2015-16 English I Course Syllabus

Teacher: Ms. Chelsey Cox

Room: 159

Phone: 980-7800 ext. 6159

Conference:4th period (10:35-11:20 a.m.)


Course Description:English I is a required course of all students at Silsbee High School. The course emphasizes analysis and interpretation while continuing the development of language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This course will engage students through a variety of texts from many different time periods and genres.The course aims to sharpen skills in academic reading and writingby exploring patterns in both language and literature.

Curriculum:Research based materials and strategies are utilized to ensure instruction meets the specific needs of the students while maintaining the consistency and rigor necessary for success at the next level of their academic careers. The English I curriculum is vertically and horizontally aligned with the current TEKS and TEKS Rescore Services (TRS) Instructional Focus Documents. An overview of the course structure is provided below.


Unit One: Beginning the Journey with Fiction and Literary Nonfiction

Unit Two: Continuing the Journey through Poetry & Moving Forward with Drama

Unit Three: Using Informational Text


Unit Four: Intentional Persuasion

Unit Five: Genre Connections & College and Career Literacy

Unit Six: Inquiring Minds

Vocabulary Requirement:Our English I vocabulary study will focus on academic vocabulary. Words will be studied in context and skills in using general context, structural analysis, and classifying and categorizing will be reinforced. Vocabulary development is key to improving the effectiveness of your writing and your ability to perform well in both academics and the workplace.

Course Supplies:For this course you will need the supplies listed below. These supplies are non-negotiable; bring these items to class each time we meet.

1½” 3-ring binder

8 tab dividers

College ruled loose-leaf paper ONLY!!!!!

Jump/flash drive (USB Port) for storing electronic documents

(suggested, but not required – extremely helpful when writing your research paper)


Pens (Blue or Black Ink Only)

Highlighters (set of 5: green, yellow, blue, orange, pink)

Grading Policy:Your grade will be determined by the following point system: 60% daily grades and 40% test grades. Daily grades include assignments such as homework, class work, quizzes, and short term writing assignments. Test grades include assignments such as unit tests, long-term writing assignments, research papers, and assigned projects.

Student Expectations:In the English I classroom, we do not have time for disruptions. I expect you to follow school and classroom rules at all times, to come to class prepared, and to hold yourself and your classmates to high academic standards. If problems arise, you should address them to me in a courteous, timely manner.

Class Rules – These Are Non-Negotiable!!!

1. Be Prompt. Be on time, enter quietly, and have a seat in your desk. If you are not seated when the tardy bell rings, you will be tardy.

2. Be Prepared. Bring your supplies and any work or homework with you daily.

3. Be Patient. Wait respectfully and calmly for your turn. Please do not moan and groan. Listen and stay seated when someone is talking.

4. Be Polite. Be nice or neutral to everyone. Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and your classroom. Swearing, teasing, talking back and bullying will NOT be tolerated.

5. Be Productive. MAXIMIZE learning time by staying on task, following directions, and staying seated.

Classroom Behavior:Again, school rules and class rules should be followed at all times. Violations will be handled as specified in your student handbook. If you choose to break the rules and/or disrupt the classroom you will be dealt with in the following manner:

1st Offense – Warning/Redirect

2nd Offense – Student/Teacher conference

3rd Offense – Parent Contact

4th Offense – Referral to the office

Entering and Leaving the Classroom:When the bell rings all students should be in their seats. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings you will be counted TARDY. As soon as you arrive check the board for homework assignments and any other instructions and then begin the bell ringer assignment. Participate in class work and activities as assigned. Please do not pack up your supplies, or leave your seats, until you are dismissed. It may occasionally be necessary for me to give you last minute instructions after the bell has rung. Listen carefully and make any necessary notes. You will be held responsible for this information.

Absences:If you are absent from class it is your responsibility to get missed assignments. Missed tests or quizzes must be made up in a timely manner. If you have questions speak with me before or after school or during my conference period. If you know you will miss class, get your assignments before you leave. If you are missing class due to a school activity or athletic event, you should take any quizzes or tests you will miss prior to your absence. You will be held responsible for any information covered or assignments given during your absence. You must meet scheduled deadlines!

Late work:Late work will only be accepted one class day following the due date. The highest grade you may receive on late work will be a 70. If the assignment is turned in later than one class day following the due date you will receive a 0. ABSOLUTELY NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR LONG-TERM ASSIGNMENTS. Long-term assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the student’s assigned class period on the due date assigned or the student will receive a 0. This includes semester projects and most writing assignments. If you have an extenuating circumstance it is your responsibility to talk to me BEFORE the assignment is due.

Academic Honesty: Silsbee High School adheres strictly to guidelines regarding academic integrity, includingplagiarism. Penalties for violation of these guidelines will include receiving a grade of zero forthe assignment, disciplinary action, and loss of eligibility for induction into the National HonorSociety. Sanctionsmay also be applied by other clubs and organizations such as Student Council, etc. Do not plagiarize – Do not copy – Do not cheat!

Do your own work!Don’t cheat yourself. Students who find ways around completing assignments will not be prepared for the rigor and accountability expected in the college classroom or in today’s workplace. Practice making good choices now and hold yourself to high personal standards. If you have difficulty with an assignment, discuss it with me (before it is due) rather than submitting someone else’s work as your own.

I'm looking forward to a GREAT school year! I encourage both parents and students to communicate any concerns, questions, or needs as they arise. This course provides a unique learning experience that will improve your writing skills, sharpen your problem-solving and organizational abilities and develop better study habits – skills that are important to your success in college and life. I urge you to take your course work seriously in order to receive the greatest benefit.

Parents, email is the best way to reach me. I promise to do my best to reply in a timely fashion. Don’t hesitate to send a reminder if I fail to respond. If you prefer to contact me by phone, I will return your call on my conference period or after school. For conferences in person, you can arrange to meet with me before school, after school, or during my conference period.

Students,morning tutorials (7:20 – 7:50) is the BEST time to seek extra help.

2015-16 English I Syllabus Acknowledgement======

Due: First Friday of the year

Please return this signed 2015-16English I syllabus acknowledgementform to me by the date specified. Signing this document indicates that you, and one of your parents, have read and understand this syllabus. Moreover, by signing it, you agree to the policies and standards outlined herein.

STUDENT NAME: ______Period: ______

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

If you have comments or questions, please list them here, and I will follow-up as needed.
