, sewer, and sewer service charge system. It also sets the rates and charges for wastewater.
Title IV, Traffic Code, regulates traffic within the City, parking regulations, recreational vehicle use, and non-vehicular recreational use.
Title V, General Regulations, governs abandoned property, animals, health and safety nuisances, weed regulation, open burning, and streets and sidewalks.
Title VI, Business Regulations, provides rules and regulations for establishing businesses within the City of East Gull Lake. The regulations establish rules for receiving the required licenses. This title also regulates peddlers and solicitors, gambling, garage and rummage sales, and special events.
Title VII, General Offenses, is reserved for future regulations on damage to property, discharging firearms, curfews, and fireworks.
Title VIII, Land Use, Zoning and Subdivision, governs all the land uses within the City. It is intended to Protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare, inaugurate and effectuate the goals of the Comprehensive Plan, promote order in development by dividing the area of the City into zones and regulating therein the location, construction, reconstruction, alteration and use of the structures and land, conserve the natural and scenic beauty and attractiveness of the City, for the health and welfare of the public, provide for adequate light, air and access to property by regulating the use of the land and buildings and the bulk of structures in relation to surrounding properties, and provide for the administration of the provisions of the ordinance and defining the authority and duties of the Administrator, Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and City Council under this ordinance.
City of EastGullLake
Charles Marohn, City Planner
Community Growth Institute
Suite 7
14084 Baxter Drive
Baxter, MN 56425
(218) 828-3064