PROPOSED REVISION TO: REG 02.05.04 Withdrawal From the University
Rationale: Revisions required to comply with UNC-GA Transmittal #83 Regulations Related to Fostering Undergraduate Student Success. Undergraduate term withdrawals after census date will now be granted only due to extenuating circumstances.
Consultation Process:
9/13/13Provost and Executive Vice Chancellorauthorizes transmittal of PRR for review
N/A Council of Deans review, if applicable
11/21/13Academic Associate Deans review, if applicable
N/A Academic Department Heads review, if applicable
12/12/13Graduate Administrative Board review, if applicable
11/26/13Faculty Senate review, if applicable (Academic Policy Committee)
1/7/14Faculty Senate notification
3/03/14General Counsel review
3/20/14Provost approval
4/01/14EOM Discussion
8/11/14UC notification
Policies, Regulations and Rules / Authority
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Withdrawal from the University
PRR Subject
Academic Progress
Contact Info
Director of Counseling Center(919-515-2423)
History: First Issued: 1966. Last Revised: 1996.
Related Policies:
NCSU RUL02.66.02 - Registration Cancellation
Additional References:
Refund of Tuition and Fees
Counseling Center Forms
- Student Obligations
1. 1.1 Students who do not plan to attend the university for a term should ensure that their classes have been dropped prior to the start of the term in order to avoid financial and academic obligations for the term. Graduate students should ensure that approval for a Leave of Absence has been granted by the Graduate School before dropping classes.
1.2. As of the first day of any fall, spring or summer term, students enrolled in classes are financially and academically committed to the university for those enrollments. (See Refund For Withdrawal). Students who wish to drop all the courses for which they are registered enrolled after the first day of classesthe term must withdraw from the University for the remainder of the semester or summer session in which they are enrolledterm. Students who have registered and prepaid are considered[MGJ1] to be registered and must be officially withdrawn, unless they have notified the University prior to the beginning of the first day of classes that they wish to have their registration canceled.(See NCSU RUL02.66.02 - Registration Cancellation and Refund of Tuition and Fees from the Cashier's Office).
The procedure for withdrawing is different in several ways from the procedure for dropping one or some courses but not all. First, the procedure is not initiated in the academic department or college. Second, a Schedule Revision Form is not used. Third, it is highly recommended, but not required, that sStudents considering withdrawal should consult their faculty adviser or departmental coordinator of advising before beginning the withdrawal process.
The withdrawal process is as follows[MGJ2]:
1.1. Degree candidates and Unclassified students initiate the official withdrawal process with the Counseling Center, Student Health Center, 919-515-2423. Parental approval to withdraw may be required for single students who are under eighteen.
1.2. Lifelong Education students contact the Office of Adult Credit Programs & Summer Sessions, Registration Desk, McKimmon Center, 919-515-2265.
1.3. NCSU students carrying course work at another campus under the interinstitutional arrangement must contact the Department of Registration and Records, 1008 Harris Hall, 919-515-2577, to initiate the paperwork necessary for removal from the class roll at the other institution.
1.4. Students visiting from other institutions who are registered for NCSU course work under the Interinstitutional arrangement must initiate withdrawal on their home campus and contact the NCSU Department of Registration and Records.
32. Term Withdrawal
Except as noted below, students completing a term withdrawal will have a withdrawal notation indicated on their transcript but coursework and grades will not be shown for the withdrawn term.
42. Undergraduate Term Withdrawal After the Official Enrollment (Census) Date[MGJ3]
42.1 Undergraduate students are expected to complete all courses for which they are enrolled as of the census date. Therefore term withdrawals after census date will only be permitted for undergraduate students under the following conditions:
Withdrawal After the Last Day of the Official Drop Period[MGJ4]
It is considered that after the last day of the official drop period a student has become a partner in an implied contract with the University to continue until the end of the semester. Therefore, withdrawals without academic penalty are granted by the University only when exceptional circumstances exist.
Undergraduate and graduate degree students may receive late withdrawals through the Counseling Center under three conditions: Certification by an appropriate medical professional of serious disruption in academic functioning for medical reasons. Such medical petitions are subject to review by a University physician and by the Counseling Center. Certification by the Counseling Center of serious disruption in academic functioning because of an emotional or psychological problem or crisis. It is important The student must to verify that (a) there has been a significant decrease in the student's usual level of psychological functioning and (b) that regaining that previous level of functioning will involve a process of sufficient academic disruption to make continuing as a student unreasonable. In this case a "hold" may often be placed on the student's readmission pending certification by the Counseling Center and/or independent psychologist/psychiatrist that the student has regained and can be expected to maintain that usual level of psychological competence.
2.342.1.3. Verification by the office of the student's college dean that a decision has been reached in accordance with that college's policies and procedures that a documented hardship of any kind which, responsibly handled, resulted in it being unreasonable to insist that the student continue. The hardship should normally have been reasonably unforeseeable.
42.2 Undergraduate students who withdraw from a term after census date will have their courses recorded on the transcript with a W grade in addition to a withdrawal notationCourses for which students are officially enrolled are recorded on the transcript without grades or grade points but with a notation of "W" to indicate approval to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline.
53. Graduate Term Withdrawal After the Last Day of the Official Drop Period[MGJ5]
53.1 It is considered that aAfter the last day of the official drop period a graduate student has become a partner in an implied contract with the University to continue until the end of the term. Therefore, withdrawals without academic penalty are granted by the university only under the conditions described above in section 42.1.
53.2 Graduate students who withdraw from a term after the last day to drop will have their courses recorded on the transcript with a W grade in addition to a withdrawal notation.
64. Term Withdrawal Process[MGJ6]Initiating a Withdrawal
64.1. Degree students initiate the official withdrawal process with the Counseling Center. Parental approval to withdraw may be required for single students who are under eighteen years of age.
64.2. Non-Degree Studies students may self-withdraw via the MyPack portal through the last day to drop for a term. After the last day to drop for the term, Non-Degree Studies students must submit a Late Withdrawal Request form to the Department of Registration and Records.
46.3. NC State students carrying course work at another campus under the interinstitutional arrangement must contact the Department of Registration and Records to initiate the paperwork necessary for removal from classes at the other institution.
64.4. Students pursuing graduate certificate programs may self-withdraw via the MyPack portal through the last day to drop for a term. After the last day to drop for the term, graduate certificate students must submit term withdrawal requests to the Graduate School.
5. Term Withdrawal
Except as noted above, students completing a term withdrawal will have a withdrawal notation indicated on their transcript but coursework and grades will not be shown for the withdrawn term.
[MGJ1]Enrollment as of the start of term commits the student to the university regardless of whether or not the student has prepaid. Since students now manage their enrollments online, self-service dropping of classes prior to the term start (as described in section 1) is preferable to notification from the student to a campus department.
[MGJ2]Move process sections to bottom of REG
[MGJ3]For undergraduate students, the criteria previously used for extenuating circumstance withdrawals after the 8-week drop period must move back to census date. Since Transmittal 83 limits course withdrawals for non-extenuating circumstances to 16 hours over the entire undergraduate career, a student enrolled in 18 hours seeking a term withdrawal not due to extenuating circumstances could exceed the maximum allowable withdrawals in a single term. This could result in W grades being recorded for courses in that term up to 16 hours and then the remaining hours would have to be recorded as F grades since the student had reached the maximum withdrawal hours allowed under Transmittal 83. Stipulating that term withdrawals after census for undergraduates will be approved only due to extenuating circumstances, prevents this issue
[MGJ4]Move to Section 5 and apply only to Graduate students
[MGJ5]Moved from Section 2
[MGJ6]Moved from Section 1 and revised to match current processes.